Matsukawa x tall!reader

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You were walking at the gym with Kunimi and Kindaitchi. You were first year middle blocker at aoba johsai. At first you didn't want to join volleyball team, but your best friend Kindaichi, or as you called him 'stupid itchi' insisted that you would join. You were tall and he said that you would be perfect for their team. You were 213cm (7feet) tall, so you tought that why not. You always hated how tall you was. Mainly because you were so clumsy.

"New day, new laughs about how much (m/n) is pining over Matsukawa-san and most importantly news about the upcoming training camp." Kindaichi said. Kunimi laughed a little and you just bulshed. "I do not! like matsukawa-san and i'm not pining over him." You muttered to your friends. "Mh? You are not pining over Matsukawa?" You heard Hanamaki's voice. Why was he already in the gym?! Didn't third years have exams right now!? "Why are you lying to yourself (l/n)? We all can see how bad you have it." Hanamaki said. "True. I can't believe that you are so oblivious of your own feelings." Oikawa said. "wait wait wait. Didn't you guys have exams? and i do not like matsukawa-san like that!" You whined. This was bullying. "We did. But we already did them. We said that maybe we  will be late. Not surely we will be late." Oikawa said. "And keep lying to yourself as much as you want, But we all know that you want in his pants." Oikawa said. "No no no, not in his pants. in h-" "Hanamaki-san, i swear to god. Shut the fuck up, or i will ask Kyoutani-san to attack you." "So mean (n/n)!! Don't scare him like that!" Oikawa pouted. "l..lets go (m/n)." Kindaichi said and dragged you to the changing room. "How many times i have to really say that i don't like matsukawa-san like that." You whined. "Well (m/n)....." Kindaichi said and you looked at your best friend. "Stupid itchi, you better not say anything." You muttered at him. Why did everyone think that you liked matsukawa? He was just a teammate to you. And friend. But that's it.

When you, Kunimi and Kindaichi were ready, you heard laughing. Mh? "Omg, Yahaba, Watari, Mattsun and Iwaizumi, you guys are so beautiful." Oikawa laughed. You furrowed your eyebrows. Mh? What was happening? You opened the door and.....what the fuck was that? You saw Yahaba, Watari, Matsukawa and skirts. "Kindaichi! Kunimi! (M/n)! They will be our cheerleaders today!" Hanamaki said and smiled. You just watched Matsukawa. He...that skirt...he...fuck. Okay okay, MAYBE matsukawa-san looked so hot in skirt. Maybe his legs were beautiful and looked so good in skirt. And maybe, just maybe Matsukawa looked so cute with blush on his face. "(M/n) are staring his legs..." Kindaichi whispered.  "Not today satan, not today." You said and walked back at changing room. Okay maybe you had a little crush on matsukawa. And no, seeing him in the skirt didn't help in anyway. 

"(m..m/n)?" You turned your head at the door and saw matsukawa. "Matsukawa-san? Why are you here?" You asked and watched the older one. Matsukawa sighed a little and walked in the changing room, closing the door behind him. "I'm...sorry." He said. You furrowed your eyebrows once again and watched the other one. "Sorry for...what?" You asked and ran your hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair. "Well....i told guys over a month ago that i like you. And i heard that they have been teasing that you would like me. and now..they said that you weren't on the practice today, so they convinced me to put the skirt on and be a cheerleader with Yahaba, Iwaizumi and watari." He said. "But i know that you don't like me, so..i just wanted to say sorry that they put you through that all teas-" Matsukawa was saying, but you pushed him into the wall and put both of your hands besides his head.   "Matsukawa-san...i must say that at first i didn't know what guys were doing. I was pissed, because i didn't like you like that. At all.  But...over this month i have been thinking and...seeing you in that was just a last straw. You are fucking beautiful." You said and kissed him softly. 

It took couple of seconds from Matsukawa to understand what was happening. He closed his eyes and answered the kiss. Matsukawa put his hands on your shoulder and you let your hands fall to his waist. You deepened the kiss and pulled him a little closer to you. It felt awesome. It right. But soon you jerked apart the kiss, because you heard clapping. "Finally! We have been waiting this so long." Hanamaki said. "Yeah. I'm happy for you two to finally work this out." Iwaizumi said. Matsukawa blushed and hid his face on your shoulder. "Guys....can you like...go away?" You asked and watched your teammates. "Okay okay..but no naughty things in changing room. Okay?" Oikawa asked and smirked. "No worries, i'm not like you." You said and smirked back at your team captain. "MEAN (N/N)! I WOULD NEVER!" He yelled. Guys just laughed and dragged him out, closing the door at their way out. 

"That" You hummed.  "I can't ever face them again." Matsukawa whispered. "Yes you can. You can just meme your way out of this." You said and laughed. And that made him laugh too. "But...i should take you out to date, yeah?" You said and smiled. "Mh, i would like that. Very much." He said. "Such good, so happy, much lucky guy i am. Wow." You said and he laughed a little. "Yeah  no, i have to show you new memes. That can't do." He said. "That's fine by me." You said and smiled. "Everything is fine if i can be with you."

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