Chapter 11 How Bodybuilding Changed

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The picture in this chapter above is Ronnie Coleman (Left) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Right).This shows the difference between a bodybuilder in the 70s and a modern bodybuilder.Who do you prefer?

Bodybuilding in the 70s was a lot different to what it is today.It was much less popular but the movie Pumping Iron changed that.

If it was'nt for bodybuilder's back then investing there own money into the sport it would not have been where it is today.

Bodybuilders had to have their own Jobs while working out a few hours a day.This is because there was no such thing as sponsorships back then also prize money wasnt high back then for example When Arnold won a Mr Olympia he would recieve $1000 and thats it but they still did it for the glory of the sport and thats why I show a lot of respect towards them athlete's.Todays prize money for major competitions can be $250,000.

Bodybuilder's back then also trained differentaly and trained longer hour's. They had a split routine where they would train twice a day.Some of them trained four times a week some five and some of them trained even six days a week.Cardio was barely used back then and there was not as much cardio equipment.If you follow a good diet all of this cardio is uneccessary say's Bill Grant.He thinks that people rely too heavily on cardio because they eat junk and then think cardio will get the job done.People arent dedicated enough to a strict diet.Supplements such as Protein powders,tablets and amino acids wernt used as much,they would just eat straight after a workout.

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