Chapter Three: Herissmon

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Heyo guys! The author again! See, I promised you guys more updates and hey, I actually did it! Woo-hoo! Cheers to me! :DDDDD

So here it is! The third chapter! To those who don't really understand what happened in the last chapter and how the heck did a hedgehog get into the soccer building, basically if you've ever heard of Digimon, you will kinda know what happened. It's simple: This hedgehog-like Digimon kinda accidentally travels to the soccer building, maybe by something similar to Time-Jump.

Annnd if you've ever watched/played/read Digimon, Tenma is kinda like the Chosen One. Get called by a certain person/Digimon and meets his Digimon partner. And then they had an adventure together and eventually, they parted ways.

So this chapter is kinda like they meet each other again and another adventure is about to start! This time with more friends who don't even know what the heck is going on. But don't worry! I actually explained the whole thing in the story. Damn this chapter is about explaining a ton of stuff.

Okay okay too much talking. Now into the story!


"Tenma, do you know...them?"

It takes everything for Aoi to say "them" instead of "it". You can't really blame her. This "Herissmon" does look...different. Not only she has never seen a creature like this, she is pretty sure none of the Raimon players, managers and coaches here has ever seen something like Herissmon.

To be honest, she doesn't think creatures that look similar or same like Herissmon exist.

Well, not until now.

The silence is broken when suddenly, Herissmon exclaims in delight. "Is it really you Tenma?! Am I dreaming?!" The little hedgehog curls into a ball and starts rolling around Tenma. "I'm not! It's really you! Long time no see, Tenma!" It yells in a childish yet bright voice, resembling a five-years old.

Laughing, Tenma picks it up and places it on his shoulder, making the energetic and hyper hedgehog stops rolling and sits on his shoulder instead. "Same here Herissmon! How is Dorumon and the others? Is Tailmon still teasing you as always?" He chirps, patting the creature's spiky fur gently.

"Awe, don't mention Tailmon! She's still doing it but I get used to it!" Herissmon responds, nudging his face on Tenma's. "And Dorumon is still living with Shota in the real world. Sometimes he comes back to the Digital World to visit us though! But I MISS YOU VERY MUCH TENMA!!!!" Aoi swears the little hedgehog actually screams the last part right beside Tenma's ears. That's probably the worst thing you can do to a person using deaf-aids... She can't help but thinks.

Perhaps really irritated at not knowing what is happening right now, Tsurugi finally snaps at the brunet and the hedgehog. "This is all very touching and emotional, but what the heck is happening? You do realize we have absolutely no idea, right?"

"Umm, Tsurugi, you might not want to snap..." Tenma's sentence is blocked by Herissmon's sudden action. It jumps down from his shoulder and glares at the navy-haired boy, who widens his eyes in surprise. "Why are you snapping at us? Are you an enemy? Tenma do I have to beat this guy?"

"Nope don't beat him. He is my friend." Their captain quickly picks Herissmon up, holding it in his arms. "Geez, stop being so aggressive sometimes, you little boy." Casting a glance at Tsurugi, who is ready to kill someone with his death glare, he adds. "The same goes for you, Tsurugi."

"Well, tell that to your little Herissmon first! Besides, I really don't know what's happening!" The striker retorts back, his hands in pockets. "And nor do your teammates know, right?!"

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