Big Ben/Max's confession/Ratigan's fate

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Max and Basil was regained their consciousness. They looked around the inside of the Big Ben filled with working clockworks, where they got crashed into.  But they didn't noticed as Ratigan walked quietly behind two of them as he covered Olivia's mouth.  Olivia uncovered her mouth and warned her brother and Basil.

"Basil! Max! Look out!" She shouted as Basil and Max quickly turned around but Ratigan slapped both of them as they rolled over the edge of the gears.  Before Ratigan slapped them twice, Olivia bit Ratigan's hand, cause him to release her as he screamed in pain.  Max helped Basil up as they grabbed Ratigan's cape and lodged it in between the gears.  Ratigan kicked Olivia as she screamed and landed the gear, as the other gear connected to the other gear as she was gonna crush Olivia as she looked in fear as she will be face her death.

"Olivia!" Max called as he  looked at the switch and the chain.

"Max, press the switch and grabbed the chain quickly so we can catch her in no time." Basil instructed as Max stepped to press the switch, as they both grabbed the chain, to making it go up faster.  As the gears get closer, Olivia looked surprisedly fear as Max caught her in time, and hugged her tightly.

"I got you, sister. It's okay." He comfort Olivia as she hugged him back tightly. That was a close one.  They making their way to escape as Ratigan spotted them and his sane snapped into insanity, and ripped his cape out.  Ratigan ran after them as his clothes were into a shredding as he passes by. Basil, Olivia and Max made it outside as Hiram reached his daughter and son, as it was almost got close enough to reach.

"Why is the bat is...?" Olivia asked cause Fidet is on their balloon.

"Don't worry, he's in our side now." Max said

"Closer, Dawson, Closer!" Basil yelled

"Daddy, I can't reach! I can't reach!" Olivia replied as she was so close to reach his father's hand. Until Ratigan grabbed both Basil and Max, Hiram caught Olivia safely as they watched Max and Basil was falling the side of the Big Ben as they rolled up down. They both landed on the other hand of the clock while Ratigan was on the other side.

"Basil! Max! Over here!" Dawson shouted as they were relieved until Fidget sees Ratigan is going right towards them.

"Guys, look out!" Fidget shouted as the bat pointed to Ratigan as both of them turned but then villain rat grabbed them as Basil loses his grip but Max was still in Ratigan's arm.  Basil looked at Max in terror.

"Don't move Basil, or else your precious assistant will fall to his death." Ratigan threatened Basil as he grabbed Max's long hair over the edge of the clock's hand.  Max shut his eyes in pain as the yank of his hair. Basil eye's widened as he stopped, not letting Ratigan released Max to fall.

"There's no escape this time, Basil!" Ratigan stand in front of Basil, as he was about to attack Basil but when Max sees the shear of the glass where they crashed inside, he kicked Ratigan's stomach back as he grabbed the glass and cut his own long hair to free himself. Max ran up to Basil and defended him as  Ratigan throw his cut hair and slowly approached them as they both ran up as they see the others on the air balloon.  Max use the glass shear to cut his stomach and  kicked his face hard as Ratigan was knocked out but will awaken, giving some time.

"Basil, get on the air balloon.  I'll hold him off. Don't worry about me." Max said as he takes Basil to the others on the aircraft.

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