Beginning/Fidget kidnapped Hiram

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In 1897, At London, the night was dark and foggy.  A horse-drawn carriage pulled as a light that has shown a mouse-sized toy store named Flaversham's.  The owner of the toy store is Hiram Flaversham and the daughter of Flaversham is Olivia Flaversham.  Tonight is her sixth birthday, Hiram had a little surprise for her daughter.

"You know, Daddy, this is my very birthday." Olivia said as she rocking the wooden rocking horse.

"Ahh, But I haven't given you your present yet." Hiram said as he grabbed something on the cupboard.

"What is it? What is it?" Olivia said as she's excited to see her birthday present/gift.

"Now, now.  Close your eyes." He told Olivia to close her eyes, not to peek but Olivia was too excited to see it.

"Uh-uh-uh-uh! Auch no.  No peeking now." Hiram said as Olivia giggled and again covered her eyes completely.

When Hiram wound up the flower bud toy and settle it on the table, then it comes out to a flower ballerina as it plays the music.  Olivia opened her eye and gasped as she sees the flower ballerina toy dancing on the table.

"Oohhh, Daddy! you made this, just for me?" Olivia asked but then in this lovely moment of daughter and father, as the bat with crippled wing and a peg leg crackled evilly as it approaches the toy store as the shadow of itself.

"You're the most wonderful father in the... in the whole world! I wish big brother was here for my birthday and get me a present." Olivia hugged her father with fatherly love. She also wanted to see his big brother since for long time he went to college.  Until then, a door rattled then a second, the door knob rattles rapidly. Hiram and Olivia looked at the door in concern and fear.

"Who is that?" Olivia asked with wonder

"I-I don't know!  Quickly, dear, stay in here and don't come out.  Remember don't let them know about your brother." Her father answered as he hid Olivia in the cupboard for her safety.  Until the bat burst out of the window as the toys fall, the bat and Hiram fought each other.  Olivia opened a little to peek to see them fight but a table slammed the cupboard door which causes Olivia fall back.

"Gotcha, toy maker! Hahahaha!" The bat laughed as he caught the toy maker, Hiram.

'Oh, no! Olivia!" Hiram shouted for his daughter as he was kidnapped by bat with peg leg out of the toy store, left Olivia inside the cupboard.  Olivia pushed hard the cupboard door and see the place was a mess, everywhere.  and there's no sign of her father when he was taken away.

"Daddy, where are you? Daddy, where are you? Daddy?!... Daddy!! As she called her father loudly as an echo spread.  But there's no response and now she's all alone, by herself.

*Great Mouse Detective opening music*

The Great Mouse Detective (Basil x Max)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang