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trans!Ty (mention of needle at very end) v short

Tyler made out with Josh, unbelievably horny. He rolled his hips down against Josh, getting as much friction as he could, Josh held his hips lightly, getting a high pitched whine. "Calm down Ty." Josh said against the younger's lips. Tyler shook his head.

"Josh- mph fuck- please," Tyler panted against his lips. He grabbed Josh's hand, placing it over his crotch and putting pressure against him. Tyler let out a loose moan while pushing Josh's hand harder against him while he ground down.

He felt Josh's hand move and he let go of the olders hand. He moaned into Josh's mouth before whining and holding onto his shirt. He rolled his hips harder against Josh's hand before feeling his finger move up into his clit. Tyler shivered and moaned as their tongues intertwined.

Josh's finger moved more and harder. Tyler gasped and pulled from Josh, nibbling at his collar bones. "More- God Josh fuck please." Tyler whined more. He felt the olders finger move quicker and side to side. Tyler almost let out a growl at how good it felt.

Josh moved his hand under Tyler's sweats and flipped them over. He started to make out with Tyler again while playing with his clit. Tyler started to pant and curl his fingers into Josh's shirt. "J-Josh clo-se." Tyler warned while he breathed heavier. Josh nodded while sucking hickeys into the youngers neck.

He bit gently and squeezed Tyler's clit, listening to the little squeaks and whines. The youngers breathing got quicker and more whiny. Tyler curled his fingers into Josh's curly hair as he stuttered his movements and came over his boyfriends finger.

"S-sensitive J-osh." He whimpered and felt the  others hand leave his pants. "I love you." Tyler panted out.

"Love you too bub." Josh responded and lightly kissed the other while getting up to clean up. "Your T shot is tomorrow by the way." Tyler groaned at the thought of having a needle in his skin.

Joshler Smut/Smut one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now