Chapter 5: The Quirk Assessment Test!

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    "Class 1-A, Class 1-A..." Izuku muttered as he ran across the UA hallways, looking around frantically.
    "Heracross!" The beetle yelled as he pointed at a sign with the word "1-A," etched onto it.
    "That's one huge door!" Izuku said as he waited outside, his heart pounding.
    So, this is it then, Izuku couldn't move, it was as if the door was a steel titan or wall, preventing him from passing. The size of the door was just like the size of his dreams, too immense and pressuring for the aspiring hero.
    But Heracross saw this fear and struck his trainer in the leg with Brick Break. Izuku turned and squealed with pain, "Is this going to be a recurring thing with you?!"
    Heracross nodded as he put his claws on the door handle as if to say, You ready?
    Izuku nodded in agreement, "You're right! I made it this far, I can't back down now!" The green-haired boy held onto the handle and pushed it with full force.
    "Heracross?!" The single-horn Pokemon exclaimed as he saw a sight he could not believe.
    "Get your feet off the table, you're being disrespectful you cretan!" Herdier barked with his trainer as they reprimanded the disrespectful student and his partner.
    "What's wrong? You got a stick up your ass or something, glasses?" The "cretan" barked back, with his Quilava spiking out its flames to intimidate the policemen.
    "Tame your Quilava would you? And for the record, my name is Tenya Iida from the Soumei private school, got it?"
    "Soumei huh? Quilava is gonna have fun tearing you and your high-class ego apart!" How ironic that statement was.
    Herdier barked, ready to engage in combat, but to prevent the situation from escalating any further, Izuku exclaimed, "Hi Iida!" Bakugo and the policeman turned to look at the boy entering the classroom.
    "Goodmorning!" Iida ran to Izuku's side, completely ignoring Bakugo at this point. "I saw you at the entrance exam, you did great against that zero-pointer! Striking it with one shot, you knew there was something more to the exam, didn't you?!"
    "Huh? What are you-"
    "I misjudged you, and I am deeply sorry. I must admit, as a student, you are far superior to me!" Iida bowed in front of the "prestigious scholar" that was Izuku, and so did his Herdier.
    "Well, how about we get introductions out of the way first. My name is Izuku Midoriya," Izuku blinked for a moment before scanning the classroom, looking for someone.
    "Hey, have you seen a girl with brown hair and blushy cheeks? She texted me that she was going to be here soon."
    "You mean the girl that's petting your Heracross?"
    Izuku turned slowly to find Heracross being cradled like a child with an Eevee laying on his chest. Despite being about a hundred pounds, Uraraka lifted him without any effort due to her Quirk!
    "Hey, Deku! It's been a while huh?!" She had a bubbly smile as she rubbed her face against Heracross's horn. "It's good to see you too, Bugzy!"
    "Oh, hey, hi, Uraraka! It's been a while, I mean we haven't seen each other face to face but you did call me a few times, oh what am I saying uh," Izuku's face was bright red as she was extraordinarily close to him with a smile that melted any frozen heart. She was so cute in her grey UA uniform and skirt!
    And Izuku made the mistake of pointing that out in his frantic state.
    "Thanks! I like your uniform too!" Uraraka was blushing slightly more than normal now.
    "Wait! I didn't mean for you to have heard that!" Heracross didn't even have to hit him for that kind of reaction.
    In the back of the classroom, Bakugo stared at Izuku as his Quilava hissed at the sight of that green hair. He wanted to burn it down like a bush in a forest, and seeing that Heracross pissed off the fire-type even more.
    The hell did you do to get into U.A?! I warned you not to apply! The memory of those words rung in Bakugo's head as he remembered the encounter the two of them had in an alleyway after finding out their exam results.
    Someone told me I can become a hero, that's why I applied, despite your warning, Kacchan. You can't stop me, no matter what!
    Oh really?! Big man Deku now huh?! I'll blow that smirk right off- That was when Bakugo heard the sound of a damaged Quilava behind him. He turned, letting go of Izuku and found that Heracross had pinned his Pokemon to the wall using his horn.
    The hell?!
    Your threats mean nothing to me and Heracross!
    Bakugo stared at the child he tortured for years with such disdain. Now, that child had the spirit to fight back just because he caught a measly Heracross?
    He was going to knock that spirit back down.
    Bakugo watched as Izuku and Uraraka chatted, seeing that Izuku had lost some of his flustered looks and actually managed to hold a slightly less awkward conversation. The two recounted their experiences after the exam, and even talked about the calls they shared!
    "You sound a lot more nervous in person than over the phone!" Uraraka giggled, still carrying Heracross.
    "Oh, sorry about that! I wonder why!" Izuku joined their laughter but ended up making it awkward.
    "So, what do you think we're gonna do today? Besides orientation, because that's usually what's done on the first day, ya' know? I wonder what our teacher is like! I can't wait to make new friends, how about you, Deku-"
    "If you're just here to make friends, then pack up your stuff now."
    Izuku gasped as he looked behind Uraraka, "is that a shiny Metapod?!" Uraraka, Iida, and Izuku watched as the cocoon-like being unzipped itself and pulled out a juice box.
    It's a person! The three exclaimed with frightened expressions. Urarka was in such disgust she dropped Heracross to the ground as it was sleeping, good heavens it wasn't an actual baby!
    The man in black exited his cocoon and entered the classroom, looking out into a sea of his some-odd twenty students. "It took you too long to shut up, that's not gonna work in my class."
    "In your class? Does that mean-" Iida said with his hands moving about in a robotic manner.
    "Good that you picked up on that. I'm your teacher, Shota Aizawa," His skin was a peach-grey color and he looked completely worn out as if he stayed up all night. His clothes were black and baggy and his hair was the same color and messy along with the bundle of what seemed to be tape around his neck that was shaped like a scarf. He had a dark, intense aura to him, intolerant of a misdemeanor as if nothing could ever please him.
    And it was exactly that kind of aura that made him a perfect teacher for UA.
    "Put these on," the teacher held up a blue uniform with white stripes throughout it, "and get outside. We're having a test."
    "But what about orientation?!" Uraraka cried out as she shook Izuku's shoulders.
    "We can't waste time on pointless ceremonies, now get to it or I'll expel you!" That word, expel. All the students in the class had never heard that word be used so easily before. Aizawa said it like it wasn't anything special.
    And so, they all listened like dogs, especially Iida. Izuku looked to his partner, scared and concerned.
    How am I supposed to pass a test when I can't control One For All?! Izuku thought back to the conversation he shared with All Might shortly after being accepted into UA, the two had met on a beach.
    Control! That's what you need to work on! All Might had crushed two cans in his palm as he transformed into his muscular state. Your body is overflowing with power, zero or a hundred, no in-between! Eventually, you will learn to control your power outage!
    But Izuku still had absolutely zero control.
    Once outside, Aizawa scanned his line of students with his dark, dead eyes. A boy with red hair, a girl with headphone ports dangling from her ears, a boy with a scar on his face and most importantly, a boy with green-curly hair and freckles. Aizawa scanned him the most, he knew the boy didn't have any kind of control over his Quirk, as seen in the entrance exam.
    "If you want an orientation, this is the best you're gonna get. Everyone, come up by alphabetical order and introduce yourself, your Quirk, and your Pokemon. I don't want anything more than that, you would be wasting our time." Aizawa looked down at the attendance sheet and called out names.
    First up, Yuuga Aoyama.
    "Bonjour!" The boy struck a pose and said. He had blond-gold hair and had long eyes with a purple iris that added to his glamour. "My Quirk is Naval Laser! It's a belly button laser that I cant shoot for more than a second or else I get a stomach ache!" The boy threw two Pokeballs in the air and revealed his Flaffy, the wool Pokemon, and Starmie, the Mysterious Pokemon.
    "Do you like my fabulous Pokemon everyone?"
    Izuku recognized the boy from the exam, he was the one that got jumped by all those villains!
    "Hey, Aoyama, remember me!" Izuku exclaimed. Aizawa gave him a glare with a hint of red piercing from his eye instead of the usual deep black. It shut Izuku up.
    "Get back in line," Aizawa commanded, "this isn't a talent show to show off your glitter, Aoyama." As the sparkle got back in line, he looked at Izuku and whispered, "of course I remember you. You did steal my points after all."
    "My name is Mina Ashido, and my Quirk is Acid! My partner Pokemon is-" she spun around as if preparing to dance before throwing out her Pokeball. Aizawa gave her another glare, much like he did to Izuku, forcing her to throw out her Pokeball immediately. Out from it, came Goodra, the Dragon Pokemon.
    When the class had seen how serious Aizawa was about quick introductions, the rest of the orientation became much like a slideshow with barely any personality to it.
    Tsuyu Asui, Quirk: Frog. Pokemon: Politoad.
    Tenya Iida, Quirk: Engine.Pokemon: Herdier and Skarmory.
    Ochako Uraraka, Quirk: Gravity. Pokemon: Eevee and Minior.
    Mashirao Ojiro, Quirk: Tail. Pokemon: Aipom.
    Denki Kaminari, Quirk: Electrification. Pokemon: Pichu and Jolteon.
    Eijirou Kirishima, Quirk: Harden. Pokemon: Lycanroc midnight form.
    Kouji Kouda, Quirk: Anivoice. Pokemon: Chatot.
    Rikidou Satou, Quirk: Sugar Rush. Pokemon: Slurpuff.
    Mezou Shoji, Quirk: Dupli-Arms. Pokemon: Tentacruel.
    Kyouka Jirio, Quirk: Earphone Jack. Pokemon: Morepeko, Noivern, and Galarain Zigzagoon.
    Hanta Sero, Quirk: Tape. Pokemon: Spinarak.
    Fumikage Tokoyami, Quirk: Dark Shadow. Pokemon: Murkrow.
    Shouto Todoroki, Quirk: Half-Hot Half Cold. Pokemon: Alolan and Kantonian Ninetails.
    Tooru Hagakure, Quirk Invisibility. Pokemon: Kecleon.
    Katsuki Bakugo, Quirk: Explosion. Pokemon: Quilava, Primape, Voltorb.
    And of course, came the golden child himself, Izuku Midoryia! Quirk: "Super Strength." His partner Pokemon, Heracross! Uraraka did find it a little strange though that he introduced himself as Izuku instead of Deku,
    Minoru Mineta, Quirk: Pop Off. Pokemon: Impidimp.
    Momo Yaoyorozu, Quirk: Creation. Pokemon: Gallade.
    And that was it, everyone presented themselves and their Pokemon. The students lined up again with Aizawa looking over them ominously.
    "Are you happy with that little orientation, Uraraka?"
    She nodded, too scared to form a response.
    "Now then, I didn't do that so you can become friends. I did that to show that all of you have strong Pokemon. Throughout your lives, your Pokemon grow through battle, which is natural to them. You end up taking standardized tests over and over again, but you never got to use your Quirks in physical exams before," Aizawa held up his phone, on it, was a list of different activities. "I trust that your Pokemon are strong on their own, however, I have to make sure you're not the weak link. The Trainer can never be the weak link," the teacher gave Deku another glare as if he was talking directly to him in the crowd.
    "Bakugo," Aizawa's gaze shifted to focus on the blond explosion in front of him. "You had the highest score on the entrance exam, tell me your farthest distance throw with a softball."
    "67 meters I think," Bakugo said with calm rationality for once.
    "Show us what you can do now, and use your Quirk. Anything goes, just stay in the circle."
    Bakugo smiled like an angry bull as he began stretching, this was his chance to show the rest of the class he was the strongest, that he had the highest score for a reason!
    He was Bakugo Katsuki, the future number one Hero and Champion!
    "DIE!" The prideful spirit shouted as he launched the ball with an explosion propelling it forward. It flew threw the sky like a missile, leaving circles behind as it flew and eventually slammed into the Earth.
    Aizawa turned to the class and looked at them with his dull eyes once again, "You all need to learn your maximum capabilities. That's how you figure out your potential," on his phone was displayed the words 705 meters!
    "705? Seriously?!" Kaminari shouted with his Pichu on his shoulder, equally as in shock as it's Trainer.
    "I wanna go! That looks like fun, doesn't it Goodra!" Mina said as she shook the hand of her gooey companion.
    "Goo!" The dragon smiled.
    "Fun?" Aizawa said, with a smile not like a bull, no, more like the devil. A conniving, evil force took over as he could do nothing but smile and look at his students, being prepared to test their spirits. "You have three years here, it's not just games and playtime. You will be taking part in 8 physical exams, and the one who reaches last place-"
    "will be expelled immediately."
    So that's why Aizawa was able to so calmly spout "expulsion," earlier. Something like that was a common threat for him! Expelling students seemed like a hobby to him, like a child loving to squash bugs, not realizing that the bug too, had a life of its own.
    Shouta Aizawa was the one who crushed dreams in an instant with one phrase, "you're expelled."
    Class 1-A was shaken to its core, the pressure of those words falling onto them like debris from a falling building, like the zero-pointer returned to wreak havoc.
    Izuku looked at Heracross with a pale, dead face, his cheeks as hollowed out as All Might and his pupils shrunken and cold.
    I'm going to fail, aren't I? I really was the weak link.
    Heracross simply looked him in the eyes with that same look, but then realized something. How could a Trainer be fearful in front of their Pokemon? A leader doesn't work that way, so, Heracross stabbed his Trainer right in the chest with his horn.
    The class could only watch as Izuku was dealt an intense blow, nearly spewing out saliva from the impact.
    "Deku?! Heracross?! What are you doing?!" Uraraka shouted.
    Heracross looked Izuku in the eyes as his Trainer put his hands over his stomach, those fierce eyes laid waste to the cold feeling of despair Izuku felt earlier. He understood what his Pokemon was telling him, so Izuku got up and gave a thumbs up. "Your right."
    "If I can take blows from you, I can pass this test!"
    Aizawa gave a strange smile as he saw that event unfold. Was it a smile of deceit, of evil planning, or was it a genuine smile to see a Pokemon reassure it's Trainer of their success? Either way, it was a smile nonetheless.
    "Send your Pokemon to the benches, they will watch how you perform. After that-
    "Let the games begin."
    The field was plain and empty, white lines scattered throughout to indicate areas where the exams would take place. There were no obstacles, just brown, rugged dirt that testes the might of its participants. Like a track field, only with much more pressure exhibited onto it by the devil himself.
    Test 1:
    Tenya Iida, 3.04 seconds. His Quirk: Engine, allowed him to speed past the field at a moment's notice. His engines would work efficiently and diligently, almost like an actual police car. The only downside is that after too much use, the engines can get exhausted and become clogged, preventing Iida from moving.
    Ochako Uraraka lightened her clothes using her Quirk, giving her a time of 7.15 seconds. If she used her Quirk too much, she might end up vomiting rainbows. It was both a beautiful and disgusting site when it happened.
    Izuku prepared to run as she stretched beside Bakugo. He looked at his tormentor, and found him staring back at him, mouthing the words "You're dead, Deku!"
    Bakugo ran off with an explosion from his palms, blasting him forward. He set off continuous blasts that pushed him along like a rocket, landing him at 4.13 seconds!
    Izuku ran along as any normal athlete would, but there was something different about him. He was running more like a Pokemon than a person as he searched through the library in his head. Izuku sprinted forward like a Dodrio, scrapping the dirt as he ran with his bird-like feet!
    6.12 seconds! By the end of the race, Izuku wasn't tired at all. His body was much stronger than anyone else's with the training he did to even gain One For All along with the combat training he did with Heracross. Izuku was almost like a Pokemon himself!
    But despite all that, Izuku still wasn't at his best. Control, he needed control if he really wanted to surpass all expectations!
    Keep the egg from exploding, Izuku thought as he remembered the metaphor he gave All Might. The rush from One For All coursing through his arm, it was just like the egg. Now, he just needs to decrease the wattage and the cooking time. He needed to focus on that image!
    Test 2: Grip Strength!
    Mezuo Shoji, 504 kilograms! His Quirk: Dupli-Arms, made his grip immensely powerful! His Quirk allowed him to replicate body parts onto his hands, such as eyes, ears, hands, and mouths!
    Izuku saw that and attempted to grip tightly at his machine, only getting 56 kilograms.
    Not good enough, he thought. What could he do to become stronger? Then Izuku remembered one moment the entrance exam, he felt a rush through his body, just like One For All! It didn't explode though, but rather, just amplified his scream. Why did he scream though? He was just commanding his Heracross to follow him.
    And that's what hit him, a Trainer's voice is the most important of all! A Trainer must communicate properly, confidently, and loudly to their Pokemon, that's why his shout was amplified by One For All!
    When someone yells, they can feel their entire body begin to tense up with that loud echoes being blasted from their mouths.
    Just like a Boomburst, Izuku thought. And that's when he did it, his body coarsed with that green lightning once more and the wind began to dance around him, waiting to follow the path of his voice.
    "I CAN DO THIS!" Izuku shouted, looking at Heracross on the benches. "I WON'T BE EXPELLED!"
    Izuku's body suddenly collapsed on itself, feeling jolts of pain throughout, especially in his throat, but nothing was broken! Through his shout, Izuku's body tightened, and gave him a grip of 234 kilograms!
    Test 3: Standing Long Jump!
    Izuku could not manifest his shout to his advantage at this moment, as he had to move his body which was still too intense of a task for him.
    Test 4: Repeated Side Steps!
    Minoru Mineta excelled excellently at this test, using his Quirk: Pop off, to his advantage! His Quirk allowed him to create purple balls from his hair that are incredibly sticky. However, he cannot stick to them, but he can bounce off of them, which is precisely what he did here! Despite his small size and weak body, he did the best in this test. But that isn't saying much for someone as pathetic as him.
    Test 5: Ball Throw!
    Ochako Uraraka got a score of infinity, leaving the entire class stunned at the possibility of such a score! The ball remained in space for what would probably be years, decades, maybe eons, probably being frozen and ending up on some distant planet. Perhaps Deoxys would find the ball and return it to Uraraka one day. Or, it would just keep it for itself as a plaything. Who knows?
    Izuku stood in the circle, taking deep breaths and figuring out what he wanted to do next. He could use his shout here either, although, maybe the wind from his voice would move the ball far enough? No, that kind of force was still too weak.
    He couldn't use the air pressure from One For All to his advantage, he had to use it's raw, pure strength.
    Izuku turned to look at Heracross, both locking eyes, and understanding what must be done.
    It's just one arm.
    Izuku took one giant step backward, his body twisting and turning to catapult the ball using All Might's strength. His arm turned yellow and red, pulsating with lightning and pure energy!
    His left foot dug into the dirt, his arm extending backward like a canon, making a motion, and preparing to launch!
    Three! Aizawa locked eyes with the student, his eyes red and fierce, disabling whatever power Izuku had with his Quirk: Erasure. He could erase anyone's Quirk with a glare, returning it to them only when he blinked. The exact thing had been done to Izuku, One For All was disabled!
    Two! Izuku was unaware of his power being gone.
    One! Izuku's body was in position, in a moment's notice, he would fling the ball only a few meters forward with the strength of a Quirkless human!
    Blast Off!
    But nothing was launched.
    Aizawa watched with stunned, surprised eyes as he saw the student still with the ball in his hands instead of throwing it. The class watched in that very same stunning moment, wondering why he didn't throw, his body seemed to be moving perfectly! Izuku had thrown plenty of Pokeballs in his training, so of course, he was used to the movement.
    So why did he stop?
    "You erased my Quirk, didn't you," Izuku turned to face his teacher, who's eyes became more in awe than aggressive or disappointed. "Eraserhead, you were going to do that, weren't you?"
    The classroom looked at the two, seeing they had locked eyes as if preparing to battle. Izuku had called out Aizawa for his true identity, the Pro-Hero Eraserhead!
    "So, you know who I am then?" Aizawa said as his scarf began to grow outward as if an intense wind had uprooted them.
    "Those goggles, I can tell at a distance! No one else here probably knows who you are, since you don't like being in the spotlight, sir."
    "So? What's your point? I erased your Quirk and you didn't throw the ball. Even if you could throw it, you'd break your entire arm. That kind of power is worthless for a Hero-"
    "That's why I didn't throw the ball."
    Aizawa raised his eyebrows.
    "It would be like asking Heracross to break his horn. Or like using Final Gambit on your last Pokemon while your opponent still has their full team left. I couldn't do something like that, not as a Trainer."
    "So what do you plan to do then, boy?" Aizawa stepped closer with a smile, wanting Izuku to test him.
    "Watch," Izuku took another pose, ready to throw his softball once again! He wasn't going to fail this time, he had a plan.
    I can't ask Heracross to break his horn, or to faint at a moment's notice! But, I can ask him to take a bit of damage, to decimate his enemy!
    Izuku raised his left leg, his body twisting, beginning his launch.
    Aizawa was right, I can't break my arm, not now! Izuku dug his foot into the dirt, throwing the ball!
    But not completely.
    At the last possible moment of impact, One For All coursed through Izuku's index finger. Along with that pure, raw strength, came the mind of a Trainer!
    I can ask Heracross to use Double-Edge! I can ask Staraptor or any bird Pokemon to use Brave Bird! Rampardos to use Head Smash! They can all take a bit of damage, and so can I!
    "SMASH!" The wind moved out of the way for Izuku's projectile, coursing through the skies much like Heracross did with his Megahorn during the entrance exams, The winds shook and shuttered at the display of strength as Izuku turned to face his teacher, the one who doubted him the most beside Bakugou.
    Eraserhead had a cheeky smile on him, as he saw Izuku's broken, single finger.
    "705 meters, this kid!"
    The entire class roared in excitement, dancing and moving with the broken wind. It was a score that rivaled Bakugo!
    And Bakugo could not stand for that, and neither could Quilava.
    "Hey!" The pride-damaged fighter yelled with sparks flying from his palm. Quilava raced off the benches, using Flame Wheel to approach and strike Izuku for his declaration of war!
    "Deku, you bastard, tell me how you did that or you're-" Bakugo couldn't finish his sentence as bandages were wrapped all around his body as if he were a mummy and a large, black, shadowy claw was pointed at his neck. Liepard, the cruel Pokemon, had just used Shadow Claw and was ready to attack Bakugo in an instant.
    Quilava's Flame Wheel was suddenly nullified, it's body scraping across the dirt. When it looked up, Quilava found itself being stared down by a Venomoth, the poison-moth Pokemon, who had just used Disable.
    "Ven!" The moth raised its wings, having it be consumed by some kind of powder, then pushed it forward to the fire-mouse! Quilava could only squeal as the powder agitated it. But the fighter would stay strong! It would fight Izuku for threatening to surpass and manipulate its Trainer!
    That was, until, Quilava fell asleep by the Sleep Powder attack.
    "Stand down, or else I'll expel you first, Bakugo!" For some reason, those words hurt more than they should've. Bakugo, being threatened with expulsion? Sure, he was a rambunctious kid at times, but he never showed teachers his incredibly ill behavior. No one had told him they were going to punish him before, no one had threatened Bakugo like that before.
    And this threat was all because that brat, Deku, challenged him. Why was he being punished? Shouldn't he be praised instead?
    "Liepard, Venomoth, return," Aizawa returned his Pokemon and let go of the simmering rage he held onto with his scarf. Izuku ran back in line, as Bakugo could hear "Izuku, you okay?" Behind the sounds of his fuming, bubbling, hatred.
    "Quilava, get some rest," Bakugo returned his sleeping Pokemon into its Pokeball. He usually never put Quilava into its Pokeball. He had to give his own Pokemon a time-out because of Deku.
    I'll roast that damn nerd, He tightened his fist. A bug on the road I could squash! What the hell happened?!
    The rest of the tests went smoothly, with everyone lining up by the end to view their results with their Pokemon. Aizawa found it useless to announce the scores one by one, so he just showed the class a holographic list.
    When the list appeared, Izuku and Heracross scanned for the name "Izuku Midoryia," hastily, praying that he wasn't in last place. No way he could be last, he wasn't going to let Aizawa ruin his dreams!
    1st place: Momo Yaoyaorzu, the girl who got into UA through recommendations.
    2nd place: Shouto Todoroki, the prodigy child who got in through recommendations as well.
    3rd place: Katsuki Bakugo.
    4th place: Tenya Iida.
    5th place: Fumikage Tokoyami.
    6th place: Tsuyu Asui.
    7th place: Mezuo Shoji.
    8th place: Mashiro Ojiro.
    9th place: Eijiro Kirishima.
    10th place: Ochako Uraraka.
    11th place: Minoru Mineta.
    Then there he was, Izuku Midoryia-
    -12th place! He wasn't going to be expelled! Because this was a Quirk assessment test, everyone else had an advantage over him. If the test was based on raw, human strength alone, then Izuku would have passed in the top 7 easily!
    Izuku breathed a sigh of relief as Aizawa stared at him with a cunning smile.
    "You think you're relieved? You all should be, I wasn't going to expel anyone."
    The students stared with pale faces and small eyes.
    "It was to get you to try harder. Thank me later, now class dismissed."
    Izuku took a deep breath and collapsed on top of Heracross.
    "I thought I was going to be expelled!"
    "Of course you weren't, no one was. It was pretty obvious, maybe I should've said something," Momo said beside her Gallade, protecting her like she was a queen. There was no danger in the area though.
    Although, the queen was wrong. Aizawa did fully intend on expelling someone from the class. It was dangerous and cruel to let someone continue dreaming of an impossibility, but he saw everyone's dreams in that class as fruitful, even Izuku's.
    In a strange way, Aizawa is a kind, tired soul.
    Aizawa handed Izuku a slip of paper, telling him to go into the nurses office to meet Recovery Girl, the same old lady he had visited at the entrance exams.
    And with that, the day was over. Izuku picked up his syllabus after being healed by the old woman's kiss.
    "I was a bit concerned at Aizawa's judgment, you know," Iida walked beside Izuku after class, the two conversing about the days' events. "But I trust his judgment, even though his lies were immoral at the end of the day."
    "He was scary at first, but I think he is just serious about his job you know? Just wants the best for us. Like a harsh Trainer in a way."
    "Hey! Deku! Iida!" Behind the two came a bubbly girl, waving her arms around, trying to get their attention. "You two going to the station?"
    "Infinity girl! Er-" Iida passed for a moment, turned to Herdier, and nodded. "Ochako Uraraka, I mean."
    "Yep! That's me! You two did great on the tests! That throw was amazing, Deku!"
    "Deku?!" Iida was stunned at the remark. "Isn't your name Izuku?"
    "Well, yea it is, but-" Izuku felt embarrassed at the mishap. "I accidentally told her my name is Deku because Kacchan would call me that. I was too nervous to correct Uraraka, so I just left it."
    "Kacchan? That's Bakugo, right?" Iida said, "why does he call you Deku?"
    "Oh, its an insult," Izuku looked down at Heracross in shame before continuing, "it means useless."
    "Useless? Why would he call you that? To me, Deku sounds kinda cute, and probably works as a great Hero name!"
    "Hecu!" Heracross began to mumble, mismatching the "He-" and "cro-" in Heracross to attempt to say "Deku!"
    "Hecu! Hecu!" Heracross flexed its muscles and smiled at its Trainer. Izuku nodded, removing the cloak of shame and looked up at Uraraka with confidence.
    "Deku it is!"

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