Chapter 2: Vs. Garbodor! Izuku Midoryia's Origin!

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Before the evolution of quirks, there were Pokemon. Humans were nothing before them, just trainers and commanders, weak fragile beings who either had the intellect or bond to control these majestic beasts.
Within that system of society, Trainers were sent out on quests to achieve many tasks. Some wished to discover all Pokemon, or to complete their Pokedex for a specific professor. There were those that were greedy and loved the thrill of the hunt, and so they hunted down legendary Pokemon, like Suicune or Mew. Others wished to complete the Gym Challenge.
The Gym Challenge was a series of battles and events where Trainers would travel along their specified region in order to defeat 8 powerful Gym Leaders who specialized in a specific kind of Pokemon. After defeating these Leaders, Trainers would challenge the Pokemon League, a tournament of sorts to decide the victor. The victor of this tournament would then engage in combat with the Elite Four, and finally the Champion, who would be the greatest Trainer in that region. If the challenger succeeded, they would be crowned the new Champion.
This is how the world worked before quirks. Even though each region had different cultures and region specific Pokemon, they all had the same theme of exploring their wondrous world. The Hawaiian islands of Alola, the British-culture of Galar, the New York style of Unova, despite all their differences, they all had that same common believe to better yourself as an individual beside your Pokemon to understand more about the secretive and mischievous universe.
Then one day, there was a child born of light in Jing Jang city. It isn't known if a Pokemon caused quirks to be manifested, or if it was another God given gift brought to the Earth. Some believed it was caused by rats. Whatever the case, it was a strange phenomenon that changed the course of history forever.
Suddenly, human beings weren't just leaders, Trainers, or Partners. They were fighters, warriors, and Heroes. The supernatural became the totally normal, dreams a reality. When the world was brought into chaos at the humans newfound powers, there was a select group who chose to establish a system using these new abilities. This system was the Hero System. Much like the comic books people read. A system formed from the foundation of justice, equality, and hardwork, made to keep society in balance. In current day, All Might would be considered a Pokemon Champion as he is the Number One Hero. Not just the Number One, that's an understatement. He is like the sun, while every other Hero is a small, twinkling little star.
Hero work would often involve the combination of both Quirk and Pokemon, of Trainer and Pokemon, of friend beside friend. Although there could be professions that didn't rely on Quirks, a Hero essentially had to have a quirk, and the best Heroes always had a Pokemon by their side. Even the controversial Hero, Endeavor, had one.
80% of the population possessed these Quirks, with the remaining 20% being unfortunate and having the title of "Quirkless." Not having a useful Quirk or a Pokemon, meant you were essentially trash, easily forgotten, just like the now 14 year old green, curly-haired boy was as he sat on the back of his class.
The only conversation he had
was muttering all these expository notes to himself as he would do whenever he was bored. He would mumble about the world before Quirks, about the Hero Society, about the Pokemon Champions and professors, and about all the Pokemon and Heros he had written in his journal.
That was another understatement. Not journal, actually, journals, as in plural. As in multiple journals. As in Izuku's own hand-written Pokedex.
"That was one big street-fight.." Izuku muttered to himself.
"Kamui-Woods did a good job at stopping the fight and all. What Pokemon did Kamui have again? Oh right, Shiftry..." Izuku began to flip through his "Pokedex," and found an empty page. He began to scribble down any features he could've remembered at the mere sight of the Pokemon.
"With Kamui Woods being a new hero and all, I wouldn't have made an entry about Shiftry. I should do one about him after im done with this..." Taking out a .2 mm mechanical pencil, he got to sketching.
"Shiftry: The Wicked Pokemon. It's a Dark-Grass Type, evolves from Nuzleaf, who evolves from Seedot. It requires a leaf stone to evolve. It's Egg Group is 'Field and Grass' with a height of 4'03" or 1.3 m, and weighs about 131.4 lbs, or 59.6 kg. It is bipedal, made entirely out of wood, with a white mane covering the entirety of its body. It's nose points out, sorta like Pinnochio, and it's eyes are yellow with black pupils. You could see it's teeth through the mane, and three leaves poked out of its arms. It seems to create powerful winds with those leaves, as against the enlarged villain it created extreme winds to use as an attack. It's pretty mysterious ...I'm probably missing more details but I can fill that in later at home. Kamui had it use Leaf Tornado, Leaf Blade, Fake Out, and Whirlwind. I'm not sure what item it had equipped, although it should have one. Would work better in battles that way. Now onto Kamui-" He stopped before continuing to mutter.
"No, since im already on my Pokemon journal. I should start on Mt. Lady's Pokemon, Mudsdale. She did interrupt the fight and take the credit for the victory, although it was pretty amazing to see two new heroes in action on my way to school. Today must be some day then." He had finished drawing Shiftry, although it may not have been perfect, with certain anatomical issues and symmetry, it wasn't all bad. He did spend most of his free time practicing drawing Pokemon anyways, especially Pokemon in the forest. He already had references of Vespiquen, Combee, Mankey, Cyndaquil and Quilava. Most importantly, his first "dex" entry was of Heracross. If his drawing skills were to be rated, it would be a 6/10. Although this rating seems average to us, Izuku had began to practice his art and Pokemon studies ever since meeting his gift, his shooting star, Heracross.
"Mudsdale: The Draft Horse Pokemon. It's a large, 8'02" tall horse with a black mane with three dreadlocks on it's left and right. The tail has a similar dreadlock design, and it had red mud around its hooves. It's heavy-lidded black eyes seemed to say the Pokemon was very emotionally stable, barely reacting to anything. Honestly I didn't get much information on it, as Mt. Lady just jumped in and defeated the villain herself. Mudsdale didn't do much except take pictures with her, and it looked kinda bored. " Izuku finished his second sketch of the day, feeling slightly disappointed because he didn't have as much knowledge on the Mudsdale as he had hoped.
"Midoryia?" Someone called out.
"Now, I wonder if there were any videos on the fight. I could use that as research, and it'll probably be cool to just see the two new heroes in action. It was their first mission i'm guessing since i've never seen them around before, so it should go viral. What's the rest of their Pokemon? Or did they just have their partners? Well some Heroes are known to only have one partner Pokemon. Their quirks were strong enough on their own after all, with them being Wood Manipulation and Giantification. Maybe they might end up dating-" That last comment made no sense whatsoever, but it was a part of Izuku's rambling mind. Of course, that mind comes with it's consequence.
Such as his entire class hearing everything he had muttered.
"Midoryia!" The teacher said, extending his arm to slap his student on the head. "Listen, I get that you have a free period, but you look like a psychopath talking to yourself!" The other students just looked at him, and Izuku could feel their Arbok like Glare's, just like back then.
"Sorry...sir..." He muttered.
"Don't worry about Deku, teach,' the prideful explosion said with his feet on the desk. "We all know how creepy and obsessive that nerd can be, why do you think he talks to himself!" Quilava joined Bakugo in mocking their "friend" in front of the whole class.
"Now, Bakugo, there's no need for that! And get your legs off the desk! You shouldn't be having Quilava running around like that in my class anyways, even though it's a free period!"
"It's only a free period for me because I finished your dumbass essay early, teach." Bakugo laughed and jumped onto his desk. "Everyone else here has to work their asses off because they probably didn't even read the book you assigned. I did this essay on top of all the mock exams for UA and study programs. And what did you say about Quilava?" He turned towards the teacher like he had been insulted. "You do know that Heroes don't keep their partner Pokemon in their Pokeballs, right?"
"Your not a Hero, Bakugo!" The teacher retorted. "Yet," he defeatedly added.
"That's right! And unlike these extras," He spread his arms out to the rest of the class, "I'm guaranteed to get into UA with all my talent! At least this school produced something good, and that's me! I'll be better than All Might!"
"Shut up, Bakugo!"
"You think you're better than us?"
"Now that's just mean!" The class started an Uproar, attacking Bakugou with Snarl's. They were silenced when Quilava spiked out his firey mohawk, ready to fight anyone for disrespecting his older brother.
"Shut it you extras!" Bakugo let out a wild, hyena laugh. None of you can beat me in a Pokemon battle anyways! So just admit that none of you would become Heroes-"
"Oh yea, Izuku signed up for UA too I think..." The teacher said behind Bakugo's speech of self-importance. Everyone went silent.
Then they all burst into laughter, saliva and spit spewing from their mouths as their laughter echoed across the school.
"Him?! No way!"
"No way a loser like Deku could get in!"
Izuku could only watch and stick his head into his notebook at the noise, wishing he had the ability Soundproof to get rid of all their insults. But they kept going and going, being only amplified by the mental image Izuku projected at the scene. He was lost in another forest, until he saw a light.
But that light wasn't a gift, but rather, it was an attack. It was the glimmers of light that formed from Bakugo's crackling explosions. The pride fueled warrior slammed his palm onto the desk, causing a large BOOM to be heard across the classroom, with smoke pouring from the impact.
Deku fell to the floor, his chair collapsing with him. The forest he was trapped in this time turned aggressive, almost like it was burning down. He smelled smoke, but it wasn't exactly burning down yet.
Quilava pounced on the freckled child and began to bark like a dog, it's flames heightening at the threat Deku made.
A threat to Bakugo's pride.
'You?! Sign up for UA?! Don't make me laugh, Deku! You're a quirkless wannabe! You can't do anything!"
"I-I-" The Quirkless boy tried to move Quilava off of himself in order to focus on formulating a sentence, but the Pokemon was too aggressive and put pressure on the poor boy. "I-I can sign up for Pokemon and general studies you know! It's not about the Quirk, honest! I'm not competing against you!"
"Shut it, nerd!" Bakugo shouted in a rage, his hands brimming with smoke. "You'd die in the damn exams!" The room was filled with an Ominous Wind as Izuku Minimized himself, hoping for his aggressor to just be done with it.
Another gift would be given to Izuku in the form of the bell. It's ringing signified the end of the school day, what a relief for the lazy students! Everyone instantly packed up, losing interest immediately in the quarrel between Bakugo and Izuku.
With this, Quilava jumped off of Izuku and returned to Bakugo's side as he too, began to back up.
Izuku sighed, finally escaping the forest. He fixed his desk and chair and looked at his phone. There was a barrage of notifications about the fight this morning, giving insight into the two new heroes along with their Pokemon. Just what Izuku needed to complete his Pokedex and Hero Journals!
But, he wasn't out of the forest yet as he was entangled by a Frenzy Plant, drawing him back in for more Torment.
Bakugo grabbed onto Izuku's newest Pokedex and stood tall above his frightened prey.
"We weren't done, Deku," He said with his vile lips protruding forwards.
"Whatcha got their, Bakugo?" One of the bullies "friends" said as they walked towards him.
Bakugo grabbed onto Deku's bookbag and poured out everything in it. There was the obvious schoolwork, folders, notebooks and pencils, then there was the unique research Deku had accumulated over the years.
"Hero Journal Volume 13" fell out, with it being the most recent Hero Journal entry, followed by "Izuku's Pokedex Volume 15." He was like a Pokemon professor!
"The hell is that!" The two "friends" of Bakugo joined the cycle of laughter as earlier.
"It's nothing! Just please give it back, Kacchan-"
Bakugo grabbed the "Pokedex" and slammed his palm into it, burning it entirely. Izuku could only let out a squeal as Bakugo proceeded to throw the book out of the window. That was the book that contained the information on Shifty and Mudsdale, the newest entries he worked so hard on.
"Call me that again, then your Hero's journal gets it," He had a smug face now, along with Quilava. "You know, most people can tell someone is fit to be a great Hero near instantly. I'm obviously one of those people. Wouldn't you agree, Quilava?"
"Yea, so you see, my little buddy agrees. And what my little buddy also agrees with, is that I should be the only one in this shit show of a school to graduate to UA. That information alone will let people know im the real deal. It's not ego talking, I just know I'm good, got it?"
Bakugo put his hand on his quirkless "friend," and began to whisper, "Don't even think about applying." Izuku felt a burning sensation in that area, like a Will-O-Wisp. "Instead, you could just swine dive off this floor to get your ass research back. Although, you probably won't get to make another entry ever again! Then again, you could be reborn as a Pokemon. I think a Rattata would fit you nicely, since your about as worthless as an HM Slave." He finally let go, and walked out of the classroom, his two goons following him.
Outside, Izuku approached his journal, finding it surrounded by Goldeen in a body of water. A Wooper plopped out of the water, with the book on it's head, practically handing it to Izuku.
It smiled it's derpy little smile, hoping Izuku was okay. He fed the water-type Pokemon there whenever he could with the school lunch that was given to him. He would sit by this little body of water and talk to the Pokemon while the other kids played around, gossiped, bullied, and messed with each other.
It was really strange to Izuku how people could be given a gift like Quirks, as if they deserved to be like Pokemon. No, they weren't deserving.
These were his true friends after all.
"Thanks Wooper," Izuku let out a fake smile. The Wooper really hoped it was real, but it could tell it wasn't. It kept smiling in hopes that Izuku would let down his Substitute and show his real smile.
He didn't. He just walked away.
"I'll see you all tomorrow."
He kept walking down that dark, smokey forest.
"That stupid jerk. That....that..." He bit his lips. "That rat!"
Izuku thought about Bakugo's words, "I'll be better than All Might!"
"Better" huh?
"What a lie," Izuku thought to himself. All Might was probably the one person Izuku respected besides his mother and Heroes. He didn't praise Heroes as people really, Izuku would often forget they were people and mix them up for Pokemon all the time. In actuality-
Izuku hated the human race. Or at least, he thinks he does. That kind of reaction is given to anything that human beings don't understand, and so the same goes for Izuku.
He "hated" all the emotions that they came with, the need to isolate others for their differences, their need for inequality, their need to destroy the world they so desperately wanted to save. He hated their hypocrisies. Humans were the worst of God's gifts, filled with "free will" that was only used for the worst decisions. No one was actually a good person.
But, aren't Pokemon just like people? Built with the same emotions and capabilities? Filled with the same option of "free will?"
It seems that in Izuku's bias, he too, was showing the worst traits of humanity. Generalization and hypocrisy. How interesting.
'What a lie," Izuku repeated again, remembering why All Might could never be surpassed. He remembered the video that All Might debuted in, old disaster footage. He was able to save 100 people in less than 10 minutes, with his signature catchphrase being present in that video followed by his heroic laugh.
"Fear not citizens, hope as arrived! For I am here!"
Izuku would watch that video everyday, he probably added thousands of views to it himself. Everytime he watched that video, he would proclaim how All Might is the coolest in the universe, how the young innocence would be just as good a Hero as him! This would be followed by the cute mimicry of the Champion's laugh.
Then, reality struck.
"Sorry kid it's not gonna happen," the doctor said, striking Izuku with a critical hit where it hurts the most. The doctor informed him and his mother, Inko, that a child like him doesn't have the presence of the quirk gene.
The sound Izuku could remember at that moment, besides the deafening silence of broken dreams, was the sound of his All Might figurine being dropped to the ground.
That night, he watched the same video, but not with the same exuberance as before, but rather a somber rejection of the information that was forced down his throat. Tears will his eyes and washed over him, as he remembered pointing at the monitor and asking his mother, "Do you think I can be a Hero too?"
He was met with a mother's embrace, she just repeated "im sorry," over and over again.
Her answer was no, just like everyone else's.
Izuku remembered this day, and he remembered All Might as he walked down that lonely road, the only one he has ever known.
Surprisingly, the figure of his thoughts wasn't too far away from him in reality. A few blocks away, in the alley beside a grocery store, a strange event would transpire.
"The hell are you doing?! Go on! Go, go, get out!" The manager said to the Pokemon ravaging through a dumpster. The Pokemon stopped its consumption of the waste and looked at the man in the eyes and roared.
"Garbodor!" The trash heap Pokemon yelled as it threw its left arm forward, smacking the man into the street. At the moment of attack, a woman screamed as if this was some 1900's horror movie. The Garbodor stood above the man, with it's lumpy, hideous body of thrash with a ripped up garbage bag comprising it's face. Usually, a Garbodor has white eyes, but this one, this one had it's eyes as red as a Lycanroc.
The woman screamed again, agitating the odd Garbodor. It looked at the woman's direction and pointed it's right arm towards her like a gun. It roared as it fired off three Sludge Bombs.
"Fur!" Her Pokemon, Furfrou, pushed the woman out of the way and took the attack head on.
More people joined in on the screams as they saw a fight brewing. The lumpy trash heaped found itself surrounded by panicking citizens and so, it too, panicked at the scene and ran, pushing anything and anyone it found in it's path.
"Where the hell are the heroes?"
"They must be too busy being caught up on the fight this morning."
Suddenly, a shadow passed over the spectators, they all looked up with a gasp and exclaimed "Is that?!"
"Never fear, for I am here! Dragonite, chase that Pokemon!"
"Dragonite!" The pseudo-legendary Pokemon barked, finding itself enveloped in a red aura that sharpened and exploded with lightning. When the aura faded, Dragonite's shadow was larger, with a slightly different shape, along with having it's speed exponentially increased. It flapped its wings in an exaggerated action, creating a gust behind it and zooming past the crowd to catch the aggressive Garbodor.
5 minutes later.
Izuku found himself under a bridge, reflecting on the events of the day. He was looking down at his feet was the burnt "Pokedex" in hand.
"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed to himself mentally. "You made a decision that day. No matter what anyone else thinks, you have to believe in yourself and your Pokemon! If you give up now, you won't catch that Heracross, remember!" Izuku raised a fist and smiled a determined, yet forced, smile. He took a step forward with as much strength as he could've, and kept going.
"You're going to be just like him!" The freckled boy began to laugh, waving his arms and legs around wildly. Good thing no one saw him, it was embarrassing.
"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Izuku forcefully said as he reminding himself of his own motivations. Each step he took sounded like an earthquake, until he stopped moving. That was when he realized, there was an earthquake.
"Why is the ground shaking?" He thought to himself. Something was getting closer and closer. Then Izuku looked behind him and saw the predator.
A stampeding Garbodor was rushing towards him with red, unrelenting eyes.
"A wild Garbodor?!" Izuku squaled. It approached closer and closer, with the ground shaking more intensely as it got closer. "What is a wild Garbodor doing out in the open like this?" His thoughts were running wild, too confused to actually make any physical actions besides stammering.
"Garbodor!" It yelled with a vicious echo, forcing Izuku's nerves to finally act.  He ran through the exit of the bridge, with the Garbodor chasing him down. It targeted the boy with it's right arm shaped like a gatling-gun and fired three Sludge Bombs like it did before.
Izuku heard the shots being taken, and turned around to see the attack ready to ram into it. He wasn't fast enough to outrun a rampaging Garbodor. Time seemed to slow as the three brownish-purple bombs approached.
"I'm going to die," Izuku thought as he could just stare. He noticed the Garbodor's eyes one last time, and really took into account that it was red. Why were they red? Maybe it was because of-
"Somedboy! Please! Somebody help!" Izuku's calm, dead thoughts were rushed with panic and fear as time remained slow. It was all too late for him and he knew that, no Hero could save him now.
But a Champion might.
The explosion was set off, but Izuku found himself in no harm. He opened his eyes to find himself protected by the arms of a gentle, strong, orange Pokemon. The arms were familiar to him though, a gold armor placed on them. Izuku looked up and the face of the Pokemon, and knew it was a Dragonite, but something was off. It's antennas pointed out like sharp eyebrows and it had a dark, intense shading throughout its draconic body. The fanboy could only stare in awe before his mind was able to catch up.
"Fear not, young man," The Dragonite echoed. "You are safe, now that I am here that is!" It expanded its wings and took aim at the Garbodor. The attacker could only look in fear at the Champion's Pokemon.
"TEXAS SMASH!" The Dragonite echoed as it flapped it's wings, letting out a gust of wind that chased after the Garbodor. The gust acted as a Hurricane attack, blowing away a few pieces of trash present on the trash-heap before completely toppeling it over.
"Garbo...." The poison type Pokemon groaned on the floor.
The Dragonite let go of the young man and approached the defeated Pokemon. It had a satchel on it and opened it to reveal a Pokeball, an Ultraball. The Dragonite threw it at the Garbodor, covering it in a blue, sparkling light. The trash heap entered the ball, with it shaking three times, then clicking.
Izuku kept staring as the Dragonite grabbed the Pokeball and walked towards him.
"Are you okay, young man?" It asked.
"Y-You-Your-You-You-You...." Izuku could barely breathe. "A-Alllllllll M-M-M-Mig-ht-t," Dragnoite just looked awkwardly at him.
"I suppose that's a yes then. Good! I apologize for the Garbodor! I should've caught it earlier!" The Dragonite laughed a familiar laughed that melted Izuku's heart.
He's just standing right in front of me! Izuku screamed in his mental bubble of fanboyism. "CAN I GET AN AUTOGRAPH?!"
"That's an odd choice of first words to say to me, but sure!" Dragonite grabbed Izuku's burnt Pokedex from the floor, he appeared to have dropped it as he ran. With a quick swipe, Dragonite had signed it in the exact same way All Might would've.
Izuku wasn't at all surprised at the actions of the Dragonite. Usually, this would be strange to anyone, a Pokemon acting and behaving in the exact same way as a person? Talking, signing an autograph, and catching other Pokemon? It was unheard of. There were rumors that All Might's Dragonite was "special," which simply added to the fact that All Might was the Champion.
"Now that that's over with, I'll see you around! Stay out of trouble!"
"Wait, you're leaving already?" Izuku stammered.
"Yep! Heroes are always fighting time and villains. I have a job to do!"
Izuku took a step forward and flinched as he saw the Dragonite flap its wings, getting ready for flight.
No...No I have too many questions...I-
"Thanks for your continued support!" Dragonite roared as it flew off, the wind from it's flight spreading out with an intense gust.
"Eh?-" Dragonite felt slightly heavier. When it turned around, it saw Izuku clinging onto it's back with his mouth wide open, teeth and gums visible and all.
"Let go! I love my fans but this is too much!"
"If I let go now I'll die!" Izuku yelled, his voice fighting against the air. "I just have a lot of things to ask you-"
"Okay okay! Just close your mouth and close your eyes this is weird!"
Izuku followed as the Champion's Pokemon said, and felt Dragonite rush through the skies even faster. The air must've made a strange sound, as Izuku couldn't hear a thing, but he did hear some kind of lightning noise followed by a "shit."
The two landed on a building, with Izuku falling off Dragonite and catching his breathe.
"I saw my life flash before my eyes...." He said with a dead voice and a pale expression.
"Look kid you cant do stuff like that! I really must be on my way!"
"Wait!" Izuku regained his composure.
"I must go!" Dragonite barked back, the air shifting at his increasing tone.
"I have to ask if-"
Give it up kid.
Izuku held his arm out and remembered each and every insult laid down onto him. Atop the buildings, beside his Hero, the forest still caught up to him. It wrapped it's toxic vines around him and refused to let Izuku say a single word. He could only watch as Dragonite prepared to take flight.
But then, a miracle happened. Something forced Izuku to act, to cut through every restraint and poison placed in his brain. It was like he was given Zacian's blade, and cut through all of his insecurities as a Hero would!
"Is it possible to become a hero without a quirk!" He yelled out to the sun, his voice like a blade cutting through darkness.
Dragonite stopped trying to fly away.
The swordsman stood his ground and defended against all the poisons rushing into his thoughts. He wouldn't let anything interfere with his voice, not right now!
"Could I ever hope to be someone like you?! Someone as weak as me?!"
Dragonite turned slowly, revealing  a single, glowing blue eye.
"Without a-" The lightning noise from earlier consumed the area and the wind ran away from the scene. Dragonite began to be engulfed by a red energy and smoke, his body degrading as the lightning took over.
"Dragonite, are you okay?!" Izuku screamed as he stared into a dying sun.
In a moment, the red aura exploded and spread out into the area, leaving behind only a Dragonite. It left with the Dragonite's intense black shading, its larger body and wings, muscular physique, and gold armor around it's forearm, waist, knees, and shoulders. The red lightning left behind a regular Dragonite.
Izuku stared for a moment in complete confusion, muttering "uhm..."
"Are you okay, Dragonite?" Izuku stepped closer.
Of course I am! I've never felt better! Now then, to answer your question- All Izuku could hear was the Pokemon repeating its name.
Izuku nodded blankly with a nervous, awkward look. "I don't understand-"
"That's because Dragonite don't talk anymore, young man. Izuku heard a voice behind him and turned to face him. In the shadows was a tall man, with rotting gold hair and sunken eyes. His body was like a frail skeleton and his clothing was like that of a homeless man.
"How do you know that? All Might's Dragonite is known to talk, isn't it?"
"Only when it Bond Evolves with me," the man said, coughing up blood.
Something about that statement struck with Izuku, besides the coughing up blood. It wasn't even the Bond Evolution part. It was the me part.
"What do you mean, me, sir?"
"I'm All Might, young man. Can't you tell?" The skeleton flexed his muscles in All Might's posture, but it looked like if he flexed too hard his arms would snap off.
"You're..." Izuku's world began to spin.
"No way! You look deflated!" He screamed out into the city.
"You know how guys flex in the pool to look cooler? That's like me."
Izuku's body was shaking at the sight of this dead man walking. This couldn't be real, no way his idol, his Champion, was like this!
"All Might is strong, big, buff and fearless ...I...I must be dreaming sir...are you like some dream demon trying to teach me a lesson?!" Izuku looked down to the ground with a blank face.
"Fearless huh? Young man, I wish that were true," the exposed hero approached his Dragonite and placed his hand on it's head, congratulating it on it's Garbodor catch. He turned to face the thunder shocked boy and repeated, "I wish that were true," as he raised his shirt to reveal a gruesome wound. Izuku stared into that black pit of despair and pain and flinched, being unable to get a clear grasp at it. It was like a blurry nightmare.
"5-years back, I got this in a decisive battle. My immune system, along with my stomach, was destroyed. Nothing on this Earth can fix me, not surgery, not Pokemon," All Might mounted his Dragonite as he prepared his final lines to the young man. He didn't want to stay long, as he knew he was crushing his dreams.
Isn't that the worst feeling? To know that your words can ruin such an innocent boy.
"I can only stay as that buff guy you know for about 3 hours a day. When I can't act, my Dragonite takes my place and transforms just like you saw, although his transformation dwindles much faster."
"Toxic Chainsaw...he..." Izuku kept staring at All Might's chest long after he covered it up. "He did that?"
"Nope. Someone else. I'm supposed to be the smiling symbol of peace right? People everywhere, including you, think i'm never afraid. But in this fight, I most certainly was."
Show me the power of humans and Pokemon that you preach about, All Might! Let me see that smile! Let me see your Bond Evolution! Those words echoed in All Might's head as he remembered the fight for his life.
"That smile is just a mask I put on whenever someone exerts their Pressure on me, when the stakes are high. I can't keep it up for long." Izuku thought of Wooper, how he couldn't smile to let Wooper know he was okay. He let the forest keep him in the darkness, he couldn't smile, not even for Wooper.
"This job isn't easy, young man. Even if you catch a Pokemon, it's still too dangerous. You'd be a liability, relying on nothing but your Pokemon. Im sorry, but you can't become a Hero in your condition."
That was all it took. Those words, that was all it took to ruin a boy.
You can't become a Hero.
You can't.
I'm sorry, Izuku.
The boy didn't say a word, as the deafening sound of a broken dream prevented him from speaking at all. All Might took initiative and attempted to ducktape that dream back together. "You can achieve other professions. When Dragonite evolves like that, I can see what he sees, feel what he feels, thinks what he thinks. That journal of yours I signed, you could become a Pokemon professor. You can still help the world like that, young man." Dragonite began to fly upwards slowly, as All Might stared down at the dead boy.
"It isn't wrong to have dreams. Just make sure they are realistic. Jirachi can't grant every wish you know," and with that, Dragonite flew off, and Izuku looked up at another shooting star leaving him.
5 minutes earlier.
"Mankey, use Karate Chop!" Bakugo screamed as his Pokemon followed his command, attacking the Scraggy that often grouped up in back allies. It fainted in a single hit.
"Jeez, Bakugo, lighten up. When you said hang out, I assumed we were gonna smoke at the arcade," one of the explosion's goons said.
"I can't get caught doing that shit, idiot!" Bakugo barked in unison with Quilava. "I have to keep training, and these back alleys are pretty good. Not good enough though," he glanced over to find Mankey, covered in a blue light. He grew in size before exploding in a sparkle, revealing that he had evolved into Primeape. Black metal shackles formed around it's limbs, and it lost its tail.
"Well would ya look at that," Bakugo smirked. "That Scraggy was good for something after all."
"You seem a little harsh today, Bakugo," one boy said as he didn't notice an Ultraball falling through the sky, landing beside Bakugo.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, you were a little more aggressive than usual towards Izuku."
Quilava growled at the mention of that name. "That's what that bastard gets for getting in my way. The shit he says just pisses me off!" In a rage, Bakugo kicked the Pokeball as hard as he could, slamming it into the wall. The alleyway became consumed by a flash of light. When it faded, the three highschool students, Primeape, and Quilava could only stare with wide eyes at the demon Bakugo unleashed.
They could only stare at it's vicious, red eyes.
At the current time, an explosion was heard in the distance, with smoke rising to let everyone know that danger was present. All Might rode on his Dragonite as he saw the flames.
"Another incident? Seriously?" At that moment, All Might's heart sank as he looked through Dragonites satchel in a panic.
The Ultraball was gone.
"Dragonite, let's go!"
A red aura enveloped Dragonite for a moment, enabling his transformation. He dashed towards the explosion at jet speed for about three seconds, before the red lightning struck and took all of his gifts away.
"What's wrong?" All Might whispered as Dragonite landed in a nearby alleyway.
"Stay with me, buddy, what happened-" All Might could see that Dragonite fell ill, collapsing to the ground, with little purple bubbles leaving his body and mouth.
"You were poisoned by the Sludge Bomb weren't you? How did I not notice?!" All Might coughed up blood in a rage. "I don't have any items to heal you either, I didn't expect to do any hero work like this. Idiot!" All Might coughed up more blood.
"I was just supposed to have a meeting with Nighteye about Mirio, that's why I didn't bring anything! But instead I do Hero work and fail!" Dragonite placed his hand onto his trainer and gave the signature smile they were known for.
"I'll clean this up. Return, Dragonite." All Might attempted to transform, but found himself unable to. "Damn, Bond Evolution used up all my energy for One For All today."
Running to the scene, the flames grew more intense and wild by the second, and at the center of it all was the devilish Garbodor. The screams of the civilians and their running footsteps were overwhelmed by the echoes of the fire, smoke, and roars of the Garbodor. All Might could see the Heroes, trying their best to quell the wild Pokemon, but to no avail. He saw Kamui Woods, running to grab two boys, a Primeape, and a Quilava. The Quilava put up a fight as it was held, like a crying baby wanting to be released of it's mother's grasp for some strange reason. Mt. Lady couldn't enter the scene at all, the area was too small for her to take part in. Her Mudsale was already poisoned by a Poison Gas attack and collapsed to the ground.
"Let that boy go, Garbodor!" Death Arms shouted as he rushed in to strike the Pokemon. Garbodor, despite it's rage, still managed to think for a moment. Using Stockpile, it braced for the hit by increasing it's defense. After Death Arms's attack, Garbodor extended its arm, smacking him into the wall. It proceeded to fire a barrage of Sludge Bombs at the Hero, incapacitating him.
"Let me go, you trash-loaded piece of shit!" A roar could be heard, being followed by two massive explosions that only increased the flames. Garbodor used Swallow to heal the damage done to it by the explosion.
Not only was the area filled with a Poison Gas and wildfires, but Garbodor had used Spikes on the floor, setting up a full three layers. No one could get close at all.
"Wasn't All Might chasing that Garbodor?"
"Where the hell is he? Why hasn't he shown up to help?"
"How could I let this happen..." All Might took a step back as if he was about to faint. "After breaking that boys dreams, how could I let this happen."
I really am pathetic, two people thought in unison.
How could I let this happen? The two thought, again.
It's all my fault.
I'm worthless.
It's all because of me, I'm no good.
So pathetic.
A disgrace.
"I should've taken a swan-dive like he said...." The forest grew wider and wider, and as it grew, the wild fires began to tear it down, filling the area with smoke. This time, the forest really was burning down to the ground. There would be nothing but ash left....
And then, a light appeared. Not a gift or an attack, but a signal. A sign, like God was letting the young boy become aware of something
He looked up at the light, and saw Bakugo Katsuki, crushed by the Garbodor, and surrounded by fire and Spikes.
The world slowed down again. There was no dark, burning forest anymore, There was no light or mental torture. There was no nightmare, only reality.
"Young man!" All Might yelled within his head as he saw the young, Izuku "Deku" Midoryia running towards the eye of the storm.
"What the hell do you think your doing kid! Your gonna get yourself killed!" Death Arms screamed as he tried to grab the kid, but it was too late. Izuku was already far enough ahead, stepping on spike after spike, breathing in each cloud of Poison Gas, and feeling the cinders of each flame.
But he didn't care. He honestly didn't feel a thing. He could only feel nothing but his footsteps, heartbeat, and desire to save.
And to save a human being, no less.
To save Bakugo.
"Garbodor!" It roared at the child, surprised at the challenge.
"Deku..." Bakugo groaned.
Izuku ran and ran, his thoughts Thrashing about. What am I doing? Why can't I stop?!
Izuku was running to save his tormentor, the one who called him trash, the one who imposed a thought of suicide, the one who gave him the name "Deku." Isn't it strange? How could a boy who hated the human race save someone like him? How could Izuku run through these painful obstacles with nothing but the sheer desire to save someone.
The answer is simple, it's because Izuku is a hero. Even if he was told to run, he wouldn't.
Scanning through his library of knowledge, Izuku decided on his course of action. There was a Pokeball on the floor, probably dropped by a citizen or fell out of a destroyed store. Izuku grabbed it and readied his entire body for s throw. Twisting his waist, winding his arms up and raising his leg, he had an expression of determination as he threw a perfect Pokeball throw.
The Pokeball slammed into Garbodor's head, enveloping the trash-heap in a blue light before being consumed by the Pokeball. Before it fell to the floor, it shook once in the air to indicate a critical capture.
Bakugo was freed from Garbodor's weight. Izuku grabbed onto him and screamed, "Let's go, Kacchan!"
"What the hell?! Why are you here?!"
"I don't know why my legs just started moving! Kacchan, I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"
At that moment, All Might's eyes widened as something within him popped. The Pokeball Izuku threw cracked and exploded in a red light, with Garbodor rearing it's demonic eyes and sharp teeth, already preparing to attack. It aimed its gatling-gun arm right at the two teenagers, preparing to fire a Sludge Bomb. 
I have to fight, no matter the cost!
"Quilava!" Bakugo's little brother screamed with tears.
Izuku pushed Bakugo to the side, being prepared to take in the attack. He heard a stomping sound in the distance, followed by rushing air, and an explosion to finish it off.
When the smoke cleared, Izuku and Bakugo looked up the find All Might, with his back turned to the Garbodor.
"Young man..." The Champion smiled with a single, blue-luminescent eye like the sun, and his buff, muscular physique and intense shading returning to him, "You really are something."
"I told you earlier about what it meant to be a Hero, but I wasn't following up on my own ideals," All Might turned to slowly face the Garbodor, his smile gleaming brighter than ever.
Slamming his foot forward, Garbodor flinched. It felt genuine fear at that moment.
All Might began to spew out blood as he wound up his fist, with the same sheer determination Izuku had being shown in his blue eye.
"Pro's are always risking their lives! That's the true test of a Hero!"
"Garbodor!" It shouted in one last, vain, retaliation attempt. The trash-heap began to glow a white light, getting ready to unleash an Explosion attack, but All Might wasn't going to let it.
"DETROIT SMASH!" All Might slammed his fist into Garbodor, forcing the white light to fade along with his red eyes.
The wind followed the Champion's command, grabbing onto the fires and Poison Gas and Spikes, forcing them out of the area in the form of a Hurricane. The Hurricane flew into the air and pierced the clouds to reveal the light of heaven. Following the clouds departure, came rain. All Might stood in the eye of the storm with the future, knocked out and unconscious beside him. Garbodor had blank, white eyes, and had fainted in a single strike.
All Might stood for a moment before seeming like he would've fallen, but he stood. He stood tall and never fell, raising a fist with a bloody mouth as the rain fell atop him, washing away the blood.
The area, previously filled with danger and fear, was now filled to the prime with peace and exuberance, all the Heroes and citizens cheering All Might's name.
"All Might! All Might! All Might!"
But instead of hearing them and their boisterous chants, he heard the quiet whispers of a Quirkless boy.
Could I ever hope to be someone like you?!
All Might looked at him and had a single thought, I guess I'll reschedule that meeting with Sir Nighteye.
Directly after the incident, the Heroes helped with any damages and debris, helping out with the injuries dealt to citizens and Izuku and Bakugo. Izuku's feet was stricken with sharp objects stabbed into them and skin became a slight purple hue. Bakugo had the same poison condition, but significantly worse. Luckily, both patients weren't too difficult to deal with.
Hours would pass, the sky was lit with a dawn of yellow and orange as Izuku walked back home, ready to repair his broken dreams. There was something in that situation, a spark, that made him realize something. Yea sure, he couldn't pursue being a Hero, but a Pokemon professor didn't sound too bad. Maybe he could find ways to quell outraging Pokemon like the Garbodor he met today. Either way, Izuku knew what he wanted to do with the scraps of his wish.
As Izuku had these thoughts, Bakugo ran up beside Deku and gave him an earful, his usual speech about his pride and how he didn't need help. Quilava would obviously be there and support Bakugou's onslaught. Usually, this would hurt Izuku, but he was too distracted by the thoughts of his future. Bakugo would storm off, yelling "Fuck you, Deku!"
The one thing that did interrupt Deku's thoughts, however, was the one who broke his dreams.
"Young man!" A voice could be heard as a shadow loomed overhead. Izuku looked up to find All Might diving into the Earth. He landed perfectly in front of the boy and began to laugh with his Dragonite landing on the ground shortly after.
"I am here to deliver a message-" All Might flexed for a moment before spewing up blood, forcing Izuku to scream in horror as Dragonite patted the Champion's back.
"Young man-" All Might kept coughing as he cleaned up his blood with his forearm. "My message is to thank you, and to apologize."
Izuku could only stare with a strange and curious face. "Apologize?"
"Yes. If you hadn't told me your condition, I would've only been able to sit and watch as a child died before my eyes from the Poison Gas. Thank you-"
"Why are you saying thank you?! I was the one who distracted you and made you use up your energy so you couldn't do that Bond Evolution thing! I made you weak and I was the one who caused that Garbodor to be released again in the first place-"
"Let me finish. You said you didn't have a Quirk, and yet I saw a timid, Quirkless boy run into one of the most dangerous situations ever, just to save another kid. Seeing that inspired me to act, it reinvigorated and reminded me what being a Hero meant."
Izuku's took a breath, his eyes widened. "What are you trying to say?"
"What do you think? Usually you can tell at a glance when someone is destined for greatness, but that statement is weird. I don't agree with it. Some diamonds are easy to find, but of course, an Adamant Orb is even harder to look for. It belongs to a legend after all, and you are that Adamant Orb."
"There are stories about people whose bodies moved before their minds could react, the world around them slowed down, and all feelings become numb besides the feeling of sheer determination. I'm taking a guess to say you've felt this before, haven't you?"
Izuku thought of the Heracross he met many years ago. He leapt in front of that Pokemon without realizing he even ran, as if time was leaped over to place him in that situation. The same thing, but greater, happened today.
Tears began to form.
"Those tears tell me i'm right."
Izuku collapsed to the floor, the tears too heavy for him to handle. Finally, it was all coming together. Those broken dreams were repairing themselves in an instant and returning stronger than ever. His legs gave out and his heartbeat a million times faster. Izuku felt powerful.
He felt powerful because he finally heard the words he needed to hear.
"Young man-" All Might stared at the boy with his blue eyes as Dragonite smiled and raised his head.
"You too, can become a Champion!"

Hey everyone! Author's Note time! To start, im so happy I got 24 favorites and 26 follows! Lets me know im doing a good job, so let's keep going and aim for higher! When I was writing this chapter, I wanted to implement something new, so as you can see it is pretty different from the original story in mha. I like to show canon events in my own unique way. Some said Muk should've been the villain in the discord, but I chose Garbodor because I feel like he doesn't get much attention, and another reason you will find out in chapter 3.
So to address a few questions, in this story, Bond Evolution is activated through One For All. Secondly, The Poke Protector Guild asked if Izuku will get OFA or will Heracross? Izuku will, as quirks are human specific. But like i said, OFA can affect partner Pokemon.
The reviews were generally positive, with everyone showing that this story has potential and they would keep reading. Thanks to Omni-Creator of Anime, god's executioner REBORN, Goderasu, solidznoah, ShunBenitoite, Jaroberts251, sparkydragon98, awesomerebel55, The Poke Protector Guild, those two guests, and of course, Jeffmen103! Thanks everyone!
For future reference, this fic will include all subjects present in the Pokemon games. In this fic, Pokemon and humans fight side by side, so yes, a human can fight a Pokemon so thats why Bakugo fought a Mankey with Cyndaquil.
I think that's it for now! My insta is SeaBloople and SeaBloople2 (delete dashes). Feel free to commission me for artwork! I did the cover for the fic along with JeffMen103's fanfiction, Deku:The Golden Saiyan Hero Of Hope! (Read that too)
    Join the discord!
    My discord is SeaBloople#9856. Feel free to dm me about questions, suggestions (such as mons for other trainers in 1UA and such) and even if you just wanna talk!
    Thanks to my beta-readers, Jeff and Omni-Creator of Anime.
    Chapter 3- Heracross:Origin is coming soon!
    Last note, I don't have an upload schedule, but I intend to upload at least once every two weeks.

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