Chapter 6: Vs. Quilava! The Battle Between Fates Rivals!

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    Izuku had managed to survive his first day at U.A, managing to make some new friends along with making great progress as both a Trainer and a Hero.
    But that didn't mean he had time to relax, for his biggest challenge was soon to come.
    In the morning, Izuku and the rest of his classmates had basic academic studies, such as literature, math, science, history, and with a bonus class of Pokemon knowledge! This extra class would consist of the study of Pokemon, from their biology, habitats, Pokedex entries, and moves. Upon entering the class, each student would receive a Pokedex that they would use as their "reference table" of sorts, much like similar tables in math and science classes. Momo may have excelled the other subjects, but in this class, Izuku was king!
    In the afternoon was when the intensity ramped up, with Hero basic training! And by ramp up, it really it ramp up seconds as the class began as a signature phrase could be heard from everyone's idol.
    "I AM HERE-"
    "Coming through the door like a Hero!" All Might ran into the classroom dawning his silver age Hero costume. It was a much more traditional outfit, with a blue cape that spread out like the sky, and the top half of his body being covered in a vibrant red, with white lines coming from his biceps and shoulders that would merge to create a circle at his chest. The one thing that wouldn't change from costume to costume, was that bright smile of his.
    Dragonite followed behind his Champion, waving hello to the students as they all began to scream in their fanboy-istic passion, much like Izuku.
    However, Izuku could still scream louder than them and with plenty more passion. He didn't though, as he had seen All Might enough times to not let his passion overwhelm him, along with the fact that he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Uraraka and the rest of his classmates.
    "That costume is so nostalgic!" Ojiro said with his Aimpom leaping about from it's Trainers shoulder to his desk in a frantic moment. It had the same feelings as Ojiro!
    "Welcome, everyone, to Heroing 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight for justice! Now, let's hurry along just like Aizawa would, and get to the important part of today's event-"
    "Combat training!" Bakugo interrupted as an evil, sadistic force took over and forced pyres out from his palms. That same force took over Quilava, and the two kings stood on their throne, ready to show the rest of their kingdom that they had God's chosen right to the heir of the throne. In this case, the throne would be his desk.
    "Yes...uh..thank you Bakugo..." All Might coughed at the interruption. Dragonite gave Bakugo a menacing stare, forcing him to sit back down in his seat and wait patiently for instruction.
    But not even Dragonite could quell Bakugo's desire for battle.
    "As I was saying, today is fight training! And of course, the most important aspect of fighting as a Hero, besides fighting for good, is looking good!"
    At the tap of a button, suitcases started peering out from the walls as a mechanical whirring sound could be heard. Each case was made from a strong, silver substance and had a number painted onto it, corresponding with the students individual seat numbers. 01 all the way to 20.
    "Inside of these suitcases are your Hero costume that you created from your request forms and Quirk registration that you submitted before school started."
    "Now suit up, and meet me at training ground-Beta!"
    Half an hour would pass as the Champion stood in front of a large, dark tunnel beside his partner. The two waited until they had heard footsteps begin to approach.
    "It's about time!" All Might smiled, seeing the first few students walk in. "You know there's a saying, clothes make the pros, and I think all of you are proof of that!"
    First up was Bakugo, wearing a tight black, sleeveless tank top that had an orange X placed in the middle. Around his neck was a metallic neck brace with three holes at the end of the rectangular ends. His belt had a few support items on it, such as grenades. The belt kept his baggy black pants held up with his knee guard and combat shoes.
    His most prominent feature were two large grenade-like gauntlets that he bore on each hand like they were weights. You could tell them were heavy, but of course, Bakugo could carry them.  Izuku had noticed this and wondered, why would Bakugo create such a strange feature into his Hero outfit? The golden child got to thinking.
    Next up came Iida, with a black one-piece suit with various aspects of armor throughout his body. The armor was a white coloring, with it covering his torso, arms, biceps, and legs. There were engines mounted on his shoulders.
    His most distinct feature was his legs, as that was where his Quirk predominantly lied. They were large and heavy, displaying his calf-engines proudly. He was like a walking tank with that sturdy square body.
    Then, Uraraka pushed through the darkness, displaying black-full bodysuit with a pink pale stripe down the middle of her torso. She had a pink, thick choker around her neck that matched with her handles on her wrist guards. Her knee-high pale pink boots and her tinted visor made her appear almost like an astronaut!
    Finally, came the upcoming and rising Hero! Running through the darkness, he bore the warm and hopeful spirits of his mother with that costume. Inko had crafted the costume herself, looking through Izuku's notebook as he trained with Heracross.
    I know it seemed like I gave up on you, and I'm sorry, she would say, presenting him with a green, white striped spandex that was similar to the UA uniform itself.
    So, this is my way of showing you that I support your dream!
    This was the only costume Izuku could wear, the heart warming feelings from a caring mother passed down to her child! He could feel her kisses and hugs on every fabric, every stitch, and on every cell of it. Izuku would have a visor-like mask over his mouth that had white lines over it, resembling a certain someone's smile, and having bunny-like ears to make the comparison even more obvious.
    All Might obviously knew the source of this inspiration and laughed with his Dragonite.
    "You all look so cool! Now then, let's get started you bunch of newbies!"
    "Sir, this is the fake city," Iida interrupted. "So, we are going to do rural combat?"
    "Not quite! As today, we will be fighting in doors! Although it may not be as flashy as outside fights, it is statistically more dangerous! Truly intelligent criminals would work in the shadows. You will be split in groups of two, two for the villains team, and two for the Hero team per battle!     Each Trainer being able to choose one of their Pokemon, their main partner of course!"
    "Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsuyu interrupted, making it the second interruption.
"The best training is done on the battlefield-"
"Will you decide who is the victor, All Might?" Momo said with elegance.   
"How badly can we hurt our opponents?" Bakugo eye'd down Deku.
"How will we be divided?" Iida interrupted, again.
"Let me speak and I'll answer your questions! Listen first, there is a 'nuclear missile' inside the hideout, the Heroes must either capture the weapon or capture the villains! The villains win through catching the Heroes or when time is up! You will be split randomly, just like in real Hero work, you don't always choose your partner or your enemy!"
With the explanation done with, All Might was relieved, as now all that was left was to draw the teams!
Team A: Uraraka and Minior paired up with Izuku and Heracross, how convenient!
Team B: Shoji and Tentacruel paired up with Todoroki and Alolan Ninetails!
Team C: Mineta and Impidimp paired up with Momo and Gallade!
Team D: Bakugo and Quilava paired up with Iida and Skarmory, how also convenient!
Team E: Mina and Goodra paired up with Aoyama and Flaffy!
Team F: Kouda and Chatot paired up with Satou and Slurpuff!
Team G: Jirio and Noivern paired up with Kaminari and Jolteon!
Team H: Tokoyami and Murkrow paired up with Tsuyu and Politoad!
Team I: Ojiro and Aipom paired up with Tooru and Kecleon.
Team J: Sero and Spinarak paired up with Kirishima and Lycanroc!
The teams were chosen, now all that remained were the order of battles! All Might dug his hands into two boxes, titled Heroes and Villains respectively. The class watched with anticipation as fate chose the most fitting of combatants.
Team A vs. Team D, how the strings of fate turned!
Izuku turned to face Bakugo as he glanced back with a smile, a sadistic, evil smile as Bakugo mouthed, "You're dead," once again. Finally, the two would get their match, and Bakugo would get his revenge!
The forest in Izuku's mind, he could smell smoke starting to brew.
The rest of the class stood-by watching in the monitor room with All Might as Bakugo and Iida entered the building, preparing their defences. The teams had 5 minutes of prep, and that was all Izuku needed to assure victory.
"Uraraka," Izuku gestured as he handed her two disc-like objects. TM's for the moves Reflect and Light Screen. "Here, use these."
"Where did you get those?" Uraraka questioned as she took them from her partner in crime fighting.
"UA gives out Pokemon items that can be used in battle, I took an Assault Vest and gave it to Heracross." Uraraka noticed a red vest around Heracross. "What I'm going to give you though, I found all on my own," Izuku handed her Leftovers as well.
"Before I came into UA, I spent 10 months training both me and Heracross's bodies at a beach. It was covered in trash and we managed to move all of it. Along the way, I picked up a lot of materials that I thought would be useful for Hero work. People really do throw away useful items for no reason. But you know as they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure."
Izuku's voice had become much akin to his Trainer-like persona. He spoke cold and calculated, his heart beating through his chest at the challenge approaching.
"So, all these things you have, they are meant to be defensive, right?"
"Yup. With this Assault Vest, Heracross can only perform attacking moves," that was what Izuku wanted everyone else to think, "but it comes with the trade-off of his Special Defense increasing. That way he can deal with Quilava's Flamethrower."
"Without Light Screen and Reflect, what moves do you have?" Izuku stared into Uraraka's eyes, awaiting an answer.
"Power Gem, Stealth Rock, Self-Destruct, and Cosmic-Power. What about you?"
"Replace Self-Destruct and Cosmic Power. I'll signal you when to use screens. I have Megahorn, Brick Break, and Return."
"What about your fourth move?" Uraraka watched as Izuku walked towards the entrance, with time nearly up for their prep.
"You'll see, I planned for this fight the second All Might announced we were doing battle training. I thought about every single opportunity I could get against anyone here with what knowledge I have," he patted Heracross on the horn and looked up at the building. It was way more menacing than it appeared. It was just a simple building, made of stone and metal, but inside was a wild, fierce duo of burning demons ready to lay waste to those who entered, especially Izuku. Iida was overshadowed by that presence, although Izuku had a plan for him too.
Uraraka noticed that Izuku was still shaking and sweating, even through his costume. She approached him and placed her hand on his shoulders. Minior floated behind.
"Are you okay, Deku?"
That melted away all that confidence within Izuku's mind, as his heart now took over, looking at Uraraka's endearing mind. He remembered the forest being consumed by smoke, barely giving Izuku room to breathe. He would cough up ash, and the battle hadn't even started yet. The pressure was held up to an intense degree, beyond what Izuku's intelligence could handle.
"I'm not sure...I...I don't even know if this plan will work as I want it to." He took off his mask and leaned closer to Uraraka. "His Quirk, his Quilava, his ambition and strength, it's all too much for me. I've lost every single fight with him and the only time I fought back was when Heracross stood up for me. I'm not ready to lose again today."
Uraraka pushed Izuku's mask back up and smiled. "Then don't. I'll follow this plan of yours, Deku, and we will win this fated battle between rivals!"
Izuku remembered those words, you will find someone who treats you like a human being. This proved it, this proved that Uraraka saw Izuku not only as a person, but as a friend, and a fighter. She wasn't going to let that spirit die out! Intertwining her spirit with his, they were going to win, together!
Izuku smiled and turned to the building once again, "I'm sorry to get you caught up in my fight."
"What are you talking about, we are a team! Your fight is my fight!"
Outside, a bond was being made that burned brighter than Bakugo's explosions while inside, the demon was facing conflict with his supposed "partner."
"You really have some sort of gripe against Izuku, why? What has he done to you?" Iida remarked as he saw that Bakugo was beginning to leave the chamber where the weapon lay dormant.
At his remark, Quilava turned around and fired off a Flamethrower, striking in between iida's legs, commanding him to back off.
It's because he lied to me, all these years. That god damn worthless waste of a bastard lied about that shitty Quirk!
He gets a Pokemon like Heracross and now suddenly starts to rise up to my level? What the hell happened to him?! I'll make them pay for threatening me!
I'm going to roast that damn nerd today! Bakugo thought as he ran from Iida.
"Wait! Bakugo! We didn't talk about a plan!"
Team A and Team D, your time starts now!
"And just like that, we're in!" Uraraka whispered as she crawled out of the window with Izuku and their Pokemon following behind.
The group of four walked quietly along the dark and mysterious corridors. Each turn felt more suspenseful than the last as Izuku expected an attack at any moment.
His thoughts began to race as they added to his plan, repeating and revising it over and over again. Izuku couldn't use One For All, it would destroy the building and kill someone, so he just had to rely on his human strength, Heracross, Uraraka, and Minior.
He had to use his head, every percentage of his brain power had to be used in this fight as Bakugo would be using all of his strength.
And that's exactly what happened, as Bakugo leaped out of the shadows like the devil himself, shouting, "Quilava, Flame Wheel!"
"Uraraka, now!"
"Right! Minior, use Reflect!"
Heracross jumped in front of Izuku to take both the attack from Bakugo and Quilava as a light-pink cube-like shield began to generate around both him and Minior. In a moments notice, a loud BOOM! was heard along with the sound of some sparkling presence, smoke filled the corridor as Izuku took a step back to survey what little information he could gather from his line of sight.
WIthout even needing to be commanded, Heracross knew what Izuku's next shout would be. Retaliating with Return on each fist, Heracross struck both Trainer and Pokemon right in the gut, sending them flying. Bakugos attack was a failure, and only scratched Heracross!
Izuku's initial defense worked! Reflect would surround both Minior and Heracross, increasing their Defense stat while it remained for a short while.
The smoke had cleared as Izuku saw that Bakugo was attempting to get up from the blow, feeling every point of damage taken. Izuku saw his chance and took it!
"Uraraka, use Light Screen and then run to find the weapon!"
Uraraka followed as her partner's voice commanded, covering Minior and Heracross in a yellow cube, with it fading moments after appearing. With both screens up, Uraraka ran to do her part, leaving Izuku to his.
Defeating Bakugo!
"You got this, Deku!" Those words, along with the screens, was all that Izuku needed to reassure his stone cold planing. His heart was like the sun at this moment, hotter than Bakugo's flames, and definitely more endearing!
"What the hell was that?!" The demon finally got up beside his Quilava, filled with nothing but agonizing hate burning in his palms. "Quilava! Smokescreen, then Flame Wheel!"
"Quil!" Black smoke poured out from the volcano Pokemon's jaw, swallowing up Heracross in it's darkness. After the bug was consumed, Izuku could see a spark of flames, presumably Quilava rushing towards Heracross. The sound of colliding particles could be heard as Quilava made contact with Reflect, revealing the pink cube on impact.
But through the darkness, Bakugo came rushing out once more! Izuku noticed his posture at a moments notice, seeing that his right his right arm began to extend outward.
Nows my chance, Izuku's second strategy began to be in motion.
Running towards his attacker, Izuku dodge the initial right hook explosion with such agility! He must've seen it coming a mile away, leaving Bakugo still shocked and confused on how to respond.
With all of his upper-body strength, Izuku hit him with what seemed like a Circle throw attack, sending Bakugo straight into the solid structure of the building!
"You always go for a right-hook when you fight, I've seen it a dozen times!"
Izuku took this moment to analyze his surroundings even further as Bakugo was stunned. As he held onto Bakugo's gauntlet, he noticed it's distinct features, how sturdy and heavy it was and how large it was. Izuku glanced and saw that there a pin on the gauntlet, much like an actual grenade. Why? Why are these features so prominent and advanced? It couldn't just be for show-
-Then Izuku got his answer. Hopefully his prediction would be right!
Turning to face Heracross and Quilava, Izuku found that the two were locked in a duel, Quilava tackling Heracross repeatedly with Flame Wheel and Heracross countering with repeated Return attacks.
Quilava was struck with a critical hit, knocking it out of it's Flame Wheel. With his body fully exposed, Izuku noticed a black-ashy substance around Quilava's neck. It was a Charcoal, made to increase the attack power of Quilava's fire-type attacks.
And with that, Izuku's time for analysis was up, as he saw Bakugo curse on the ground, biting his teeth.
"You son of a" Bakugo slowly got up, in pain. Izuku's attack wasn't as strong as Heracross's, but it stung more in a different area. Bakugo's pride. The fact that a Quirkless "loser" countered him and predicted him perfectly, it hurt.
It really, really, hurt.
"You're supposed to be're not supposed to be this good..." Bakugo finally stood up, his hair covering his eyes in a shadow. "Dogshit on the road...a rat...a stupid pathetic sack of shit.." Izuku could now see Bakugo's aggravated and sharpened eyes. They locked eyes and the battle had become more intense.
"Deku...a helpless and worthless kid..that's who you are!"
"You're wrong," Izuku said, standing up strong and sturdy, his heart and eyes unwavering from the lock they had on Bakugo.
"That name, Deku, doesn't belong to a worthless nobody anymore," He slammed his foot onto the ground and struck a fighting pose, much like Heracross himself, arms targeted near the chest and head slightly tilted to the left. "It belongs to a Hero! The one that will become the greatest of all time! That's who Deku is!"
Bakugo thought back to a moment he missed in his rage and confusion.
You got this, Deku!
"Seriously?!" His teeth bore out like a rabid dog. "Is she what is giving you all this confidence? You pathetic simp! Is that what made you think you could take me alone?!"
"You're wrong again. All she did was sharpen my instincts. That's what a true partner does!" Izuku wanted to say something else, but it wasn't his turn to aggravate Bakugo too much just yet. He needed to wait for the next stage of his plan.
And one part of it entirely revolves around luck.
"Those screens, and that Assault Vest. You plan on being fully offensive while having a good defense huh? Trying to prepare for Quilava's super effective fire-type attacks agsint your bug-type Pokemon!"
He fell for the bait.
"Well then fine, let's see how much damage Heracross can take! Quilava, Flamethrower!"
"Quil!" It's mouth foamed out with fire, before launching it out an echo. "-lava!"
Aiming it right at Deku, it knew Heracross would jump in to take the hit, but it wouldn't take much damage due to the Vest and Light Screen.
But that didn't matter, as when the flames collide with the cube like shield, Heracross's body became engulfed in flames as it yelled in pain!
Izuku winced at the scene as he yelled out his partner's name. "Heracross!"
Bakugo smiled and began to laugh, "you seriously had an entire plan, and now it falls apart just like that! With just a little Burn status!"
Behind the mask, however, Izuku was smiling. Yes, a Burn effect did half all of Heracross's physical Attack stats and it would do damage over time, but that damage reduction wouldn't work on this beetle.
Not on a Pokemon with the ability, Guts! Where his Attack power would actually be raised at a status like that!
Without coming to the realization of Heracross's ability, Bakugo leapt into the air using an explosion, firing down on Izuku with a kick!
He is trying to change up his attacks! Does this mean he is nervous? Izuku successfully blocked the attack and wrapped the capture tape given to him by All Might around his leg.
Bakugo stretched out his hand, becoming impatient and getting ready for another attack.
"Heracross!" The single-horn Pokemon shouted as he ran to Deku's aid, using Megahorn to strike Bakugo right in the throat! Using that very same horn, the beetle launched Bakugo behind to clash against his own Pokemon, disorienting them.
But Bakugo didn't give up his onslaught, being blinded in a rage like a Bouffalant, charging back into the fray. He didn't even realise he was thrown into his own Pokemon.
"Fuck up!" Bakugo shouted with burning eyes as he struck Heracross with another signature right hook.
"Brick Break, now!" Heracross retaliated against the attack with an unwavering spirit, the Reflect activating to protect himself. The beetle chopped Bakugo right down the middle of his face and slammed him into the dull, grey battleground.
But the combo wasn't done yet, as Heracross placed his horn in between Bakugo's legs, lifting him up and throwing up into the ceiling, watching him crash down into the floor shortly after. The Burn effect returned, damaging Heracross once again.
The sounds of clashes and explosions, rumbling and shaking, all of it was going according to plan!
"Quil!" The Pokemon checked up on it's Trainer, only to find Bakugo pushing it to the side.
"Why don't you fucking do something then?!" He yelled at his own Pokemon, reprimanding it. How could a Trainer do that?
"You" He couldn't even formulate words to express this feeling of pure hate that was magnified with every failed strike and retaliation. His brain was about to implode on itself, with his palms crackling in smoke.
"You're holding back against me, yet you're scared! Use that god damn Quirk against me that you hid for so long! Let's see how it compares to mine!" The pyres from his hands exploded, filling the corridor with an orange light. "You still can't beat me, with or without a Quirk, and even with that weak shit of a bug you got there!"
"Bakugo, what's going on down there?" Iida said through the communicator given to them by All Might as well.
"Shut up before I beat your ass when I'm done with them!"
"'Them?' You mean Izuku and Uraraka? They are with you?"
Bakugo hung up in an instant, not attempting to communicate at all that Uraraka actually ran away.
"We're supposed to be partners, we have no time for radio-silence!"
That confirmed Izuku's suspicions, they weren't working together! Now, all Izuku has to do is rely on Uraraka to take the weapon as he deals with Bakugo. Using their lack of communication, that was a pivotal point in Izuku's plans!
Uraraka had found the weapon, continuing Izuku's master game plan with Minior by her side. She surveyed the floor and saw that Iida stood alone, with nothing but his Skarmory by his side.
Perfect! She though, Now's my chance to win!
"You know, Skarmory, Bakugo does make a pretty good Villain. So, we should probably attempt to do the same to succeed in this mission, don't you think?"
"That's right! We need to devote ourselves to criminal intent! Yes, we won't fail! Embrace evil, to become a Hero!"
That was when their voices began to change into one's that sounded more like witches and moustache-twirling Villains.
"We are the embodiment of evil, isn't that right, my dastardly devil, Skarmory!"
"Skarrrrrr, Skarmory!"
Uraraka couldn't hide her stealth anymore as she saw Iida's display of child-like acting. She spewed out spit as a "pffffft" sound echoed across the floor from her laughter.
"Minior!" The meteorite shouted in a panic as it realized they had been discovered.
"So there you are, Hero! Skarmory, attack them evilly with Iron Head!"
The armor bird Pokemon flew in like a missile, being consumed by a silver colored aura, ready to attack the Heroes who entered its lair! Uraraka was too busy laughing to properly retaliate, so Minior took initiative and set off a Power Gem attack!
The counter was in vain, as Skarmory simply dashed through the mystical rocks thrown at it and rammed right into the meteor, throwing it into the wall, cracking its shield in a single strike! Now, Minior's red core was exposed and it could now take damage.
"Minior!" Uraraka shouted as soon as she stopped laughing, concerned for her partner Pokemon.
"I knew you would come here alone when Bakugo ran off to fight by himself! Izuku would plan for that and make it a one-on-one fight. How predictable, Hero! But as you can see-" Iida spread his arms out wildly, showing off the clean and spotless floors, "I removed any potential objects you could use your Quirk on! My dastardly strikes have rendered you helpless!"
"We'll see about that! Minior, Stealth Rock, now!"
Use Stealth Rocks so that you can stop Iida's movements. He is fast, but he wouldn't want to take damage from the rocks scattered about! Uraraka followed Izuku's instructions as Minior floated up above, firing off sharp rock-like projectiles into the ground around the weapon, making it difficult for Iida to move about!
Then, while he is immobile, jump and grab the weapon! Uraraka used her Quirk on her own body to lighten her own weight as she leapt towards the machine! Victory was on her side, as she won using Izuku's spirit!
"Skarmory, Defog!" Suddenly the area became wrapped in a deep mist, preventing Uraraka from seeing anything. But she knew the weapon was right in front of her, right?
Wrong! When the mist faded, so did the weapon from site. Uraraka let out a gasp as she flailed about in a panic. She landed in a rolling motion, ramming into the wall.
"Minior!" Her Pokemon yelled in a worry.
"You foolish Hero! Really expecting me to not push through the rocks? Well, too bad, I didn't have to! With Skarmory's Defog, it just blew your obstacles away! I can just keep running around, holding this weapon from you, and if you try to stop me, Skarmory has got me covered!"
"You have blundered, Hero! Now, use Air Cutter!"
Uraraka grabbed onto Minior as she ran to hide behind the pillars, watching it be chipped away by the sharp air fired off by Skarmory.
"Deku! I need help!" She radioed to Izuku.
"What's the status?" Izuku was hiding in one of the corridors as Heracross fought alone against Bakugo and Quilava, and he was winning! Striking Bakugo with a Return in the back and slamming Quilava into the wall with Megahorn, Heracross wouldn't fall. Never! He wouldn't fail Izuku!
"Bad! Skarmory has Defog so he can help Iida move around and take the weapon from me!" The sounds of cutting air and a breaking pillar could be heard through the radio. "He has Iron Head, Air Cutter, and Defog!"
"Where are you?" A blast could be heard from behind him as Bakugo yelled, "What's wrong you beetle-bitch?! Getting tired?!"
"Near the middle of the fifth floor! What do I do?!"
"Stay strong, I guess we need to resort to my other plan then," Izuku really didn't want to do this. He wished Uraraka could just deal with Iida, but that was expecting too much from her and underestimating Iida.
"You can do this, Uraraka. Don't give up. I believe in you," and with that, the radio transmission ended as Izuku departed a last, heart-warming message. Now Uraraka was invigorated with the same spirit that was driving Heracross!
Izuku leaped out from his hiding place to see Heracross caught in an intense lock between Bakugo and Quilava! Blow after blow, explosion after explosion, the intensity continued to ramp up!
As the battle continued, thoughts began to race through Bakugo's head. The flames that were burning in his mind, the pulsating veins of anger, all of fed these thoughts into Bakugo as he desperately fought against the Guts-boosted Pokemon!
You really think UA would let someone like you in when they could have me?! And yet here Izuku was, fighting against Bakugo with the determination of a great Trainer.
Like it or not, you can't stop me!
He is just meant to be dogshit on the road!
He was struck with Quilava's Flame Wheel as Heracross dodged the attack. The two were so blinded by hate, they treated this as a treat fight more than anything else.
You can't do anything right, can you? You can read the last part of Izuku's name as Deku. That must be what you call a helpless, worthless loser!
Why don't you understand? Bakugo leaped into the air with his explosions and clocked Heracross across the face, sending the beetle back into the ground.
"Heracross can't take much more! The screens will run out soon!" Izuku panicked as he watched the fight unfold.
Why can't you do anything right? Heracross stabbed his horn into the ground and pulled it back up, throwing the floor materials into Bakugo, disorientating him. WIth this chance, Heracross charged at Quilava with a Return attack aimed straight for him!
I am amazing! No one is as great as I am!
So then why the fuck is this bug beating my ass?!
Bakugo thought back to when his kindergarten class discovered Izuku was Quirkless. He just sat there, broken, eyes wide and pale. It was terrible, a broken dream at the age of 4.
You're a complete failure, Deku.
And then the last thought rushed through Bakugo's head. The image of Izuku lending his hand, his pitiful hand towards the glorious Bakugo at the river! How could he?!
And then, he thought of the Garbodor incident. A few words rang through his head and sent him to the brink, shattering his sanity! Bakugo was no longer a person, he was a demon! And those words were-
I wasn't going to sit there and watch you die!
"I'm so much better than you are, Deku!" Bakugo crackled an explosion from his palm, crashing it into Heracross. The pink cube appeared for the last time, as it was shattered in a single strike! Uraraka was too far away to repair it again!
Heracross crashed right in front of Izuku as Quilava let off a Blaze-boosted Flamethrower, colliding with Light Screen! The two forces exploded, breaking apart the barrier as it faded into nothing but dwindles of light. Heracross had finally lost its defences. Without them, it could barely take anymore hits from the duo of devils. Heracross was in near critical condition as it engulfed in flames once again by the Burn status condition. Bakugo was covered in scratches and wounds as he spit out blood with a smile and laughed. Quilava was in critical condition, which is what activated its Blaze ability.
"So! Now that your shields are gone what are you gonna do, scum?!" The black areas of Bakugo's gauntlet shined a red light, and Izuku noticed in an instant.
"I'm all loaded up now," Bakugo grinned as he took a pose, Quilava hiding behind him.
Looks like I was right! Izuku thought as Bakugo pulled on his gauntlet like a pistol.
"You know how my Quirk works you obsessive freak! I secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from my hands, and these gauntlets store up that sweat for one monster blast!" A light emerged from the gauntlet as Bakugo placed his hand on the pin, ready to fire.
"Young Bakugo, stop! That's too far, you will kill him!" All Might suddenly intruded as he broadcasted his voice into the radios.
"He will be fine as long as he dodges, now shut up!"
BOOM! The attack was fired, scraping against the walls of the corridor and engulfing the area in a red, intense light. It was like a comet, racing towards Izuku with the desire to kill. Bakugo won!
"Heracross, take off your Assault Vest and use Protect!" Izuku finally revealed his last move, Protect! Heracross threw the Assault Vest off and cast an emerald-green shield in front of both him and his Trainer. Izuku watched the comet rush towards them inside of the bubble. There was a smile on the Trainer's face. He had to get rid of the Assault Vest in order to use Protect, as it wasn't an attacking move.
Everything was going according to plan, but the next part was the most dangerous and unpredictable part.
There was a rumbling throughout the building as a mushroom shaped explosion exited the structure, leaving a gaping hole outside with black smoke stemming from it. The trembles were so intense that Uraraka and Iida had completely lost their balance while in combat.
"Bakugo, what is the meaning of this?! Answer me?!" Iida shouted into his radio as he ran about with the machine in hand.
When the smoke faded, Bakugo saw Heracross's vest on the ground, burnt up into ash much like the walls around them. But then he saw that emerald-green dome. Izuku still had his entire Hero suit intact, and Heracross held up the defence. Both were completely unharmed.
What the fuck?!
"How did you?!"
"I knew those gauntlets were for something, Bakugo. You aren't the type to randomly have a design choice like that without giving it a purpose," Izuku patted his partner on the back as he succumbed to more Burn damage. "It's like Pokemon anatomy, every single Pokemon has their bodies, limbs, and organs designed for their own benefit. Heracross's horn, Quilava's long body, and now, your gauntlets. Seeing as it was around your hands, I knew it related to your sweat somehow."
"Anyone with a brain could figure it out, Kacchan. Try not to be so obvious next time," now, Izuku knew what he had to do. Now was the time to say everything he was thinking. Now was the time to poke the beast until it killed him.
"The hell did you say to me?!" Bakugo aimed his second gauntlet at Izuku, being prepared to end the fight with his second blow. Heracross couldn't use protect a second time so soon!
"Do that again and you will lose!" All Might echoed from the monitor room.
That'll be sure to piss him off even more! Izuku thought, watching the pieces come together.
"Using that attack invited the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting! Massive points will be deducted for that poor strategy!"
In the monitor room, All Might watched as Bakugo began to scream into the skies. As a teacher, he should stop this fight, but he couldn't. For Izuku's sake!
"Heracross, fly out through the hole and help Uraraka! She is in the middle of the fifth floor! Hurry it up!"
"Hera!" The beetle followed it's Trainer and flew out the window, using Megahorn to gain momentum.
"Oh?! You're gonna stay here yourself?! You just want to lose don't you!"
"I'm sending him away because he doesn't need to be here anymore," Izuku could see the little movements in Bakugo's face. He was getting to him.
Now it was just time to make him snap.
"He doesn't need to be here to fight a raging idiot like you. I can beat you myself!"
Izuku's voice was trembling, but he had to speak those words! He had to say the thoughts he repressed for ages! Izuku stared down at the person that made him realize not all people are born equal. Staring down the person that made him hate humanity.
"That's right! Can't you see your making a fool out of yourself when we all know that I'm better than you!"
Bakugo froze, his eyes became black as his mouth remained fixed in the center of his face.
"All you have been doing is pissing yourself just because you've been losing! To a bug, while you have a fire type. What kind of Trainer are you?!"
The ringing in Bakugo's ears could even be heard outside.
"You want to prove yourself because you know you're actually weak! You're scared for when people find out how weak you actually are! So you scare them, desperately trying to make them see you as better! But it doesn't work on me, it never has!" Izuku was disgusted at his own words, but it had to be done for the sake of the mission.
"It has never worked on me! I just let you win to make you feel better! That's what everyone has been doing! My Quirk is so much better than yours. You should be the one we call Deku, not me! Your the weak and worthless one!" There were tears pouring out behind Izuku's mask, his heart pounding out of his chest. This was it.
With that, the seeds were planted, and they grew into intense, sharp vines inside Izuku's forest. They wrapped around the trees in a rage and eventually found their way towards Izuku with the label "Deku" around each vine.
"Quilava, Flame Wheel." That rage of his was so broken he could only speak in a cold manner. Quilava's Blaze boosted mohawk grew outward and wrapped itself around the Pokemon, expressing the rage that burst within Bakugo.
Quilava rammed into Izuku, burning off the left-side of his mask in a single attack.
Brace yourself! He thought.
"Again." Quilava charged back in, picking up speed and power as the wheel ran across the ground.
"Again!" Izuku's suit had it's right arm ripped off and the entire mask was reduced to ash.
"AGAIN! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE STOP UNTIL HE IS DEAD LIKE A CAT ON THE STREET!" There it was, the rage that was expressed in a cold voice was now in full-throttle, now in the form of a chaotic nightmare!
Bakugo walked forwards as Quilava ran around the destroyed arena, clashing over and over again with Izuku's weak body.
"Do you wanna say that shit to me again?! Huh?! SAY IT!" Quilava slammed Izuku in the ground as his face slammed into the concrete. Bakugo picked him up again and rammed his head repeatedly into Izuku, to the point where the both of them bled. Izuku fell to the ground, spitting out blood.
"Get up, idiot! You were talking so much earlier, where did that tough guy act go?!" Bakugo grabbed Izuku by the leg and raised him into the sky, slamming him back into the ground again.
"You're a weakling! Never forget that! NEVER!"
Bakugo picked up Izuku again, grabbing him in a full-nelson like motion and looking at Quilava with sharp eyes.
"Flamethrower, now!"
Quilava spewed flames directly at Izuku's chest, burning off the suit, leaving on its pants left. Izuku's bare-skin was open to the scolding power of Quilava.
"Take it all back! Right now, and maybe I'll stop!" Quilava continued with the torture, burning Izuku's skin until it turned black.
"That isn't manly at all! Ganging up on him like that is awful!" Kirishima said in the monitor room as his Lycanroc roared with rage at the scene.
"This is hard to watch, why can't he just capture him using the tape instead of doing this?!" Mina covered her eyes as she was held by her Goodra, being unable to watch an innocent child die like this.
"That Bakugo is way too uber-strong!" Kaminari screamed in fear with his Pichu on his head.
Todoroki and Momo watched and said nothing, noticing only the raw strength Bakugo displayed.
"He seems like an actual Villain," Tokoyami commented.
All Might gripped his microphone in fear, wanting to end the match so badly as the screams of Izuku colliding with the sound of burning skin. No one could take watching the scene anymore.
But All Might couldn't stop it, he had to see how this ended.
Izuku wanted this!
"Well?! YOU GONNA TAKE IT BACK?!" Bakugo screamed behind Izuku, nearly breaking his eardrums.
"Why ...would I...."
"Why would I take back the truth?!"
Quilava continued with his Flamethrower attack, to the point where he began to become enveloped in a blue light, The flames consumed Quilava, morphing him into a Typhlosion! The final stage of Cyndaquil's evolution-line!
The volcanic flames became just as hot as Hell itself, continuing to clash against Izuku's fragile body.
"Give him hell, Thyplosion!"
"Sir, Bakugo is going to kill him!" Kirishima shouted.
"Lycanroc!" The wolf echoed, wanting the fight to end.
"He is a psychopath!" Mina screamed.
"All Might!" 1-A yelled from the monitor room, "stop the fight!"
"What's going on with Uraraka?" Momo commented as she looked at the screen that show Uraraka's actions.
On the fifth floor, the window burst open as Heracross dashed through it with Megahorn!
"Heracross?!" Iida exclaimed in complete shock, before being struck right in the chest by the beetle, creating cracks throughout his armor. Heracross continued its movement, ramming Iida into the wall and pinning him there, preventing him from moving at all.
"In the name of Villainy, stop this! Skarmory, Air Cutter on Heracross!" The sharp slices of air approached the single-horn Pokemon. The flying-type attack would've been four times effective against the bug-fighting type!
But then, Heracross casted a Protect, nullifying the attack! From the corner of its eye, it saw Uraraka and Minior and screamed "Hecu! Hecu!"
Get the weapon for Deku! Don't let his spirit die!
Uraraka raced forward with Minior. Now that no one was protecting the weapon, it was an easy catch!
"Skarmory, Iron Head! Stop them!"
"Skar!" The steel-flying type raced towards Uraraka with the silver aura racing through its body.
"Minior, Reflect!" The meteor followed, covering itself with a pink holographic cube and pressing against Skarmory's Iron Head! The meteor wouldn't move an inch!
Uraraka jumped into the air using her Quirk, with the weapon in her sight. Iida was held down by Heracross, and Skarmory was being blocked by Minior. This was it!
But then, Heracross lost his focus. The burn damage was too much, inflicting itself upon the beetle one-last time, as Heracross collapsed to the ground, letting go of Iida.
He had fainted from his injuries.
With that, Iida raced forward, trying to catch Uraraka. But even he fell ill to Heracross's attack, falling the ground with his broken armor.
"You can't Hero, my weapon!"
"Release!" Uraraka pressed her fingertips together, deactivating her power. She plummeted towards the weapon with nothing to stop the spirit of both her and Izuku!
"I got it!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the nuke like she was hugging it.
"No! The weapon!"
The echoes of Iida's screams could be heard from where Bakugo stood, finally letting go of Izuku, watching him collapse to the floor.
"We won...thank you...everyone..." Izuku closed his eyes and fell unconscious, being unable to feel or think at all. His injuries were too intense.
Bakugo looked down and saw what he had done. Torture, that's what it was. Izuku was being treated like a marshmallow for Bakugo's entertainment. These weren't the actions of a Hero, they were evil, vile, disgusting.
He looked up to meet eyes with his Typhlosion, remembering how he had yelled at his "little brother" repeatedly at the fight due to his own weakness. Thyplosion was doing its best, it was Bakugo who was falling behind. Bakugo who ruined his own partner Pokemon. Bakugo, who made them lose.
Bakugo was the weak link.
His eyes widened as he stared down at Izuku's body, believing it to be a corpse for just a moment. He figured out Izuku's entire plan.
First, the Assault Vest made Bakugo believe that Heracross would be fighting head to head with a strong defense to super-effective damage. The screens added to this. If the beetle got burned, it just made him stronger and capable of more damage. Izuku was smart, so he knew the gauntlets were made for something, presumably a weapon, relating it to Pokemon biology. That's why he had Protect despite having an Assault Vest, a status type move with an item that prevents the use of status type moves. He got rid of it at that moment to fake out Bakugo and reveal his ace.
And then, all the insults, the agitation of the demon at the deepest part of the cave. It was all a distraction just so that Bakugo wouldn't chase after Heracross and stop Uraraka from winning.
Even though there were some improvised and newly thought up aspects, Izuku had played him from the very start. Even as Quilava evolved at the end, that meant nothing to Izuku's victory.
"I can't believe it..." All Might said as Bakugo stared at his partner with dead eyes.
I'm sorry....
"Hero team-"
He really was better than me...

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