Iwaizumi x plus sized!reader

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Ah, you hated this. It was math class again. And you literally didn't understand anything. But did you ask help? Nope. Not happening. Some of your classmates were already calling you stupid, so there were no chance in hell that you would ask help for this. Even if you...were going to fail. You sighed as you looked at your papers. Fuck this. "(l/n) do you need help?" You quickly turned your head to your left and saw your long time crush, iwaizumi looking at you. "A..ah, no, no. I-im good. Thank you for asking though." You said and smiled to the older male who hummed a little. "If you need help, you can ask okay?" You just nodded and left as soon as the bell ringed.

Lunch hour really wasn't your favorite time of the day. Mainly because your main bullies were always waiting for you in the cafeteria or outside, so you had to try to find a place where they wouldn't find you. You always ate different locations, just hoping that they wouldn't find you. But because this wasn't your day, they found you. Sadly. "Oh, look who is here. Mr.fatty (l/n)" You just sighed and tried not to look at them. If you ignored them, they would leave you alone, right? Nah, not your day, not gonna happen. "Hey, stop eating and look at us." One of the bullies said and he took your lunch and...threw it to the ground. "Hey!" You whined quietly, looking how your bullies just laughed at you. "What are you whining about? You can go couple of days without food. Maybe you even could lose some weight fatty." You were just silent. Why make the situation worse by saying something? You tried your best to ignore their insults, but...it hurt. What did you ever do to them? Yes. you knew you were big. You saw yourself on the mirror everyday. And you tried. You really did try to lose some weight. But..it wasn't that easy. No matter how much you tried, you only lost couple kg. And after couple of weeks, all the weight came back.

Wait. Something wasn't right. Why did your bullies stop talking? What? They didn't talk to you at all. What? Slowly you opened your eyes and saw...Matsukawa? Hanamaki?O-oikawa!? And...Iwaizumi? What did they do here!? "It's better if you leave now." Hanamaki said. "I won"t hurt you that much if you leave now and apologize to him." Matsukawa said. "I know how to ruin your lives if you ever even look at (n/n)-chan." Oikawa said, looking straight at your bullies. "If i were you, i would be gone already. If i ever hear or see that you talked to (l/n) or hurt him....i will let them hurt you and ruin your lives...and i will make your lives living hell. You got it?" Iwaizumi asked and...your bullies apologized to you and ran away. "Are you okay? They didn't hit you, did they?" "No, i'm...i'm fine iwaizumi-kun. Thank you." You sais and smiled a little. "Man, they destroyed your lunch." Hanamaki said and pouted a little. "I have some spare. You can have some of my lunch." "good idea mattsun! Let's all give something to (n/n)-chan!" "don't yell crappykawa." "iwa-chan so mean!"


Bullies really left you alone, and it was all thanks to Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Iwaizumi and Oikawa. All four of them had become your friends and it was normal that all of you were hanging together. Right now you guys were at your home, just watching some alien movie and talking. "This is so stupid." "Iwa-chann!! mean! You know i love this movie! Makki, say something to him love!" "...iwaizumi, i give oikawa to you as your dear boyfriend." "No thanks. Give him to Mattsun." "No thanks, tendou is easier to handle." "MEAN, ALL OF YOU!" You just shake your head and laughed a little. Those idiots. "Hey, how it is going with Tendou?" You asked, looking how Matsukawa smiled a little. "It's going good. At first i thought that he and Ushijima had a thing to be honest. But...i'm happy. He is awesome and funny. And!! He likes my memes. All of them. So he is so much better than Makki." "I mean, you both are weird so yeah. And hey, don't be sad that me and oikawa are superior couple in this friend group." "You tell him babe!" "Two vs one, no fair. I'll call tendou and ask him to come safe me." You watched as matsukawa pouted, shaking your head again. Idiots, all of them. But...they were your idiots.

"Superior couple? hah." "mh, what do you mean iwa-chan?" Oikawa asked, making all of you guys turn to look Iwaizumi, who was...blushing? What is this? Is he...is he maybe dating someone? "Don't tell me this is how you tell us that you are dating kyoutani." Hanamaki said. "Omg, Yahaba must be heartbroken! How could you iwa!" Oikawa pouted. "Shut it crappykawa! And kyoutani? what no! i meant..mh.." Iwaizumi murmured, blushing even more. Okay what? Matsukawa was going to open his mouth, but iwaizumi beat him on it, looking straight at you. "I meant that...me and (l/n) could be superior couple...if he wants to go out with me? We...don't have practice tomorrow..so if you want...and only if you want...would you go on a date with me? I saw this new coffee place near by.." Iwaizumi said, looking his hands all the time. You just..stared Iwaizumi, blushing yourself. Did he...did he really just? Wait a minute, stop the time. What did..why did he..huh? "finally! it took you hmm...two years to ask (n/n)-chan out with you, you idiot!" Oikawa whined. "huh?" "you didn't know?" Hanamaki asked, looking straight at you." "Little iwa over there has had this crush on you for over two years already. We tried to get him talk to you sooner, but..he is strong headed bull." Matsukawa said and you started laughing. "Iwa, you idiot. Of course i'll go on a date with you. I just thought that..you wold never like me because i'm fa-" "stop it right there. Yes, you are bigger guy, i can see that. But don't you dare to call yourself fat, okay? And...who wouldn't like you? I mean...you are so kind, you are always listening people and helping them..and you are just so cute.." You blushed and pulled iwaizumi in a soft hug. A smile was on both of your faces and you guys couldn't stop smiling. This was...happiest day of your life and-

"we are expecting babies from you two." "and lots of them." "And i will be the beautiful godparent, aren't i iwa-chan, (n/n)-chan?" "Hey, me and tendou will be the godparents, good luck trying to even compete with us." "listen here you beanpole-" "makki, you guys are almost the same height, so-" "Shut up all of you!!" "Iwa-chan, don't yell, you are scaring a baby!!" "...what baby trashykawa?" "ME!" *smack!*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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