Chapter 3 Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Arnold Schwarzenegger is as you already may know the most known bodybuilder of all time and dramatically effected the sport of bodybuilding.He has won several bodybuilding titles and brought the sport that was inside the closet outside the closet.

Him and Joe Weider worked together to promote the sport as much as possible.

Arnold is looked at as the best bodybuilder of all time but in matter of fact he to had his weaknesses too such as his leg development and his triceps but his high peaking biceps would have snow on them if they peaked any higher and he had an outstanding chest which in my opinion beats even bodybuilders today.

He was desciplined and worked very hard like every man chasing a dream.

He eventually beat his weaknesses and became in my eyes the perferct physique.

He worked out 4-5 hours a day and his training was crucial.By the age of 15 is when he first started working out and won the Mr Universe on his second attempt at the age of 20!He lost on his first attempt to Frank Zane which had simply won because he was more defined than Arnold but Arnold was still very young.After that loss he'd sworn to never lose again.He went on a streak of 7 Mr Olympia wins.

This at the time was never seen before.

He won his first in 1970 up until 1975.

He has also written many books about the sport.Obviously outlining things such as how to put on mass.For example workout,diet and sleep all contributes to ones growth.When dieting the athlete goes through intense training with increased reps to maximize muscular definition.This can't happen without the cost of a couple pounds but a bodybuilder off season shows more mass than definition.Some bodybuilders have problems like losing to much weight and end up losing the compitition.A bodybuilder cannot train all day and then go out partying.It would have all been for nothing because a bodybuilder must remain consistent or he will not get the rusults desired.The athlete must be mentally strong,positive and confident because it will boost their workout intensity and strategy on stage.

I must point out that the best way a bodybuilder finds his way through the sport is by winning competitions this will have him gain recognition.This will increase the chance of him getting sponsored which will cover some what costs to keep him competing.

Anyway back to Arnold after winning all them Mr Olympia's on the sixth one he effectively promotes the sport by having a movie made based on it.He originally wanted to retire from bodybuilding that year but when he realised that he had this great opportunity of starring in a movie that can help bodybuilding to be more known to the public he knew he that he had to do it.This movie was called "Pumping Iron."It was based on bodybuilding and based on the rivalry between Arnold and lou Fourigno competing in the 1975 Mr Olympia in South Africa.The film was a success and encouraged Fitness.The Film also features Franco Columbu,Ken Waller,Serge Nubret and Mike Katz.Ultimately at the end of the movie Arnold beats his best friend Franco.

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