Bokuto x manager!reader

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You weren't so happy being manager of some volleyball team. Not at first. Your dad was a coach and he kinda just went like (y/n) u better get your lazy ass up and do something or soon you have no phone, internet or the most cruel anime....for a year. Okay that doesn't sound that bad...but who u kidding what friends? Your whole life was anime and internet, so no way in hell you would give them up. When you asked what he wanted you to do...this wasn't it. This really wasn't it. You were thinking that you would help your brother in his shop. But here you a Fukurodani academy's gym. And it didn't help at all, that your only friend, Konoha was there. He really didn't help at all. "Oh if it isn't lil (n/n) what are ya going here?" Konoha asked and smirked. "Please shut it you malfunctioning lucky charm." You said and smirked. "Hey, save those insults to your anime boyfriends." "Hey, don't attack them just because they are prettier than you." "(y/n) i made you manager for learning to do something else than sitting on your pc all the time. Not for arguing with Konoha." Your dad called. You hummed and looked your bestfriend. "Good luck. You need it all." You said while smirking, going to do rest of your work while Konoha yelled your name and started whining how you always bullied him. He started it, so it really wasn't your fault this time. 

You watched your boys... no, no no no, you watched their game and hummed. You knew that Bokuto was something else, and so skilled. But seeing all of it in real life...woah. And Akaashi was good too. All of them were. It was so, you didn't like it. Nope, you hated this. Yes. But seeing Bokuto's thighs...NO! STOP IT! This was getting out of hands so fucking fast. You were going to leave and fill boys water bottles, but before you could, you heard bokuto calling your name. "Did you see that spike, did you!? Wasn't it awesome!?" He asked like a.....puppy? Wait what? Was Bokuto...always like this? Why you still...found that extremely cute? Wait? "I..yeah. It was awesome Bokuto-san." You said and tried not to smile. was really hard not to smile when Bokuto was so happy. "(l/n) you don't need to call me bokuto-san. You can call me Koutarou instead." Bokuto said and....all of his teammates just looked at him and then you. Well fuck you sideways. "O..oh..okay then....kou-san. You can call me (y/n)..." You said and smiled a little, bowing fast as you went to fill their water bottles. What you didn't know, was that Bokuto was blushing like a mad man and he just stared as you walked away. "Guys...i think i'm so gay.." Bokuto hummed. "We know." The whole team said. "That's the reason (l/n)-san is here. That you can ask him out, like a normal person."  Akaashi finally said. "We are all tired of hearing how gay you are for him. You have been crushing on him like two years already." Konoha said. "That's why i said to my son that he needs to come here. I have seen how you look my boy. And you are a good guy...but remember. If you ever hurt him...." your dad said to bokuto, who only nodded.

You luckily didn't hear anything about that conversation. If you would have, you would be blushing mess for the rest of the day. You gave the water bottles to the boys and waited that the practice game was over and then helped guys to clean the gym. "Thank you for the day. Have a safe way to home." Your dad said and you hummed. "Have a good night. See you guys tomorrow." You said and went to get your stuff. When you got them and turned, bokuto was right there. And you screamed. Because when, why and what. And because you screamed, he screamed. "Why are you screaming?" You asked. "Why were you!?" He asked you and you sighed. "You were standing silently behind me. You scared me." You said and laughed a little. "Oh..sorry for that.." Bokuto said. "It's okay Bok...kou-san. Did you need something?" You asked and looked a little bit taller boy straight to the eyes. "I....i....ah.....are you tomorrow after practice?" He asked, being..not himself. He wasn't his sunny and loud self. He was...kinda shy? What was this? "I..yeah? Why?" "Would you maybe..want to...go on a date with me? I..i know new cafe place. It's near to this school, but not so many visits there...." He asked. And...for crying out loud, the amazing, king of the thighs asked you out. You blushed and were silent for like a minute, before you spoke. "I..yeah, sounds good. So...after practice tomorrow?" You asked and looked at the boy who smiled. "Yeah..see you then (n/n)-san!" He said and ran out. You were so ha......wait a minute. Did he? Did he call you by your nickname that Konoha called you? Okay, first things first, you needed to tell Bokuto that your nickname was one word from finnish language, and it means hoe. So....if he wanted to date you, maybe he should not call you hoe, hm?

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