Tendou x martial artist!reader

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You were running. "I'm late, i'm late again. Fuck this, fuck this!" You yelled. You were practicing on gym, when you looked at the clock. Your boyfriend had a game. It was Shiratorizawa vs Aoba johsai. And you were fucking late. And this wasn't even the first time! At time like this you were so disappointed on yourself. Why did Satori even date you? You were always like this. Why didn't he just get better fucking boyfriend who would arrive on his important game's on time? And it wasn't like you weren't interested on his games. You really were! And you were so proud of him! You were also happy that he could play in high school.  Volleyball has always been Satori's safe heaven. And you were happy that he had found it. Because to be honest, if Satori wouldn't play volleyball, you didn't know where he would be. Not on a good track. When you saw Shiratorizawa's gym, you just ran even faster. You wished that you could see even ending of your beloved's game. 

You saw that it was final round. And Shiratorizawa was one point lead. One more point and they would win. You watched your red haired boyfriend and smiled. Satori looked so happy. And to be honest...he looked so good in shorts. Like...really good. Really fucking good. "Go satori! Block! Do your best! Just one more point!" You yelled. Apparently your boyfriend heard it, because he smiled and looked determined. Like he had decide that he will block that ball right here, right now. You were little worried, because you knew how good aoba johsai was. How did you not? Hanamaki was your best friend. And he always talked how much they trained. But..still. You would always think that Shiratorizawa was best. For reasons you will never tell about Hanamaki, or he would keep teasing you just like your other best friend Semi did. 

And Shiratorizawa won. It wasn't surprise to you. Not at all. You knew that they would win. "You did it Satori! I'm so proud of you!" You yelled at your love, when you ran to hug him. Red haired boy laughed and hugged you back. "Thank you (m/n). Even though you were late again, i'm happy that you were cheering on me." Red haired said and smirked. "Oh, so you noticed that. Damn." You said and laughed. "Ohoh my angel~ you didn't think that i would notice? Hm, i should punish you for that~~" Satori said, still smirking. "Stop the pda right fucking now." You heard Semi's voice. "But semisemiiiiiiii~" You and satori said at the same time and pouted. "Stop it. Right now. You are bad influence for him Tendou (l/n) was good guy before he started dating you." Semi said. "You mean i'm not good boy anymore?" You asked and pouted even harder. "We need one piece of good boi (m/n)" Satori said and you smirked. "I'm best good boi." You said and semi groaned. "I will leave you. Both of you. Don't call me, don't text me or do not come in my room anymore. I will be hanging out with Reon and Ushijima for now on." Semi said. You just looked at satori and both of you started laughing. "So..anime and chill in your room? Boku no hero academia?" You asked. "Let's watch the new movie. There will be more Sero Hanta. Or that's what i heard." Satori said and you smiled. "Okay." You said and kissed your boyfriend softly. "Now go change and go shower. I will wait you in your dorm. Give me the key first though." You said and laughed a little. "Yeah yeah honey. Come." Satori said and walked in changing room. You walked behind Satori and smiled all the time. You got the best boyfriend. He was so sweet and perfect. And you would keep him safe. Once you heard that someone was saying that he was monster. So...you kinda were self defending your boyfriend for his behalf. And you would do it again. Satori yeeted the key to you, and you thanked him. "See you soon." You said and started walking to his dorm room. This day would be great. And you needed still congratulate Satori for winning. Hmm...maybe you did know just the way to congratulate him later...but first. Boku no hero academia and some stolen kisses here and there. 

Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now