Heracross: Origin

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    "Young man, you too can become a Champion!"
    Finally, Izuku had it. The key to unleashing the unrelenting force of his dreams, the one thing he needed to make him unstoppable. He had the words "you can do it," etched into him by the person he admired most in this world. Mere moments ago the child had lost hope in the existence of those words, only for them to return with a vengeance, telling Izuku "I'm still here."
    "Young man, I deem you worthy of my power so you too can become a Champion!"
    And with that, Izuku's heart was overwhelmed by his brain's confusion as all he could mutter was a simple "huh?"
    "Worthy of...your power? Is that a joke or something sir?" Izuku mumbled as he wiped away his tears.
    All Might let out a haughty laugh as he looked up at the dawn, "You should see your face right now kid! It's not a joke, it's the real deal, just like your dream!" He approached the freckled child with his finger pointing at Izuku's soul.
    "So? Do you accept my offer or not?!"
    "I ...still don't understand a thing we're talking about..."
    "You're a fanboy, so I'm sure you've noticed how I've dodged questions revolving around my Quirk. I usually brush it off with a joke, now why do you think that kid?" All Might had a smug smile at this point.
    "No idea....It doesn't make sense, as all Heroes have their Quirk known to the public. It doesn't make sense for you to try and hide it, especially if the reason being you don't want to give Villains the upper hand."
    "The world needs to think I'm a natural-born Hero, just like everyone else. Although in actuality, this power was like a gift, handed down to me by another Hero, my master!" All Might's arms spread open like an angel's wings as he revealed this information to Izuku.
"Handed down...?!"
"Yes! Exactly! And now I'm prepared to pass this torch to you!"
"Passing down a Quirk? That doesn't make any sense to me, I haven't heard anything like it. I mean, humans aren't like Pokemon, we don't pass things down like that or like Egg Moves really. Since the first superpowers no one has been known to do that, although for a Pokemon sure it could be likely but for humans? No way, this makes me question too much about what I already know-"
"Stop nerding out and listen! It's not that complicated, young man! I can give you my true Quirk: One For All!'
A light entered All Might's eyes as if he was traveling across the world, across time and across lifetimes as he exposited the unraveling mystery onto the 10th holder of One For All.
"From one person to the next, this power stacks onto each individual it comes across. It grows and grows, becoming stronger by the day! I am the 9th user of this power, and it's what allows me to become the Champion! The cultivated power of the 8 before me, that is the source of my strength!"
Izuku could see that All Might returned to this life when the light from his eyes faded and he looked straight into Izuku's soul with nothing but a warm smile. That smile said "you can do it, kid," but, could Izuku really be worth it?
"Why are you giving this to me? Me, of all people. Did you remember I was Quirkless?"
"A Quirkless Hero who ran to help his friend, yes, that's what I see in you. I've been looking for someone to hand this down to for a long time," All Might's thoughts drifted elsewhere as he said this, "but I think your more fitting of a candidate than anyone else!"
Izuku could see that warm smile again, along with the phrase "you can do it." This time, there was no aura of doubt on if he deserved it. If All Might said so, he meant it! Izuku gripped his fist and stood up, wiping away his newly formed tears.
"I'll do it, All Might!"
All Might put his hand on his messy hair and smiled once more for reassurance, "I like the way your heart talks, young man! But first-" All Might held his arm out as Dragonite placed a Pokeball on it.
"First, you need to show me you're ready to even begin training! To prove that to me, catch a Pokemon in one week!" All Might threw the Pokeball at Izuku for him to catch, but instead, it just slammed into his face and made the child lose his balance.
"Come on kid, your ruining the moment..."
"Sorry, sir! I was just distracted at your heartfelt speech!"
"Don't be distracted be motivated! Now, go catch that Pokemon!"
"Dragonite!" The draconic Pokemon roared as he and All Might were lifted into the sky, ready for their departure.
"I'll see you, tomorrow kid, then we go Pokemon hunting. Don't be late!" And with that, the Dragonite flew off at breakneck speeds. Izuku watched another shooting star fly away, reminding him of what he needed to do.
This was his time to fulfill his wish all those years ago.
"I'll be here, early! You got it All Might! I won't let you down!" The child echoed into the stars, the sun, and the moon. This was his chance! The start of a new adventure!
The day went on, Izuku went home to receive an earful from his mother about the event, along with meeting the tears of both her and Mime Jr. A few years ago, the Meowth that Inko had in her possession ended up running away and never returned. Knowing that Izuku would still want a "pet" of some sort, she had a Mime Jr. delivered by Izuku's father Hisashi Midoryia. He was out doing work, so he was never really present in Izuku's life.
"I was so worried about you, Izuku! How could you just get caught up in that!"
"Mime! Mime!" They both screamed out in tears of motherly worry.
Izuku couldn't sleep that day, his entire body was shaking with excitement, knowing he would start his Hero's journey tomorrow! He felt like a 10-year old boy in the past, waking up to receive his starter Pokemon! Hopefully, Izuku wouldn't oversleep in his excited state.
A new day arrived and with it came new ambitions. Izuku already knew what he wanted to do today and he had a plan of sorts as to how he would do it. The young boy, filled with aspirations, met up with All Might in front of a familiar fence. It was broken, with a *stay out* sign in front. Despite the warning, children never seemed to listen, why would they? It's just a sign after all, and the broken fence was easy to run through. Izuku would know, of course.
"So, this is where you want to catch your first Pokemon, huh?" All Might said with his Dragonite following behind.
"That isn't a problem, is it sir?"
"Not at all, young man! Matter of fact it's quite fitting!"
"How so?"
"It reminds me of the old days, before Quirks. Pokemon trainers would travel out like this to catch Pokemon. Ever heard of Viridian Forest?"
"Of course I have! You can catch Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgey, Oddish, Bellsprout, Pikachu, and Bulbasaur over there! Although, Bulbasaur's and Pikachus are pretty rare."
"My, you've done your research! I'm guessing that means you want one of those to be your first Pokemon?"
"No, actually. I already have my partner in mind. Although, catching a Pikachu later on, would be nice!"
The trio of One For All's blessings continued throughout the forest. Izuku met every familiar face and destination with such excitement it was as if this was his first time here. It clearly wasn't, it was more like his hundredth time or so.
Izuku found a familiar sight, a mossy tree knocked over to make a bridge to the other side. The curly-haired boy just stared at the site, caught in some kind of daze, almost like he was watching a movie. He was watching a movie where the protagonist found an enemy at the edge of the bridge, then losing his balance and falling into the river below, only to be met with the hand of the side character asking "Are you okay?"
"Young man, where do we go from here?" All Might asked, returning Izuku to reality.
"Oh...right...let's keep going," Izuku coughed for a moment and took his next step.
Step after step later, they arrived deep in the forest, where there was an area completely enveloped in light, like another gift. Izuku walked into the light, taking a breath, then screaming at the top of his lungs, "Vespiquen!"
With that call, her royal army appeared in an instant, marching forward to meet their prince, Izuku Midoryia. The Combee embraced the child with smiling faces and laughter as he placed his hand on their hexagonal-honeycomb bodies.
"Hey everyone!" Izuku smiled as All Might watched curiously. The Champion looked at his Dragonite, only to be met with the same expression.
"All Might, come out here, it's fine!" Izuku laughed as a Combee pressed its face against Izuku's freckles.
From the darkness, a roar could be heard that stunned the Combee to their core, forcing them to act as knights once again. All Might looked at Dragonite, prepared for battle.
The queen herself emerged, surrounded by more Combee, with her crown held up high in elegance. First, she looked at All Might, wondering how that frail skeleton of a man was still alive, then she looked down at her child. Her little cinnamon bun, Izuku. When she saw her prince, Vespiquen smiled and cast Heal Order onto him, not because he was hurt, but as an act of kindness.
"Stop, Vespiquen! That tickles!" Izuku brushed away the pink clouds around as Vespiquen held his cheeks with her hands.
"Vesp! Vespiquen!" It said with elegance in its voice.
"Young man," All Might said, interrupting their embrace. "Do you want to catch this Vespiquen?"
"No," Izuku replied, "but she'll help us catch what I want!"
"Help?" All Might tilt his head.
Izuku held Vespiquen's hands and smiled. "You think you can help me find that Heracross? I'd really appreciate it."
The queen couldn't reject the smile of her youngling. She returned the gesture and roared into the sky, commanding all of her knights to track down the one her prince desired.
With that, the area of light was left empty, with its only inhabitants being the Champion and his partner, and the queen and her cinnamon roll.
"Now we wait," Izuku sat down, finding Vespiquen playing with his curly hair.
"Young man, I have a question," All Might sat down beside Izuku, only to find Vespiquen staring at him menacingly. He moved an inch backward.
"Young man, how do you know these Pokemon? It's like their family to you."
"Well..." I guess they are, Izuku looked down at the grace in shame. "Sorry that it's a little disappointing but, these Pokemon have been my true friends. One day when I was a kid, I was lost here, and I found Vespiquen. She was attacking a Heracross, and so I jumped in to help-"
"Without thinking?"
"Without thinking," Izuku was now looking up at All Might. "Ever since then, I've sort of had an interest in this forest, so I kept coming back. After a while, I grew to know so many Pokemon, like Vespiquen and her Combee. They are all nice to me, as friends should be," Izuku pulled out his Pokedex entry from his bookbag and handed it to All Might. Izuku's Pokedex No. 1.
Flipping through the pages, All Might found all the Pokemon they had met in their hunt. Pidgeys, Spearow, Taillow, Mankey, Combee, Vespiquen, and Combee. There was an entry for Heracross and one for Cyndaquil as well.
"That boy, back at the Garbodor incident, he had a Quilava. Is this entry meant to be that Cyndaquil?"
"Yea! I admired his Cyndaquil a lot back then, I thought it was so cool!"
"I'm happy your good friends with that boy, young man," All Might smiled as Dragonite looked over to view the entries as well.
"Yea ...good friends...." Izuku muttered.
"This is Dragonite's entry!" All Might laughed as he showed Izuku the journal, forgetting that he had written it. "So this is when you found out about me huh?"
The four sat quietly, embraced by the light. All Might and Dragonite were entertaining themselves with Izuku's journal, Vespiquen continued to play with Izuku's hair, and Izuku, the golden child himself, just waited. He waited with such shaking nerves after he met Heracross again, things would change forever!
But what if he didn't find Heracross? What if this was to be another disappointment, much like his birth. Born without a quirk, born without human friends, born without hope and reassurance. Born without anything to allow Izuku to keep fighting. What if whatever happened today, wasn't what he wanted? It would've just been a reminder of his never-ending failures.
Sure, he could catch any Pokemon as his partner, but did that mean anything? Did it mean anything to not have any kind of connection to your partner beside it being seen as a tool? No, Izuku didn't want that, he wanted this Heracross.
Minutes would pass and the light would fade, slowly but surely. He wasn't going to get his Heracross, would he? Another disappointment, yet again, another reminder that every force in the universe wanted Izuku to fail.
"Young man, what about your other friends," All Might put down Pokedex No. 2 and looked at Izuku.
"Oh, my other friends? I can probably show you some more around the forest. There is this Wooper and Goldeen at school that are nice to me. You can look at the journals if you want to see them, a star by their name means I've actually met them before-"
"I didn't mean those kind of friends. I meant-"
"Hera!" That little mutter forced Izuku on edge as he jumped out of his seat. He looked forward and found two Combee pushing Heracross into the light. The third Combee placed honey in front of the blue-beetle and smiled. Heracross ate it up in an instant, only to look up and find the shooting star he too had been looking for.
Looks like the light hadn't died out yet.
All Might simply smiled as he could feel Izuku's heart pounding at the scene, "Well, there's your partner."
The two ran to embrace each other in a moment's notice, like two brothers who hadn't met in ages, like two best friends who just met after one moved away. Heracross let go of Izuku and lifted him up using that strong single-horn of his. Izuku landed on Heracross' back and the two began to fly around just like back then.
Nothing changed. Izuku's fascination with Pokemon didn't change. Heracross' playful and strong spirit didn't change, their bond, their wish, didn't change.
"Heracross, get to the ground! We have to do something special!" Heracross nodded as if following a trainer's command. However, the beetle lost it's balance and darted toward the Earth much like he did those many years ago as well. That didn't change either.
All Might walked towards Izuku and handed him a Pokeball, watching as Heracross forced its horn out of the Earth. "I have to ask, why him?"
"What do you mean, All Might?" Izuku asked with confused eyes.
"That isn't the strongest Heracross you could find. It probably doesn't even have perfect EVs or IVs. It doesn't have the perfect Egg Moves you would want, it isn't the perfect Heracross. Besides, you couldn't pick something stronger? Maybe like a Beldum, or a pseudo-legendary. Out of all the Pokemon in the world, your choosing this Heracross, why?"
Izuku looked up at All Might, knowing what he was doing. "All Might, I don't care about any of that. I met this Heracross as a child, and it was my first real friend. I want my first real friend to stay by me forever. I don't care if it isn't the strongest Heracross or the best Pokemon. It's the one I want. All Pokemon are special, and that includes this one," Izuku smiled before finishing, "It's just as you said yourself, All Might, when you were interviewed and asked how would someone choose their first Pokemon."
"You choose your first Pokemon by the heart. That's what you said, and that's what I'm doing," Izuku finished. "Besides, isn't it a little hypocritical for a Quirkless Trainer like me to want the perfect Pokemon?"
All Might let out a hefty laugh as he patted Dragonite's back. Dragonite too began to laugh.
"I was just testing to make sure you still had it, young man. With that kind of response, I chose the right student! It's your time, young man." All Might gave a thumbs-up and a smile, Izuku had passed his little test.
Izuku nodded as he got up, facing Heracross with determined eyes, pushing his arm out forward, Pokeball in hand.
"Heracross, I'm going to become a Hero. A Hero needs his partner Pokemon, and I wished that you would be that Pokemon. Will you-"
Without hesitation, Heracross tapped it's horn onto the Pokeball and watched it open, encasing him in blue light. The Pokeball closed in Izuku's hand as he watched it shake.
Click! The Heracross has been caught! Izuku held his dreams in his hands. How surprising that it could be withheld inside such a small ball!
With his wish made a reality, Izuku pointed the Pokeball outward and said, "Heracross, let's go!" The Pokeball opened, unleashing a blue light, and when it faded, Heracross appeared, flexing its strong body.
"Heracross!" It was determined to start it's new adventure as it cried out.
"Now then," All Might transformed, his body becoming large and muscular, with a dark shading encompassing him. "It's time to begin your training!"
From that day forward, Izuku and Heracross began their intensive training. They started out on a beach, a beautiful, sunny, sandy beach.
Or at least, that was how it looked years ago. Doing some online research, All Might had discovered this beach and found it abandoned. People would dump their trash into the ocean, and the current would push that trash onto this beach. A side effect of illegal dumping, along with displaying the weakness of Heroes.
"Back then, Heroes were about community service instead of flashy powers and villains fighting! Even if it was kind of boring, Heroes did their job no matter what!" All Might would explain to the rising duo as he crushed trash with a single hand.
"Your first task as a Hero, to clean out all this trash before entering UA. Then, and only then, will you get my power!"
"Sir yes, sir!" Izuku said with fiery determination, much like Bakugo. Heracross joined his trainer in their chants.
The UA Entrance exam would begin in 10 months, and Izuku's body was far from ready to receive All Might's power. If he wasn't prepared, then his body would split apart.
And with that, Izuku started his hell, in order to enter the heavenly school of UA, the greatest Hero school. Bakugo would be entering as well, but that was to be expected as he too, was working hard for his gateway to heaven.
Izuku would follow All Might's training regime with Heracross, the Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan! It detailed every workout regime, sleep schedule, and even how Izuku should be eating.
On top of moving all the heavy garbage, Izuku had to study and be on top of his schoolwork, which he was always able to do.
"Come on, put your back into it, Midoryia! This trash isn't going to move itself! Don't you give up on me!" All Might would shout constantly as Izuku struggled to move the trash around. He would move wheels, broken refrigerators, sinks, chairs, you name it! Anything that was trash, was here on this beach!
While Izuku struggled to move the trash, Heracross found it easier with it's single-horn, being able to lift objects 100 times its body weight! Interlaced with the workout training, came with it Trainer activities.
"Heracross, Horn attack!" Izuku would shout.
"Dragonite, dodge and strike back with your tail!" All Might would command.
All MIght would go easy on the young man and his beetle, but still, he was far too much for them even without bond evolution. Heracross often got taken out by a single attack after minutes of Dragonite dodging.
"Come on, young man, throw that thing like your ready to rip your arm off!" Izuku would also practice the way he threw a Pokeball, throwing it as far as he could've and as precisely as he could've. As he threw the Pokeball, Heracross would fly to catch it and return it, almost like playing catch with a dog. This was to train Izuku's precision and body, as well as Heracross's speed and coordination.
It was ten months of blood, sweat, and tears. Jog after jog, trash after trash, workout after workout and vomit after vomit. Yes, Izuku did vomit a lot.
At home and school, Izuku would always be doing something to help with his training, by lifting weights, jogging instead of taking the bus, and eating healthier than even what All Might assigned.
Introducing Heracross to his mother was an exciting experience, like introducing a long lost cousin or a new best friend. Inko and Mime Jr. cried tears of joy as they saw the cinnamon boys first Pokemon, how joyous!
At school, Izuku received recognition not only for the Garbodor incident but for his new Pokemon. He started to get attention for once, but it wasn't actually him, it was more so Heracross.
Izuku would partake in Pokemon battles at lunch or in his free periods, fighting wild Pokemon and the Pokemon of his peers.
"Heracross, Brick Break!"
"Horn Attack!"
"Pin Missile!"
Battle after battle Izuku rose as a Champion amongst his peers. Surprisingly, Izuku never fought Bakugo, or even interacted with him after the incident. It was...strange..for the classroom to be quiet without Bakugo yelling at "Deku."
As the training went along, All Might would examine Izuku's notebooks and journals, finding all kinds of research and data.
"Dragonite, the dragon Pokemon. It's a Dragon-Flying type, with Inner Focus and Multiscale as it's abilities. It's a rare marine Pokemon, with an intellect that rivals that of humans. It is known as the sea guardian as it rescues people in need. It's a kind-hearted Pokemon, no wonder All Might has it as his partner!" All Might read the journal entry and smiled, looking up to find Heracross striking Izuku with a Pin Missile attack. The Quirkless boy braced for impact, as 5-needles struck into him and exploded at the scene. When the smoke cleared, Izuku fell to the ground panting.
"Young man, I have a question," Heracross would pick Izuku up and guide him towards their mentor.
"Your such good friends with Pokemon. You even put yourself up to fight your own Heracross through training with your Quirkless body. That Vespiquen treated you like it's child and those Combee acted like your brothers. You have all these deep entries like you were talking about a friend in your journals. But I have to ask-
-You don't talk about your human friends. Why is that?"
Those words shook Izuku to the core. He wasn't exactly sure how to respond besides a few mumbles.
"What was that?"
"I said I don't get along with people very well... All Might..."
"Do you hate them?" All Might asked with a menacing glance. Izuku couldn't respond until he forced himself to open up. "I just don't work well with them. All people do is push me away and treat me like garbage, all because I'm weird and different, because I'm Quirkless, because I'm not normal and that's wrong.....I guess ...I do hate them..."
All Might sighed to break the awkward silence. "You don't hate them, young man. You just don't understand them, I can tell." The Champion patted his student on the head before continuing. "When you find another human being that treats you like a human being, that treats you like you matter, you will see a whole new world. You will find all new experiences and feelings that you may not be prepared for, but your world will open up. "
As All Might got up and walked away to end the training session, Izuku spoke up. "I already found you, All Might."
The Champion turned and responded with, "And you will find more in your journey."
"Maybe in UA?"
"Definitely in UA, young man," All Might waved goodbye and flew off on his Dragonite.
Ten months was over in the blink of an eye, with a week left before the exam. All Might arrived at the beach on Dragonite's back, expecting to wait for Izuku to arrive. He was surprised when he found that Izuku was already at the beach, standing above a mountain of trash.
"Heracross, Horn Attack, now!"
Following the command of his Trainer, Heracross's horn became covered in a white light as he charged towards his Trainer.
Izuku caught the attack with his bare hands, but the force was too much, and it pushed Izuku right off the mountain. The warrior fell right into a bundle of garbage bags that cushioned his fall. The boy got up again, still being prepared to fight.
"Heracross! I didn't say stop! Keep striking me with Brick Break!"
"Hera!" The blue-beetle flew down to its Trainer and struck him in the arm with an intense Brick Break, throwing Izuku to the side. Izuku noticed a bloody scratch where he was attacked, but he still didn't stop. Heracross flew forward with more strikes.
Izuku dodged the first, but barely, then found his face to be attacked by the next onslaught of moves. The boy fell to the ground, finally defeated.
"Young Midoriya?! What are you doing? Don't you have a beach to clean-" Dragonite tapped All Might's shoulder, hoping to reveal the same sight Dragonite saw.
"Holy shit...." All Might saw a completely clean beach, with the only trash present being the mountain Izuku had formed. The past had returned to the present, filling the old forgotten dumpster with the youth of the sandy horizon and glimmering waters.
"Oh my ...oh my..."
"GOODNESS!!!!" All Might exploded with energy, so much so that he transformed into his muscular state and ran beside his student.
"I had cleaned the beach like you asked, sir..." Izuku muttered as he coughed from his injuries. "So I took the remaining time to train ...with Heracross...as I always do...."
"Well then, this is an unexpected turn of events!" All Might said with a signature smile as he tended to Izuku's wounds, covering him in bandages. Dragonite tended to Heracross.
"So, what now? Am I ready?" Izuku smiled as All Might helped him.
"Well, your body is ready, but there's one last test!"
"What?! Another test? How am I supposed to accomplish it in a week?!" Izuku stammered before All Might covered his mouth.
"It's a quick test, almost like an exam! Meet me near the waters when you're ready, young Midoryia!"
After a few moments, Izuku met All Might at the waters, Pokeball in hand, and Heracross following behind. All Might was still in his muscular form.
"Your body may be ready to be a Hero, but I have to make sure that you're prepared as a Trainer! You have to defeat me in a Pokemon Battle!"
Izuku's heart shriveled up for a moment, how was he supposed to fight All Might when Heracross was barely capable of surviving a single one of Dragonite's attacks?!
All Might's eyes shined a bright, blue light as he looked at his student. "When two Trainers lock eyes, that means it's a battle you can't run from!" All dug into his vest and threw an all too familiar Ultra Ball.
From the blue-light, emerged a Pokemon Izuku hadn't seen in 10 months.
"Garbodor!" The Pokemon roared as it was released, spreading out the sparkles and dust from its release.
"Is that the same Garbodor from the incident?!" Izuku shrieked.
"You've got a fast eye, Izuku! I caught it while you were unconscious and thought this was the perfect time to use it! You see-" All Might spread his arms out towards the scenery, pointing at the mountain of garbage. "Garbodor loves to eat trash, so it can easily clean up the mess you organized!"
Izuku had noticed the Garbodors eyes, it wasn't red anymore, it was white. "What happened to it?"
"Oh, that! Well, you see it was a little misunderstanding! You see, a Jumpluff had used Rage Powder on it, which caused it to go in a frenzy!" All Might let out a laugh and so did Garbodor, reminiscing on old times.
Izuku smiled, relieved to see the Garbodor wasn't villainous in nature but rather, just aggressive like any wild beast who was attacked. With that, Izuku shook his head and hardened his heart. He looked to his partner and asked the all-important question.
"You ready, Heracross?"
Heracross looked at its trainer and nodded, flying onto the battlefield with a fierce determination.
"This will be a clean one-on-one match! The first one to Faint loses the match! When you win, you will inherit my power, Izuku Midoryia!" All Might flipped a coin into the air and caught it in a moment's notice. He looked down at the coin, then to Izuku with intense eyes.
"Looks like the first attack is mine, young man!"
Izuku "Deku" Midoryia versus All Might, BEGIN!
"Garbodor! Use Spikes!" The trash-heap followed the Trainers command, spewing out Spikes from its gatling-gun arm. Spikes were spread across the battlefield.
He is restricting Heracross's movement space! Izuku thought to himself.
"Now, use Poison Gas!" Garbodor opened its jaws to spew out an intoxicating breathe towards Heracross.
"Fly up into the air and use Pin Missile!"
Heracross followed the Trainer's command, dodging the cloud of poison and retaliating by firing off 5 missiles towards the opponent from its horn. They stabbed into Garbodor, exploding on impact, but it wasn't very effective.
"Garbodor! Use Sludge Bomb!" Garbodor fired off three Sludge Bombs towards Heracross, only for them to be dodged with ease.
"Pin Missile, again!" Heracross's horn was wrapped in white light, launching off 5 more missiles towards the opponent, all landing with a success!
"Again!" All Might shouted, only for the same result to be had, Heracross dodging them all. When Heracross let off another set of Pin Missiles, Garbodor countered with Sludge Bombs to nullify the attack. Both forces collided and exploded in a magnificent force of battle!
Heracross remained in the air as Izuku thought about his course of action. In his head, he had the advantage. Heracross could remain in the air and dodge the Sludge Bombs, while Garbodor wasn't fast enough to dodge the Pin Missiles. That was the plan, to dwindle down Garbodor while in the air so that Heracross wouldn't be injured by spikes-
"You really think staying in the air would help you, young man? How predictable!" All Might said as he waved his arm in defiance. "Now, Sludge Bomb barrage!"
Garbodor took aim and fired off Sludge Bombs as fast as a machine gun, All Might had trained his Garbodor well! Heracross attempted to dodge a few of the attacks, but was overwhelmed by the onslaught!
"Even though Heracross can fly, it can't stay in the air forever and it can't dodge at such speeds!" All Might laughed as if he knew his victory was imminent.
"Heracross, hang in there!" Izuku yelled with his foiled plan. "Get close and strike with Brick Break!" Heracross flew closer and closer, dodging some of the Sludge Bombs but being struck by others. His target was right in front of him, within range of attack.
"Now!" Izuku shouted.
"Don't let him strike you! He is close, counter with Gunk Shot!" Garbodor did as his Trainer commanded. Heracross was too close to dodge the Gunk Shot, but far enough away as to where his Brick Break won't connect. A trash bag seemed to form in front of Garbodor's jaws, surrounded by purple lighting.
"Garbodor!" Its attack was charged and ready as it flung it towards Heracross, successfully making contact. An explosion of purple smoke and green sludge was released from the trash bag as Heracross was sent flying into the sand, feeling the Spikes impale him as he was dragged along the shore.
Heracross was in critical condition.
"Just like that huh," All Might sighed." Well, we have another week worth of battles for you to win-"
And just like that, Heracross let out a roar, standing on its feet with an intense determination in its eyes. It had been through ten months' worth of training with Izuku, it had lost battle after battle against Dragonite. After all that, after all the broken bones, suffering, and achieved dreams, it wasn't going to lose! Not when Izuku's dream was one step ahead!
We'll take that step, no matter what!
"Heracross, Work Up!"
When did he get a TM for Work Up? Did he buy it on his own? All Might thought as Heracross's body flexed in a red aura, increasing it's Attack and Defense.
"Fly towards Garbodor and hit him with a barrage of Pin Missiles!" Heracross did as Izuku asked perfectly, its horn wrapped in the white light, unleashing it in a whip-like motion, firing off a barrage of Pin Missiles as if it was warfare!
"Counter with Sludge Bomb!" The two attacks would collide, engulfing the area in smoke, neither side being able to see.
But that was what Izuku wanted.
When the smoke cleared, All Might frantically looked for Heracross, but he found nothing until it was too late.
"Garbodor, behind you!" The trash heap turned and found Heracross, with its horn directly under Garbodor.
"Heracross can lift anything 100 times its weight, that means it can lift up to a thousand pounds! Garbodor only weighs about 250 pounds, which means-"
"No..." All Might said as he saw Heracross raise it's horn upward in an intense motion.
"We can easily send Garbodor flying!" Heracross threw it's opponent into the sky with such ease and with such strength, completely disorienting the land-based tank!
"Now, Work Up and chase after him with Pin Missile!" Heracross was enveloped in the red aura much like before, flying into the sky like a red star, firing off more Pin Missiles! Garbodor readied a Gunk Shot as it was struck with Heracross's attack. Neither side would be able to withstand the next move.
"Now, Garbodor! Fire!" The purple trash bag was launched as Heracross flew right into it.
"The hell?!" All Might exclaimed as he found that Heracross was still standing!
"Cleaning up all this trash, we found a lot of useful items, All Might," Izuku said with confidence for once in his life. He may not have been confident as a person but as a Trainer-
Izuku was the best of the best.
"In your training regime, we found some Leftovers to use to heal Heracross over time! That's how he survived the hit and that's how we will win! Heracross, finish it with a Return!"
He bought a TM for Return too?!
Heracross's body was enveloped in an intense white aura, as its knuckles became wrapped in hearts.
"Heracross!" The Pokemon roared as it struck it's opponent right in the gut, witnessing a blow so fierce Garbodor had spewed out saliva and some poisonous breathe!
"Another Return with your other arm! Send him into the Earth!"
Heracross's left arm was wrapped in hearts as well, as he delivered the blow to Garbodor's ripped trash bag of a face, throwing him into the Earth like a meteor.
BOOM! Garbodor's body slammed into the sand, uprooting all the Spikes that were present on the battlefield. When the impact-smoke faded, Garbodor laid on the beach was black, dazed eyes.
Garbodor fainted! Izuku Midoryia is the victor!
All Might could do nothing but smile a smile even brighter than before, watching his student surpass all expectations, even surprising himself! "Well done, Izuku Midoryia!"
Izuku could only stare at the defeated Pokemon with dazed eyes as Heracross landed right in front of him, nearly collapsing from the battle. Izuku could only stare like it was a dream.
Like at any moment, his alarm would ring and Inko would tell him "time for breakfast, dear!" He would wake up and find that he had never met All Might, there never was a Garbodor incident, and he had never trained for ten months. He was ready to be brought back into reality.
But he can't be brought back into a place he already lived in. That battle, the ten months, the struggle and tears, all of it was real, and so was his dream!
Izuku collapsed to the ground in tears, losing all of that confident aura he had mere moments ago. Living his dream had broken his mind, where only his heart could pour out all of his intense feelings. Izuku had finally won!
"Do I deserve all this? All Might?!" He cried out as Heracross embraced him.
"Of course you do, Izuku!" All Might returned his Pokemon and went to Izuku's side. "How could you think that ten months later?"
"Am I just lucky?! Is that it?!" Izuku cried as he waited to wake up any second.
"Don't confuse the two, my boy," All Might placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder. "There's a difference between being lucky and being deserving, one an accident, another a reward, never confuse the two!"
Izuku looked up at All Might with tear-stricken eyes, ready to face what's next.
"Take that to heart, young man. You earned this with your Heracross! If you want proof of that, look at your Return attack. It gets stronger the more connected the Pokemon feels with its Trainer, and your attack was at maximum strength! You worked for that bond, just like you worked for One For All!"
And with that, Izuku held out his weak, Quirkless hands, ready to embrace the gift that had avoided him for so long!
"Now, eat this!"
Izuku and Heracross stared blankly, waiting for All Might to fix his statement. He clearly misspoke, right?
All Might pulled out a piece of hair and handed it to Izuku. The two continued to stare.
"What? Is something the matter?"
"I thought it would've been less ...awkward...to get your power, sir."
"I don't see what's so awkward about it, it's just hair!" All Might was some character, grabbing the hairpiece himself and shoving down Izuku's throat.
After a coughing fit, Izuku successfully swallowed his gift. His eyes, his body, his mind and spirit it all felt-!
The same.....
"Well, nothing is going to happen now of course. Just wait to digest it, Izuku!"
All Might would heal up Heracross and send the two off, riding on his Dragonite into the sunset. Izuku and his partner watched as their shooting star merged with the sun, or were they the same thing?
"You ready, Heracross?"
The two would find themselves in front of UA's steps as the entrance exam had begun, looking at the blue sky, red brick-floor, and tall building structure. The two giant gold letters that spelled UA let Izuku know that yes, this was a dream.
A dream made a reality!
Izuku took his first step beside his partner, ready to face the entrance exams!

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