Vs. Zero-Pointer! Pass The Entrance Exams

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    Izuku was ready to take his first step beside his partner, ready to face the entrance exams!
    That was, of course, interrupted by a loud yelling behind him.
    "Deku!" A familiar, raging voice could be heard behind Izuku as turned around to face his childhood "friend," Bakugo Katsuki.
    "Kacchan?!" Deku exclaimed as he found Bakugo with three Pokemon. His signature Quilava, Primeape, and a new Pokemon Izuku hadn't seen before, Voltorb. Quilava's flames spiked up at the nickname Deku gave Bakugo.
"I see that...you've been training for today...that's cool..." Izuku didn't know how to talk to Bakugo as the two have barely interacted for 10 months.
"That Heracross of your's seems pretty trained...wonder if you'll get in with just a Pokemon and no quirk," Bakugo proceeded to walk forward, finding that Izuku hadn't moved out of the way.
"I'll burn to ash if you don't move," The fiery spirit said as Izuku shifted out of the way. As Bakugo's Pokemon walked past Izuku, they all gave him menacing stares. Izuku saw it in each of their eyes, in Quilava's, Primeape's, and Voltorb's, he saw nothing but a feeling of despise aimed all at him.
It hurt to know that there were Pokemon out there that hated him.
Izuku sighed as Heracross patted his Trainer on the back. He gave Izuku a glance that said, Why? Why are you letting him do that?
"Sorry...Heracross...." Izuku muttered. He took a deep breath and looked at his partner again. "Let's just get to the entrance exam."
Now, the two were ready to take their REAL first step, ready to face the entrance exams!
Thanks to All Might, Izuku was going to be a Hero after today-
Then the boy tripped, ruining that special moment yet again.
He was ready for his face to be slammed and indented into the Earth, his face on the ground like a tattoo of shame to show his failure yet again. But he didn't fall.
In fact, he felt like he was floating.
"Heracross?" The Pokemon exclaimed as he saw a girl pat Izuku's back.
"Are you okay? You almost had a pretty bad fall there!"
Izuku realized that he wasn't moving at all, so he began to wail about frantically in the air as the girl laughed at his awkward movements. He looked at her and noticed the girls' warm brown, bobbed and curved hair. Her face seemed to have an indefinite blush to it, with her eyes being large and round, and her eyebrows were thick. Her hair was about shoulder length, with two long strands on either side of her face.
"That's my Quirk, silly! It's called Zero Gravity, I can make things weightless when I touch them. Isn't that neat?" She helped Izuku to his feet and smiled.
"My name is Ochaco Uraraka. What's yours?"
Izuku stared blankly, his mouth moving but no words coming out. Heracross hit him with a Brick Break to the thigh, which forced Izuku to yell out, "My name is Deku Midoryia what's yours?!"
Heracross sighed from second-hand embarrassment.
"You're a little weird!" Ochaco giggled, covering her mouth as she laughed. "In a good way though! It's nice to see someone as nervous as me I suppose!"
Wait, no! My name isn't Deku it's-
"That's a cool looking Heracross you got there, I'm guessing it's your partner. So, you like bugs?"
Izuku stammered again before being hit by another Brick Break, "Yes I do how about you?!"
"I do when it isn't one of those big and scary bugs. Heracross isn't like that though, so I like it! It's kinda cute and strong, you picked a good partner, Deku!"
There was something about the way she said Deku that confused Izuku.
"Eevee!" A small little, fox-like Pokemon emerged from Uraraka's coat and met Izuku's eyes. It jumped out and landed on Izuku's head. His curly hairs were almost as fluffy as Eevee's.
Followed by that, a spherical rock levitated behind the girl. 5 white spikes exited from the cracked rock, making it look like a star, with two large black spots that resembled eyes upfront.
"Minior!" It said as it landed in Uraraka's arms, almost like a baby.
"Deku, these are my Pokemon. I hope you like them!"
"Oh wow, an Eevee and a Minior! I haven't seen those two before! They look pretty cute," Heracross didn't need to attack Izuku in order to get him to respond this time. "Minior has different colors under its rock coat, doesn't it? What color is yours?"
"Minior, you wouldn't mind showing our new friend Deku your color, right?"
Our new friend, that almost seemed as strange as the way she said Deku.
"Min-" The meteor Pokemon said as it broke through one of the cracks on its shell. "-i-" then another, "or!" Finally, it had revealed it's colors to be the red core coloration of Minior!
"Cool!" Izuku said with amazement in his eyes, "the different colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet right?"
"You sure do know a lot about Minior without meeting one before. That's pretty smart of you, Deku," Uraraka reached out and started scratching on Eevee's fur scarf, but it felt like she was scratching Izuku's curls.
"So, your favorite color is red, I'm guessing?" Izuku asked, still stammering.
"Yep! Mostly shades of red. I'm lucky that Minior came in that color," Eevee jumped off of Izuku's head and returned to rest atop of Uraraka's.
"Your here for the entrance exam right? What kind of Quirk do you have?"
Izuku froze, unsure of how to answer. He couldn't say One For All, as that was classified information, but he wasn't exactly sure what One For All did to his body. Maybe he could just say super strength?
Izuku just stood there in silence, his facial expression nearly showing shame, and Uraraka saw this.
"You don't have to tell me, it's okay. No matter your power, I'm sure you will get in! Well, guess I'll see you inside, say bye everyone!"
"Eevee!" Her little fox waved its tail in comfort.
"Minior!" The meteor shook its body, regaining its rock armor.
"Good luck, Deku! I hope to see you soon!" And with that, the bubbly, bright girl left the scene.
It was a simple interaction for any of us, but imagine, for a moment, you were someone who felt invisible to the rest of the world. You were someone pushed around and forgotten about, someone the world hated and wanted to let know you were hated. Someone who never had a real human friend, or was never treated as a person by anyone.
Then comes along this random girl, she comes in and stops you from falling while everyone else would've just watched. She introduces herself, asks for your name, your name, of all things, she cared enough to ask for. Then she tells you that the one thing you thought was the worst trait about yourself, was actually a good trait. Then she actually notices something you might be interested in, say, a bug, and asks you about it. She asked for your name, what you're interested in, and even complimented you. A random girl, who had no need to do any of this, who had no need to show kindness to treat you like a person. A random stranger was kind to you for the first time.
She said you were her friend.
Izuku developed his first weird, mesh of warm feelings that laid right in his heart. That warm feeling traveled into his face, as now all he could do was smile, and laugh just like All Might!
Now, Izuku "Deku" Midoryia, was ready to take his true first step beside Heracross! No more interruptions or mistakes, this was it! And so, the duo walked forward, challenging their future.
Izuku was now inside the UA examination room. The room was dark, the lights turned on slowly, as a giant screen revealed the UA symbol upon the monitor with a blue and purple background.
"What's up UA candidates! It's me, your school DJ Present Mic! Let me hear ya folks!"
It was quiet.
"Keeping it mellow huh? Guess that means you all just want to get into the main show then! I'll move to how the practice exam works for ya, okay? ARE YOU READY?!"
Silence, again.
"Geez, though crowd, right Toxtricity?" Present Mic whispered to his partner Pokemon. His Toxtricity was in its Amped Form, with yellow electricity protruding from it's back much like Quilava. It was a bipedal lizard with a purple body and yellow underbelly, appearing with quills spiking off its stomach that would work much like a guitar. The Pokemon merely looked at its Trainer with an apathetic look.
Izuku was in the audience, fanboying out of course, as he got to see the Hero he would listen to on the radio every day of the week. Of course, UA would have someone as loud and energetic as Present Mic!
"Shut up," Bakugo sat next to Deku as fate put him there.
"The entrance exam consists of mock battles in a suburban area, kids! You will enter your specified battle centers that were assigned when I'm done with this crazy speech of mine!"
"So, they put us in separate areas with people we don't know, huh?" Bakugo grunted as Quilava leaned on his shoulder.
"Okay, okay! Continuing with the explanation, you are set to fight 3 different kinds of enemies on your test! The one-pointer, two-pointer, and three-pointer. You are allowed to attack these bots for points, however, you can't attack other examinees, got it?!"
Bakugo sucked his teeth at that last remark.
"I have a question!" Someone in the audience said with such a strict tone, he almost sounded like a teacher at the school!
"Hit me, glasses-boy!" Present Mic said as he pointed at the student. The student had a muscular build to him, he almost looked like a square along with that jaw-line. His hair was tidy and clean and so were his glasses.
"My name is Tenya Iida. My question comes from the printout, where you list 4 different kinds of enemies. You only mention 3, is that some kind of mistake? If so, that is shameful on the UA school!"
"And you!" Iida pointed his finger at Izuku as his partner Pokemon, Herdier, barked at the boy. Herdier was a canine-like Pokemon, with cream-colored fur that made it look like the dog had a mustache. It had dark-blue fur on it's back and a tail that resembled a cape.
"You need to stop muttering! If not, then you may find your way out. Stop distracting the rest of us!"
"All right all right, calm down examinee number 7111, or Tenya Iida! The fourth villain type is a zero-pointer! You should probably try and just avoid it entirely!"
"Thank you very much, Present Mic sir!"
"That's it for today! As General Napoleon Bonapart himself said, 'a true hero is one who overcomes life misfortunes!' Now then, ready to hear our school's signature motto?"
"Let me hear a PLUS ULTRA! everybody!"
And with that, Izuku was sent to Battle Center: B, to begin his exam! When he arrived, he noticed everyone taking out there Pokemon from their Pokeballs and giving each other a little pep-talk before it began.
He noticed the girl from earlier, Ochaco Uraraka! She was taking deep breathes as her Eevee and Minior moved around her with such energy! They were ready to move and fight!
Izuku took a step forward, trying to talk to her again. He felt himself being pulled like a magnet towards those warm feelings. It's a strange thing, isn't it? To feel these things at first sight? Izuku is a strange child, after all.
But he was stopped in his tracks by the boy from earlier, Tenya Iida. Herdier followed behind with a stern and loyal look, ready to bite anyone who exhibited odd behavior. He was especially looking at Izuku.
"Are you trying to distract her? She is attempting to focus to pass the test, and just what are you trying to do?" His eyes were cold, just like a police officer.
"What?! No, that's not what I was trying to do, I was just trying to have a conversation because you see I saw her outside and she helped me not fall and so I just wanted to talk to her again you know-"
"Listen up, kiddos!" Present Mic appeared from behind the group of students with his Toxtricity in toe. "Get moving, let's go, there are no real timers in Hero work!"
Izuku felt himself getting picked up by Heracross, wondering why the sudden haste from his partner Pokemon.
Then he looked around, and saw that everyone was already gone!
"Thanks for catching me up to speed, Heracross!"
The duo ran forward alone when suddenly a one-pointer ripped through the wall and stared at Izuku.
"Kill, kill!" The machine roared as it charged. It didn't move for long, as Izuku's nerves suddenly hardened and sharpened to their wit's end, putting on his Trainer-like persona.
"Heracross, Brick Break!" With that, the one-pointer was defeated in a single swift strike!
Izuku's heart felt relieved as he watched the parts of the machine fall out of its split body. Something about seeing his first opponent fall felt satisfactory and hopeful. Izuku smiled and looked to his partner with a fist, "Alright, Heracross, let's keep going!"
As Izuku ran along the path, he found a boy wearing a white track-suit with purple stripes running down his arms. He had golden, blond hair with some sort of a belt around his waist. He fired a laser from it, attack a one-pointer, defeating it in a single blow. Flaffy, the sheep Pokemon, was beside him, letting off a discharge to defeat 3 two-pointers and 6 one-pointers. Sadly, the Flaffy damaged her trainer in the process.
A three-pointer rushed up towards the blond-haired boy as he shouted: "Oh non!" Flaffy let out a Signal Beam attack, but it didn't defeat the robot! What did defeat it, however, was Heracross striking through it with a Return! Heracross and Deku would run past the boy as he yelled, "don't take my points! I'm not a decoy!"
Izuku would take out bot after bot with Heracross, point after point, he would rise to the top.
"Brick Break!"
"Pin Missile!"
These attacks were cycled through, leveling villain after villain. Izuku was succeeding!
And yet, he was still behind.
Bakugo, in sector C, would sweep through an entire street's worth of villains in the blink of an eye!
"Quilava, use Flame Wheel and run through these bastards!"
"Primeape, Cross Chop!"
"Voltorb, use Spark to get rid of these one and two-pointers then use Explosion on that horde of three-pointers!"
Bakugo yelled commands with such accuracy, every one of his Pokemon followed them in perfect sync. He was ranking up points fast. He had about 62 points.
"Eevee! Use Swift to get rid of all these one-pointers! Minior, help out with Power Gem!"
Uraraka lifted a large series of opponents off the ground, making them easy targets for her Pokemon to decimate in an instant. Uraraka stunned them, her Pokemon would shun them. They had a total of 44 points.
"Herdier, run with me and use Giga Impact!" The duo of police-officers ran through a street's worth of enemies, annihilating them all. Iida had 53 points
The parts of the machines, their nuts and bolts, wiring and metal bodies were strewn around the mock city as the smoke from their destroyed corpses filled the sky. Soon, there would be no more machines left to fight!
And Izuku was behind. Sure, his Heracross was doing better than most, but he wasn't achieving his full potential. Izuku was working slower than most, because instead of two or more fighters, Izuku only had one, his Heracross! Izuku himself was a burden, weak, and unable to do anything. He was slowing them down with only 39 points.
Suddenly, the Earth began to shake violently, as every contestant's attention was focused on one single area. A building was split in two as rubble crashed into the cement street. Cracks started to form across the streets and as Izuku looked up, he found a giant machine staring down at him like the devil himself,
It was the zero-pointer, as big as a building. Its arms were placed upon two opposing buildings and with even the slightest force, it crushed it in a moment's notice, collapsing the buildings!
You should probably try and avoid it entirely!
The zero-pointer made a fist and roared a robotic screech, "Exterminate!" It yelled, slamming its fist into the pavement as the shockwaves blasted the contestants with dust and debris. Izuku could only watch in fear as dust knocked him to his feet, and as everyone ran past him. Each and every contestant ran for their lives.
Tenya Iida zoomed past the boi and looked down for a moment. He blinked, looked away, and ran with his Herdier.
"Heracross!" The beetle shouted as he grabbed onto his Trainers' arms. This was no time to lay down in fear, it was time to fight! Izuku shook his head and regained his composure as he looked Heracross in the eyes, "you're right!" The Trainer shouted. What would Izuku do without Heracross?!
TWO MINUTES REMAINING! Present Mic shouted at the top of his lungs using his Quirk, Voice. Toxtricity joined in the screaming, letting out a Boomburst attack!
"Two minutes?!" Izuku thought. It was fine, Izuku still had a good amount of points to pass. But to him, it wasn't enough, he had to do better.
He had to get enough for All Might! Just passing wasn't going to cut it for him! If he settled on the bare minimum, what were those ten months for?!
And then Izuku heard a squeal. It was quiet, overpowered by the echoes of rubble and destruction, but it was there. Izuku was probably the only one who heard it.
Izuku looked through the dust, and found Uraraka, crushed under debris. Eevee and Minior were trying so desperately to help the girl. Her Pokemon, just trying to save a kind and caring girl.
The one girl who treated Izuku like a person.
You're a little weird, in a good way though!
You picked a pretty good partner, Deku!
No matter your power, I'm sure you will get in!
Good luck!
Goodluck. It was such a simple word, a simple phrase to just show someone that you would wish they would succeed.
The zero-pointer moved forward, it's tank-like wheels crushing the corpses of the other villains with ease.
When you meet someone who treats you like a person, your whole world will change.
Izuku, without a moment's hesitation, ran towards Uraraka to help her out of the rubble, to save her from harm's way.
"Heracross?!" The beetle screamed out in confusion. He saw that green lighting surrounded Izuku, his hair shuffled through some kind of wind force, and his skin grew brighter. His eyes were an intense green as he turned towards his partner and screamed at the top of his lungs.
"We have to go save her, right now!" Izuku had channeled One For All in the form of an intense shout! His voice penetrated into Heracross's soul, forcing the dust that surrounded them to run away and hide. Heracross had understood Izuku's determination and nodded in unison. The Pokemon flew forward and grabbed Izuku, placing him on his back as One For All continued to surge through him.
"Uraraka!" The boy shouted, blowing away the dust that surrounded the girl. She looked up and murmured, "Deku?"
"Grab my hand!" With his voice, no one could refuse that command! Uraraka raised her hand to Izuku as he approached, but he wasn't fast enough.
Heracross could sense Izuku's dread and his spirit. As his partner, who was he to not allow Izuku to go beyond! Hearing his call, his voice, Heracross's horn shined brighter than ever as he blitzed forward stronger than ever!
Heracross had forgotten Work Up, and learned Megahorn!
Using his newfound move, the beetle used it to increase his speed and power, finally being able to catch up to Uraraka. Izuku grabbed her hand as Heracross grabbed onto Eevee and Minior. The single-horn Pokemon flew upwards towards the zero-pointer, ready to fight.
There was no reward in fighting the mechanical menace, but there was an opportunity, to show the world who Izuku really was!
"You can't hurt that thing, what are you doing?!" Uraraka shouted in a panic. Izuku ignored her, listening to his Trainer-persona and instinct. He looked the machine in the eyes and knew what he had to do.
When Trainers lock eyes, that meant a battle was brewing!
Izuku pushed his fist forward, acting as a spear for Heracross. The lightning from the rest of his body faded and concentrated only on his fist. His arm turned yellow, and spiked with energy! Red lines of strength coursed through his veins as his muscle popped with power!
Clench your buttcheeks kid, and yell this from the depths of your lungs!
"SMASH!" Izuku broke through the zero-pointers body in an instant, he was the spear that would rip through the heavens!
Spectators could only watch as a giant hole appeared in the chest of the machine, with its body beginning to explode and crumble from the impact.
The judges would scream in excitement as they saw this display of pure might and heroism, and one judge, in particular, smiled like a Champion
"That's my boy! That's the spirit of self-sacrifice!" All Might screamed in the chamber with Dragonite flapping his wings eccentrically.
Watching the body of the robot crumble apart, Heracross flew and landed atop one of the remaining buildings in the villains' wake.
When Heracross landed, he slammed his horn into the concrete structure, knocking all of his passengers off. Uraraka got up and grabbed her Pokemon with tears in her eyes.
"I'm so glad you two are okay!"
"Minior! Minior!"
"Eevee!" The three cried, so happy they escaped the tyrant's wrath. Uraraka looked up from her tears to see Izuku and smiled. Letting go of her Pokemon, she ran to give her savior thanks, but stopped dead in her tracks.
When she saw his arm.
It was black and red, a bloody mess, each finger broken and torn apart from the inside and his knuckles cracked open. There were scratches surrounding the entire arm, all that built up strength and determination resulted in the worst pain imaginable.
Uraraka was unsure of what to say.
Izuku had the same thought. He didn't feel anything really, the pain was far too intense for him.
One For All could tear apart your body, those words echoed in Izuku's head.
"So this is what he meant, huh?" Izuku looked towards Uraraka and asked, "are you alright?" Just like a Hero.
"Oh, huh, yeah. Yea I'm fine, thank you! But-" she couldn't look at his mess of an arm for long, "are you okay?"
"I can't exactly tell..." All of his nerves were so shattered that he couldn't even feel nervous when talking to her.
And with that, the exam was over. All the contestants proceeded to exit in an orderly fashion, with Uraraka following Izuku back to the entrance, hoping to get him some help for his broken arm.
They met Recovery Girl in their plea for help. She handed out gummies to varies contestants and her Audino would use Heal Pulse on Pokemon, but when she saw Izuku, she knew she had to use her Quirk, Heal. Her lips enlarged as she gave Izuku's broken arm a kiss and frankly it was, quite disturbing. Izuku and Uraraka shivered at the sight of the old ladies kiss, but it did transform Izuku's arm back to normal in an instant! However, he did feel tired shortly after. It was a drawback of her quirk, where she can heal injuries based on stamina.
Iida watched as Izuku and Uraraka talked back and forth, the two beginning to truly bond after their near-death encounter. Confusing thoughts began to spiral in his head as he watched.
He sacrificed everything...just to save that girl?! But he didn't get all too many points, why would he do that? He put his life on the line and didn't hesitate!
If this hadn't been an exam, would I have done the same thing?
Wait a minute...the judges..they saw that! So, what if-
An hour would pass before all the students were properly dismissed. They were given food and were allowed to discuss as they left the exam. Izuku walked alone with Heracross beside him.
"Well, Heracross, we tried our best. Let's just hope we did good enough okay," Izuku couldn't express his concerns to his Pokemon. What if they didn't do good enough? No, a Trainer can't say that to their Pokemon, a Trainer has to be confident in their Pokemons skill, so Izuku had to be confident in Heracross's work!
Heracross nodded as he walked beside Izuku, only to be met with a yelling of "Deku! Deku!" Behind them. Heracross figured it was Bakugo, so he was ready to fight, but he turned around and pleasantly found Uraraka! Her sweet and soft spirit calmed Heracross's nerves as she patted his strong, single-horn.
"That was some exam huh! It got really intense there for a second!"
Izuku just stared nervously, losing all that Trainer-like confidence he had seconds prior. Heracross could only sigh.
"Well, I just wanted to thank you for helping me! I wish I could give you some of my points for what you did, but I don't think that's allowed! Besides, you probably did great, seeing that amazing strength of yours!"
Amazing strength?! Izuku? He couldn't believe the words he was hearing.
"Everyone, wave goodbye now and thank Deku for what he did! I hope we meet again at UA!"
"Eevee!" Eevee jumped out and landed on Izuku's curly hair, playing around with it before returning to Uraraka. As she walked away, Heracross noticed Izuku wanted to say one more thing to her.
"Can I have your number?!" Izuku shouted as Heracross forced it out of him with a Megahorn.
"Oh, huh, sure!" Uraraka pulled out a flip phone, which was odd. She didn't have the new Rotom phones or anything really modern?
Nonetheless, the two exchanged numbers and truly said goodbye. Izuku looked down at his phone and saw his new contact, Ochaco Uraraka, with a blushing smiley face beside her name. All Izuku could do was laugh as he head home.
Days would pass until Izuku got his letter, the letter that would determine if he did or didn't enter UA. He locked the door and looked down at his phone. It was a text from Uraraka, letting him know that she just got her letter as well.
"I hope you get in, Deku!"
Izuku ripped open the letter, Heracross by his side, and with the confidence given to him by Uraraka. Out from it, came a hologram, and with that hologram, appeared the Champion, All Might!
"I am here to tell you your results!"
"All Might?! But, isn't this from UA?"
"I know it's been a while, but since I am a teacher at UA, that also comes with plenty of paperwork! That's why I haven't been in contact with you!" As All Might spoke, a hand could be seen in the corner, making multiple odd gestures that caught All Might's attention.
"Hurry it up? Can't I talk with my boy for just a moment- how many of these do I have to do?! Alright alright, I'll hurry it up."
"Izuku Midoryia, you passed the written test with flying colors and for the practical exams, you left with a score of 45, meaning you passed!"
Izuku's heart stopped. He wasn't sure how to react yet.
"But that isn't all! You went out of your way to save a young girl, Ochaco Uraraka, from being crushed by the zero-pointer villain. Even though you were told that it was pointless to fight it, you stood by your heart and fought that thing, which showed your selfless spirit! What kind of Hero course wouldn't reward you for that act of heroism?!"
"So with that, I will introduce you to the secret points dictated by the judges! Rescue points! Seeing your act of heroism, it was judged and recorded, being given a certain number of points. And you got-"
"60 rescue points! Which means you passed with 105 points, the second-highest behind Bakugo Katsuki!"
Izuku leaped out of his seat, with Heracross's eyes being starstruck, the two were about to faint! Izuku's eyes became watery as his lips shook with excitement. He couldn't believe it, when would he wake up?!
"Izuku Midoryia-" All Might continued, reaching out his hand.
"Welcome to your Hero Academia!"
Izuku's phone started to ring as he got a call from none other than Ochaco Uraraka. He answered without hesitation, only to find yelling and screaming from Uraraka, Eevee, Minior, and what was presumed to be her parents.
"Deku! Deku! Deku!" She repeated frantically, nearly out of breath.
Izuku knew why she was screaming like that. His heartbeat was a million times faster as he saw not only his dream come true but hers as well. In unison, the two yelled through their phone,
"I passed the exams!" Heracross slammed himself atop of Izuku, nibbling on his curly-hair like the old days. Izuku pushed Heracross off and looked at him with a smile. He was so excited, he wanted to battle like a Pokemon!
The duo ran outside after finishing their conversation with Uraraka, and engaged in a fierce, heartfelt, human to Pokemon battle! The sounds and grunts of their emotions could be heard in the night sky as they had no other way to express this feeling of pure and utter happiness.
Dreams really can come true!
The morning would come, months later, as Izuku would open up the door and put his yellow backpack on, dawning his new uniform. Heracross stood by his side as the two raced out the apartment into the day!
Their destination? Class 1-A of UA High! No way they could be late for such an important event!
It was time for their first day at UA!

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