Chapter 7: Bakugo's startline

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"HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might echoed through his microphone, shaking the contestants to their core.
    "That battle felt all over the place," Kaminari interrupted, gazing on the results screen along with the rest of his peers. "Izuku and Bakugou on the ropes, Uraraka was in trouble against Iida, then Bakugo starts trouncing Izuku, only for Uraraka to turn the tide on Iida!"
    "How does the old saying go?" Tokoyami said in darkness, closing his eyes and putting his head down, deep in thought, "life can take many unexpected turns. Individual battles may switch sides in victories but what matters is the war."
    "I wonder if the rest of our matches will be that intense, gero," Tsuyu said with a slight nervousness as she noticed All Might leaving the room.
    "Get ready everyone, we will review the results soon."
    The Champion arrived at the scene of the spectacle in a moment's notice. Izuku, his torch, was on the ground with skin like black ash. Bakugo and Thyplosion stood above the sacrifice, lost in each others frightened gazes. Maybe they could read each other's thoughts? If they did, they would only amplify each other's feelings continuously as the cycle of panic and confusion would feed from Trainer to Pokemon.
    "To the nurse's office," a small robot put Izuku into a carrier and began to walk off, with another robot responding with "I know! I know" Their voices were muffled in Bakugo's ringing ears.
    He played me... He thought. He won...
    You're scared for when people find out how weak you actually are!
    Didn't the entire class see him lose?
He didn't even use his Quirk at all...That bastard knew he didn't have to use it. If he was this much smarter than me, what does that say about his Quirk?
What does that say about me?
Bakugo hadn't even noticed his own breathing when All Might placed his hand on his shoulder. It was rapid, like repeated explosions, his lungs swelling up with the smoke from his own blasts. Typhlosion saw it too, and it messed with his breathing as well.
It was like someone desperately trying to cling onto life. Like their whole world was torn apart from them and all they were left with was the reality they believed to be false, but it was actually true all along.
"Now, Young Bakugo, let's go review the results. There's no time to be breathing like that. You can learn from this." All Might let go and walked away, before suddenly speaking up once again. "Oh, and that last act of yours. That was great as a Villain. Good job."
"But it was too much as a student. I suppose we will have a talk about what happened eventually."  The Champion's voice was deep and scolding. That was the last thing that stabbed into Bakugo's chest.
Bakugo, Iida, and Uraraka stood together in a line in front of Class 1-A. Uraraka seemed a bit drowsy and ruffled up as she leaned on Iida to maintain her own balance. Iida seemed to stumble over from his injury by Heracross, cracks in the armor could be visible. Bakugo was all scratched up, with scrapes and wounds visible all over. What wasn't visible were his eyes. They seemed dark and vacant, lost in chaotic thought.
He was staring out at Class 1-A. There seemed to be a lot more people then he could remember. Were there really only 20 students? Felt more like a 40 to him in that little room, with each eye being its own person. This was just including the humans, but what about the Pokemon? How were they staring at him? How was a Trainer like him being stared at by other Pokemon?
That 40 seemed to jump to a thousand at the second, then to a million, then...
Bakugo's heart tightened at the sea of eyes. Was there some kind of Double Team trick being played on him?
"Izuku is the MVP of the exercise!" Bakugo heard in an instant, that was the one sentence in the conversation that ruptured through his chaos.
"Would anyone like to answer why? We all should review the results after all!" All Might said, towering over the children.
"He was the most prepared when it came to the challenge," Momo said, raising her hand up into the sky boldly. "Supplying Uraraka with effective TM's, acting as a sufficient team leader. He was capable of adapting to situations as they arose, trusting in his partner and his Heracross. He took advantage of Bakugo's reckless behavior."
"He had used the hole Bakugo made to get to Iida, supporting his partner the best he could in his current situation. Not bringing harm to the building at all. Izuku played this challenge the best."
Much better than his rival, Bakugo could almost hear in some kind of faint, fake voice. It sounded like Momo but at the same time sounded more like himself, like a merging of the two voices. Or maybe it was his own voice trying to disguise itself as someone else.
"Although, I believe Iida performed better, sir. He should be the MVP," she challenged.
"What? No way! Izuku was the man, especially at the end, taking all of that-"
-" Kirishima said, his last word being faint in some kind of raging sea.
"That 'manliness' was too brash, it could've gotten him killed if Bakugo was an actual Villain with killing intent. Izuku should've played it safer, no matter what, a sacrifice like that was unnecessary, especially in a real-life scenario. No life should be given up like that unless under the direst of circumstances."
"So, why is Iida better, besides that?" All Might said nervously, noting how good of an eye Momo had. He could tell she was the kind of student that always participated.
"Iida was at the same level as Izuku in intelligence and preparation, bringing along Skarmory for its Steel-Flying type coverage, being capable of handling Minior's and Heracross's typings respectively, Rock and Bug-Fighting. Air Cutter could deal damage to multiple opponents, being 4 times effective against Heracross. Iron Head could deal with Minior easily, and Defog was used to its maximum potential. Even besides using it as a hazard-cleaner, Iida had prepared to use it to be capable of escape or disorienting his opponent, which he did as seen with how Uraraka would slam into the wall."
"Good point, Momo-"
"Then, he maintained focus on the mission, protecting his weapon at all costs. He hard-countered Uraraka, securing his victory alone if it hadn't been for Heracross. He too acted as a team leader by at least attempting to work with Bakugo. Besides that failure, he worked to adapt to his teammates sudden irrational behavior."
He was the weak link.
"All right, Momo, good point. Now would anyone else like to participate-"
"Uraraka would go in third place. She played foolishly and only succeeded due to this being practice. She also relied too much on her leader, being incapable of doing anything on her own. Even Minior had to act ahead of its Trainer."
"Bakugo would be last because-"
He is a piece of shit. Running in like a raging crackhead, yelling and screaming like some kind of fucking idiot. What the hell is wrong with him? He made glasses lose, that bastard couldn't listen for shit. Couldn't even say pink-cheeks ran away. And then he started losing to one bug type, the fuck? His ass got salty and even pushed that damn Quilava. So now he is a shit Trainer and a shit Hero, great. And that whole amazing attack, blocked by a protect and destroying the wall. That literally made Deku win. Shit Hero, shit Trainer, and even a shit Villain.
"That's a respectable way of putting it, Momo. Thank you!" All Might sighed as she finally finished.
"No one else has any thoughts?" Of course, one person did, but they were too busy being suffocated to share any of them.
"One should always start at the basics and develop them whole-heartedly to learning. That's the only way you can become a Hero," Momo said confidently.
"Now then! I suppose it is time we get going to the next match!"
"Your name is Todoroki right?" Mezo Shoji, Team B, asked his partner. The monstrosity of a student that was Shoji had 6 arms, 3 present on each side, and a strange webbing in between them. He was a tall, incredibly muscular figure with grey hair that covered his right eye and a mask that connected to his suit to cover his mouth. All that could be visible on his face was his large eyes that seemed quite normal compared to the rest of his body. His Hero-costume seemed pretty normal as well, a light blue skin-tight suit with 6 white dots scattered on his chest. His belt was the same color as his mask and so were his boots.
"We should start talking about a plan I suppose. Me and Tentacruel can wrap them up using our tentacles, that could work-"
"There's no need," Todoroki Shoto said with a temperature just like his Quirk. The prodigy had white hair on his right side. He also had a plain white shirt with matching pants and boots. His left side was completely covered in ice with a red, piercing dot burning through the cold to gaze upon the world. His body seemed to split in two, but Todoroki seemed to only move about as if he was only a human with a right side.
"Just step outside, me and Ninetails will take care of it in an instant," Todoroki pat his Alolan-Ninetails, entering the building as All Might screamed, "BEGIN!"
"I'll end this in one move," The split-child placed his gentle hand on the wall of the building, and merely twitched, sending out shockwaves of ice that consumed anything they came into contact with, soon encasing the entire building in their cold enigma.
"What the hell?!" Shoji yelled out as he stood outside, gazing upon the newly created glacier of sorts.
"I can't move! Hagakure, you okay?!" Ojiro, Team I, shouted for his teammate as the two stood defiantly in front of the machine.
They were forced to stand anyways, as their feet had been frozen solid.
Through the dark hallway, a red light began to emerge, staring down Ojiro with such heat, it could've thawed him out if Todoroki put just enough pressure on his sight.
"Stand down," Todoroki walked straight past Ojiro, nearly placing his hand on the machine before he saw Ninetails bite into something in midair.
"Should've told your Kecleon to knock it off," looking at a particular spot on the floor, Todoroki saw four footsteps, two of a human, the other two being of a Pokemon. Kecleon, the color swap Pokemon. It was invisible just like it's trainer with the only visible feature being a red-zigzag stripe on its chest. The Pokemon extended its tongue out at an attempt to grab Todoroki before he touched the weapon, but Ninetails intercepted the strike.
"Ninetails, freeze that Kecleon and strike Ojiro's tail with Ice-Beam."
With that solid command, Ninetails followed with such grace, sending out similar waves of ice like Todoroki along Kecleon's tongue. Letting go right the Pokemon was frozen, the winter fox turned and blasted the fur on Ojiro's tail, revealing an Aipom hiding in the bush.
Both Pokemon were taken out in a single attack.
"It's not your fault. Ninetails and I are just on a different level."
"Christ, that guy is amazing!"
"Pichu Pichu!" The Pokemon agreed with its Trainer, jumping repeatedly on his head.
"He protected his teammate and handled it swiftly," Momo spoke out, once again explaining the result to the rest of the class. "He is clearly the MVP. Maybe the strongest in the class."
As everyone obsessed over the display Todoroki revealed, Bakugo stood back, his eyes widening at the power of ice. His explosions were like small cigars against the Arctic that was Todoroki and this, this fact shook him more than anything else. Not only did he lose to Deku, but there was someone else infinitely better than him?! How-
"Damn it..." Bakugo scolding, the chaos in his head becoming more and more like the darkest pit of hell.
"Let's not waste any time now students! Next up is Team H vs Team J!"
Tsuyu and Tokoyami vs Kirishima and Sero!
"Sero, right? Your Quirk is Tape I think?" Kirishima said. He was a young, fiery-spirited boy with a muscular physique. His hero costume bore two gear-shaped shoulder-pads, with a slash between the right one connecting to the belt. There was an R in the middle, hinting at his potential hero name. His pants were black and baggy, matching with his boots, and there was a torn up half cape connected to his belt as well. Kirishima's hair was his most prominent feature, spiking outward like a red-missile, each strand always pointing forward like a spike. He was like a drill, always intending on pushing forward to break the mold.
"Yep!" Sero responded as he stretched, his Spinarak joining him in the process. "Don't worry, red, I already know what to do!"
Sero was a lean student, his black hair spiking downwards in a jagged manner. His eyes were like wide almonds that matched with his cheeky grin and plain face. His costume consisted of a black skin-tight suit that had a white pattern in the torso that matched with his white boots. His shoulder pads seemed like two huge upside-down orange tape dispensers and his mask matched this theme, seeming like a regular dispenser with black and white coloring. His elbows had a circular figure to them, and that was where Sero would activate his Quirk: Tape.
"It's Kirishima!"
"Lycanroc!" The two shouted as they saw Sero scatter about traps in the room, but what he failed to notice was the Murkrow flying about the building, peering through the window.
"Murkrow!" Tokoyami's Pokemon flew down to its Trainer, explaining what it saw.
Tokoyami was a strange student, much like Shoji. His head was that of a raven, but the rest of his body was completely normal. His Hero costume too was extremely simple, consisting of just a black cape that covered his whole body.
"So, Sero set up his tape around the room, and had Spinarak's Sticky Web scattered around? That's gonna be hard to deal with, especially if we can't even move once we are in the room."
"I've got an idea," Tsuyu said, making good use of the 5 minutes they had to make up a plan. Murkrow flew up to the floor of the weapon, charging up a Sky Attack. Tokoyami hopped on Politoed's back, waiting for the mission to start.
And start it did, as All Might shouted: "BEGIN!"
Murkrow immediately broke through the window with its Sky Attack, enveloping itself in a white light like a piercing heavenly arrow.
"Strike Spinarak with your darkness, Murkrow!" Tokoyami, Politoed, and Tsuyu appeared in the window Murkrow shattered, they had jumped all the way up using Tsuyu's frog-like ability and Politoed's frog-like body to carry Tokoyami.
The bird took aim at the spider, placed on one of Sero's lines of tape, and charged. In a single attack, Murkrow ripped through row after row of tape, piercing Spinarak and annihilating the Pokemon in a single hit. The spider was thrown into the wall, with black spirals making up its eyes as it groaned, "Spina..."
"Lycanroc! Avenge Spinarak with a Stone Edge!" Kaminari shouted, his chest puffing out to show his manliness.
"Lycan-" The wolf wound up its fist before slamming it into the ground, sprouting out sharp stones that struck Murkrow straight in the chest, "-roc!
A critical hit! Just like Spinarak, Murkrow was eliminated in a single attack!
"Now, Stone Edge again to take care of those three Heroes!" Kirishima almost sounded like Iida in the way he acted.
"Politoed, use Surf to clear out Kirishima and the obstacles!" Tsuyu commanded with Politoed jumping into the air as Tokoyami got off of it. The frog Pokemon slammed its fist into the ground, summoning a tidal wave of water, crashing into the duo in red!
A super effective hit! The water carried the two into the wall as it also carried the tape and webs scattered about, wiping the area clean.
Kirishima and Lycanroc, eliminated! The Mystic Water Politoed carried would amplify the damage of Surf attack, considering the item enhanced all water-type moves.
"Now, the weapon-" before Tsuyu and Politoed could properly react, Sero encased them in his tape with such ease like he himself was a spider. They were wrapped up like a mummy!
Tsuyu and Politoed, eliminated! The teams were erased in fractions of a second, with only two students standing! Sero didn't waste a single moment, wrapping Tokoyami around in tape as well as the raven ran towards the machine.
"Game over!" Sero said with a confident smile, slightly limping from the Surf.
"Villain team-"
"Dark Shadow! Strike Sero and take hold on the weapon!"
"Aye!" From Tokoyami's chest, a shadow-like creature peered its head, ripping through Sero's tape with a single strike!
"Is that a Pokemon or something?!"
"Wrong! It's my Quirk, Dark Shadow! Now, make the Villains pay with a punishment of the dark!"
"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!" Dark Shadow clawed at Sero with rapid strikes of darkness, sending him launching beside Kirishima!
"This power?!" Sero gasped, colliding with the wall, ending the match right there! Dark Shadow placed its claw on the weapon, declaring victory over its opponents!
"All the students performed excellently!" All Might shouted as the rest of the class cheered on at the evenly-skilled battle. Even though there was no spectacle of power like Todoroki, Bakugo was still staring at the screen with wide, shaken eyes.
If I was in this match, would I still win?
"I'm not entirely sure which team deserves MVP this time," Momo said with her hand over her chin, continuing to analyze the situation.
"Well I don't think it would be Kirishima," Jirou suddenly spoke up for once as if she was feeling confident enough to share her opinion.
"Got rid of the first-day jitters I see!" All Might smiled, pointing at her and awaiting her explanation.
"Well, even though he did counter well to avenge Spinarak, he sorta just charged in headfirst. He should've analyzed the situation just a bit more instead of just making another move. That's why he and Lycanroc went down against Surf."
"Speaking of Surf," Momo spoke up, regaining her position in the peak of intelligence, "That was a bit too dangerous considering there was a weapon in the area. It is a spread move after all."
"It's pretty split between Sero and Tokoyami," Todoroki said, leaning against the back of the room. "Sero set up a valid strategy and encased the Heroes whenever he got the chance. He was consistent in his actions, so I'd pick him. Even though Tokoyami won, he would be 2nd place."
"Good analysis everyone! Like I said, let's not waste time!"
Team G versus Team C! Heroes Jirou and Kaminari versus Villains Momo and Mineta!
5-minute prep starts now!
"Gallade?!" Momo exclaimed as she saw her partner Pokemon standing over the unconscious body of Mineta. He looked like a sleeping, ugly baby, and his Hero costume fit with that theme. Dawning a skin-tight purple spandex, yellow gloves and cape, and mask that blended in with his hair. He had a diaper too, further emphasizing his worthlessness.
"Why would you knock him out?! The match just started and we have to prep!"
"Gallade!" Her knight bowed before her and exclaimed his explanation in a rapid, cold manner.
"A perv? That's impossible, no one like that would be accepted in UA? What was he doing?"
"Gallade! Gallade!" The blade Pokemon stood up and pointed at Mineta's area of focus, pointing at her bosom.
Momo had a revealing costume. Although it supported her as a Hero for the fact she could be capable of creating more useful items with her Quirk: Creation, it seemed to contradict her lady-like personality. Momo wore a sleeveless crimson leotard that exposed her skin from neck to chest. Matching with that, the queen dawned crimson knee-high boots. Her hair was tied in an elegant ponytail, dark and powerful, with a sharp strand pointing downwards on the right side of her face. Her eyes were nearly like that of a cat!
Gallade then proceeded to point at his own bottom, indicating Mineta's second sight.
"That's baffling, Gallade! He should be reprimanded for that! Although," she looked down to see Mineta's body, "I think you reprimanded him enough for now. Thank you."
I live to serve! Gallade said as it nodded.
"Imp!" Mineta's partner hid behind the weapon, fearful of Gallade's strength. Momo looked at the Pokemon and smiled, crouching down to its eye level.
"I suppose we will have to work together now, won't we?"
Kaminari and Jirou raced towards the weapon, using the 5 minutes of prep to listen in on their opponents using Jirou's Quirk, Earphone Jack! Jolteon raced ahead, considering it was the fastest of the four.
"Kaminari, slow your Jolteon down!" Jirou commanded, realizing that if it went too far it could be picked off in an instant.
"Come on, there's nothing to worry about. Jolteon is super strong, so I'm sure he can handle himself!" Kaminari winked towards his partner, but all she did was sigh in response instead of being infatuated.
Of course, I got this guy out of all people.
"Jolt!" Jolteon squealed as it encountered a wall of metal, blockading an entrance.
"Must be Momo's Quirk," Jirou said as she inserted her earphone jack into the metal.
"Jolteon, bust this crap down with a Thunder!"
"Idiot!" Jirou hushed as Noivern bit into the back of Kaminari's head, causing him to jolt out a few bolts from his body in a panic.
"Hey, hey, hey! What's the idea?!"
"If you break this door, the Villains will know we are invading in this direction! We gotta find some other way without destroying anything if we have to!" Jirou scoffed as she got up, listening for any signs of movement or a potential entrance.
"Noivern, let's go."
"That girl is something, ain't she," Kaminari gestured to his Jolteon as they followed the Heroine.
The two came across the only entrance available, the rest were covered up entirely by steel. As they peered into the hallway they found Momo, standing defiantly in front of the machine without hesitation.
"Bingo! Good job, Jack!"
"It's Jirou. I'm not sure what to do right now with Momo just standing there. I only hear her breathing, can't find anyone else."
"Jack was a nickname. You know we gotta work on this whole friendship thing."
"How about we focus on the mission, the one that is actually important you know?" Jirou turned angrily at her partner as Jolteon snickered.
"Fine, fine! But what are we gonna do now? You said you only hear Momo so maybe we should just charge in and take the weapon! Jolteon and Noivern are fast and strong enough to do so.
"Guess we have no other choice, let's go, Bolts."
"Now we're talking!" The four began to race across the hallway and dashed towards Momo. She didn't flinch at all.
"You're under arrest!" Jirou said, extending her hand out in a manner of a Trainer commanding their Pokemon to attack. Noivern sped past everyone and let out a screech and purple-blue energy began to pulsate from its jaw. "Dragon Pulse!"
"Let's help out with a Thunder, Jolteon!" Kaminari pointed a finger-gun forwards as Jolteon leaped onto his shoulder and charged up with exhilarating lightning!
"Impidimp, blind them with Dazzling Gleam!" Momo stood still, arms folded, as Impidimp leaped out from behind her and into the sky.
"Imp!" A pink, sparkling light emerged, consuming the area and sending small bursts of light towards the Hero team completely disorienting them. Noivern ceased its attack as it closed its eyes and so did Jolteon. Kaminari and Jirou held their hands over their faces in an attempt to block the damage. The four hadn't realized it at all, but they were right below their guillotine.
It was Gallade, looming over them like a bat!
"Gallade! Psycho Cut and finish it!" Gallade leaped down from the ceiling, finding that it had a strange mask on that silenced its breathing along with boots that stuck it onto the ceiling. These items were specially designed by Momo's Quirk!
"Kaminari, you idiot-" Jirou shouted as she felt something slice right through her in an instant. When the light from Dazzling Gleam faded, Gallade stood in the middle of the Hero team, crouched down on the ground with closed eyes. Its arms were covered in a pink vibrant psychic energy as it slowly faded when Gallade stood up.
"It's over," Momo said as she approached Gallade. Jirou, Kaminari, Noivern, and Jolteon all fainted in a swift strike from the blade Pokemon's Psycho Cut.
Villain team, WINS!
All Might turned to face his students and simply said, "I think we all know who the MVP is here."
The students of class 1-A nodded in unison, except for Bakugo. His breathing got tighter and tighter as he saw the swift, elegant movements of Gallade's sharp attack. He would've lost there too, Bakugo thought.
Team E vs Team F! Mina and Aoyama vs Kouda and Satou!
Mina raced forward using her Quirk: Acid, to create a slippery ground she could skate across. There was a gleaming smile from her face as the Heroine sprinted into action!
Mina was a vibrant, tough girl. You could identify her from a glance due to her pink skin and her Hero outfit simply made her even more noticeable. Her black square-shaped eyes and yellow irises seemed like a feature made by the grey half-mask she wore, but they were actually her real eyes! Another thing that was real were her horns that protruded out from her fluffy, wild pink hair. Her Hero costume was a camouflage pattern of purple and turquoise, ending just over her bosom, pairing with a cropped, sleeveless waistcoat and fur collar. Her outfit and personality fit just like a true Hero!
"Huh?" All Might muttered as he heard a call coming in. From his communicator, he heard the voice of Recovery Girl, beginning to nag him.
"I'll be right back, class. Keep watching the fight and make sure you learn!" All Might stepped aside into the corner of the room as he tapped his earpiece.
"What is it, Recovery Girl?"
"Mr.Symbol of Peace, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Even though All Might couldn't see her, he knew she was wailing her hands about as she screamed.
"What do you mean?" All Might clearly knew what she meant but acted dumb anyways.
"This kid, Izuku. It's barely a week into school and he is already a frequent visitor! Look at all of these burn marks, this wasn't even from his own Quirk!"
"It was from his fight with Bakugo, another student. The two seem to have history, so it got a little intense I suppose," All Might's eyebrows dagged downwards, indicating regret.
"And you didn't attempt to stop it at ALL?! He could've been killed, I can't heal all this right now! It'll take about a few hours and another visit once he is all rested up!"
All Might began to cough as he continued the argument, "I thought it would've been good for him. I was considering his feelings! He was determined to win, you should've seen it!"
"All Might," Recovery Girl sighed as she pinched her eyes, "I get you chose him as your successor for One For All, but you have to be a good guide as well. Just make sure of that. Now, get back to teaching," Recovery Girl hung up and continued her aid on Izuku.
Her and only a select few people knew about the origins of One For All. Recovery Girl, Izuku, the principle, and a close friend of All Might made up the list of those who bore the knowledge of the strongest Quirk on their shoulders.  This power couldn't be made public, as the scoundrels of the world would seek to use their greed to feast upon the undying strength. Besides them, the world had to believe All Might was born with a Quirk, as they could not fathom the actual truth.
"Sir," Iida patted All Might on the shoulder. "The match is over, you missed it!"
"What?! That fast!" All Might exclaimed as he hurriedly announced-
"Hero," the class corrected.
"HERO TEAM WINS! GOOD JOB MINA!" All Might looked at the monitor and saw Mina hugging her Goodra in excitement with Kouda and Satou both wrapped around the capture tape. Aoyama was on the ground vomiting as Flaffy patted his back.
"Flaff...." The sheep groaned.
"Well, then, huh," All Might turned to embarrassingly face the class as he scratched his head. "Anyone want to explain the results?"
Dragonite sighed, looking at its Trainer as the class was dispersed. All the students, besides Izuku and Bakugo, suffered from minor injuries. Mineta's concussion was a little extreme, but it was rightfully deserved as Gallade would say.
When the students waved goodbye to their teacher, moving onto the next class, All Might dashed away, leaving dust in his wake as he scurried in a panic. Out of sight, he returned to his frail state and began to gasp.
"Christ, that was one hell of a first class!" The Champion turned to face one student, the broken pride that was Bakugo. His head was down and his eyes still blank and dull. The bandages that surrounded him seemed to act more as disgraceful scars than first aid.
"I have to council that boy eventually. His ego may be understandable, but UA will shatter that in an instant. I can't let him suffer because of this defeat!"
The students met up with Aizawa, continuing their Hero courses as the day progressed. Despite some students being tired from the previous activity, the Pro would look at them with a menacing gaze and reprimand them for their laziness. That was the kick they needed to act as a Hero.
Finally, the students had a break to talk to one another before their dismissal. It was late in the afternoon, the orange dawn beaming through the glass windows, embracing everything in its warm texture. The classroom was covered in an orange hue, the students comforting each other by conversing about their battle results.
"Hey, Asui!" Kirishima ran up with Sero to greet their previous opponents. "That was a great plan you had with Tokoyami! You and Politoed were so strong!"
"Call me Tsuyu, and you two were great too."
"Poli!" The frog Pokemon began to clap its hands together in joy. Sero laughed and join in on the strange dance. Maybe the two were inciting a rain dance attack.
"Gallade!" The knight protected his queen as anyone approached her, attempting to intimidate anyone off.
"Gallade, calm down. It's just our classmate. Kyoka Jiro, I presume?" Momo smiled as she looked at her guest.
"Yup. I just wanted to say you did amazing in our match. I wonder what we could've even done to beat you."
"Well, I suppose that you and Kaminari could've split up and destroyed different obstacles I made. That way I would face two enemies coming in at two different directions. Although, Gallade still would've won the match for me in the end. He is quite strong."
"You're telling me! That Psycho-Cut HURT!"
"I apologize for Gallade's harsh treatment-" Before Momo could finish, she saw Bakugo push Jirou aside. But it wasn't the kind of purposeful or rude push. It was the kind that was an accident, like people jostling against each other in a crowded street. Bakugo didn't even see her, his eyes were off in someplace else.
Blank, empty, and destroyed. Just like his pride.
"Bakugo!" Uraraka shouted as she saw him leave the door. He didn't hear her, instead continuing to focus on the chaos in his head. The ringing, vibrating, shaking noise that consumed both his sight, hearing, and thought.
What the hell....
Am I not good enough?
How the fuck did I lose?
Especially to a loser like him!
Deku! That means worthless right?
Am I worthless?
Am I weak?
Am I- Bakugo realized he was now at the front of the U.A building. He had been walking around without realizing how fast he was actually going. The warming embrace of the dawn just left Bakugo cold as he stared down at a Pokeball in his hands.
Am I even deserving to be here?
Bakugo summoned his Voltorb, watching the Pokeball shaped Pokemon emerge from the sparkling blue light.
"Volt!" The Pokemon looked up at its Trainer, confused as to why it was cast.
"Voltorb...I-" Bakugo sighed before pressing his head against the Pokeball.
"I poisoned you already. Maybe you can find some other Trainer that's actually great at battling, and doesn't lose to some pathetic weakling..."
"Voltorb?" The Pokemon inched closer, not wanting what Bakugo was saying to be true.
"What the hell don't you understand?! That bastard Deku was right! He played me, I lost! What kind of Trainer am I to lose in a situation like that?!" Voltorb could finally see that some emotion returned to Bakugo's eyes.
It was rage. Or was it? No, it was more like intimidation, trying to get Voltorb to back off by screaming as loud as he could.
"What? You need me to spell it out for you? FINE! I RELEASE YOU!" Bakugo crushed the Pokeball in his hands in a devastating, sorrowful explosion. A red energy burst out from the Pokeball and surrounded Voltorb, vanishing just as quickly as it came.
Voltorb was a free Pokemon, no longer attached to the raging spirit of Bakugo Katsuki. The electric-type Pokemon didn't argue at all, simply scoffing at its previous Trainer, and rolled off. Soon it was out of sight, and Bakugo was alone. He looked at Primeape's Pokeball next, but put it away. He had that Mankey for years, he just couldn't release it, in contrast to the month or so he spent with Voltorb.
Primeape was already "poisoned" too, so there was no point in releasing it.
"Kacchan..." His nerves spiked up as he heard a signature voice that triggered every fiber of his soul.
"What?" Bakugo turned to face his rival, Izuku "Deku" Midoryia, standing at the steps of UA with a cast over his arm and bandages everywhere. Heracross had a similar pattern of bandages as well as he stood beside his Trainer.
"What did you just do?"
"I released my Voltorb. What about it?"
"Why..." Izuku tightened his fist in anger, "Why would you do that?!" He screamed to match Bakugo's tone.
"Because he doesn't deserve to be with a Trainer like me, he deserves to be with a better one damn it?! I fucking lost to you!"
Izuku's lips began to whimper as he sighed, finally facing his childhood friend. Not in a fight, but a conversation, something Izuku was never good at.
He tried to think of the right words to say, but nothing sounded right. Why was he even here? To comfort the person that tortured him? Why? Didn't Izuku hate him?
No, no he didn't. He just didn't understand him, just like everyone else. This was his chance, to at least attempt to understand Bakugo.
"Look, Kacchan.." Izuku sighed, deciding to say whatever came to mind. "Those things I said were just bait. None of that was true. No one looks down on you. Actually, I look up to you," matching his speech, he looked up to face the destroyed spirit. "You're amazing and strong, always making sure you are the best in anything you do. I tried so hard because I couldn't allow myself to lose."
"I had to beat you, for Heracross and I. I don't apologize for that. I apologize though, for making you feel this way. That I lied to you in some way, which I haven't," the golden child placed his hand over his cast, "I didn't use my Quirk because I can't control it. It actually-"
No. I can't say that.
"It's actually really hard to control. I guess it's amazing but, I don't know how amazing I can make it. But one day, I will make it my own power, and I'll beat you again. You can't give up now, not after just one lose against me. You're going to lose more and more, this can't be how you react at your first loss, Kacchan," all of this wisdom being parted from a socially awkward child all originated from his conversations with Heracross. It was what it took to be a Trainer, to be a leader and a motivator.
To be the future symbol of peace.
"The hell is this..." Bakugo muttered as he finally turned around, facing Izuku with eyes lit once again with a new feeling. "Is this your pity? To rub it in? To pick up those you beat because they are at their lowest? Is that what you've been waiting for?!"
"No, I-"
"SHUT IT!" Bakugo set off an explosion in his palms, passionate and intense. "I lost to you, I get it! And then that Mr.Freeze bastard showed me how weak I am to the best! I even agreed with what that bitch said! Her and that Gallade can probably beat me too! My attack was so stupid, what the fuck!
"FUCKING GOD DAMN IT!" Bakugo's heart was filled with a new feeling, a relief of some sort being expressed through this anger.
"Enjoy that win, Deku! I'm just getting started! Releasing my Voltorb showed me I can't lose that way again! Not just for me, but for my Pokemon too! I have to work harder than you or your stupid ass Heracross!" Bakugo pointed with a deadly stare at the beetle, engaging it in a battle of will. "I can't let them have a weak Trainer, got it! Maybe I am worthless and weak, but not anymore! I won't end up at your level!"
"I am going to beat you, got it!" Bakugo set off a passionate shout as loud as TNT. Tears poured out from his eyes as he turned around to head home, expressing all of his chaotic thoughts out to his rivals. His mind was clear, and now, there was only a void to fill up by moving forward.
That void will soon be filled with victory!
Bakugo opened up the Pokeball containing his Thyplosion, watching its explosive nature be released with the sparkling light. Thyplosion roared, ready to begin its new start line!
"Good job today," Bakugo patted his partner on the head, scratching its neck in a comforting manner. For once, Bakugo expressed delicacy in the way he carried himself. "We lost today, alright, but never again! You won't lose to that bastard bug again. We are gonna train straight away, got it!"
"Thyplosion!" The Pokemon spiked its flames out, matching the warmth of the dawn.
"That's what I like to hear. Let's go, partner."
The duo walked off, ready to face whatever would come their way. Izuku saw them shrink in view, becoming specs of darkness in the distance. As they approached their new start, Izuku knew he may be left in the dust soon.
"I'll be waiting!" The 9th wielder of One For All shouted, accepting the challenge of his rival.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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