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The sun awakes Zodia at 4:51 and like any other day, a chorus of birds chirp the nation awake with the company of the tide rustling against the coastline. Yet today is like no other... it's the beginning of the end of the world.

"About that boy...Taylor, we've bought him over to our side?" Lucifer questions, a growl to his voice.

Lucifer, God of the Underworld, Lord of Evil and the Fallen Angel of Heaven sits on his throne and the material caresses his shadow with ease, perfection. Nothing but darkness surrounds him and it engulfs him, denying anybody access to view his beast flesh in its purest form. Only his crimson orbs glow through opaqueness and his illuminated irises are nothing of a window to his soul, yet they carry a loud silence.

"Yes, master! H-he's betrayed them all." Gula beats the others to answer, a croak to his voice as if food settles at the back of his throat. His blop of hideousness stands at the end of the line and his mixed form is disgust to ponder at. A pigtail trail from his back and his nose formed like a pig twitches out of habit.

"Good job Gula," Lucifer compliments yet his maniacal laughs questions the validity of it. An apple pops from his shadow of darkness and darts towards the pig-like-human and out of habit Gula oinks, catching the apple and gobbling it like the gluttony he is. "It's good to know one of my Sins is competent!"

The line falls back at the fearful statement and trembles, whimpers and squeals come from them. Luxuria steps forward again and bows before Lucifer, trying her best to disguise her quivers and rattles at the intimidating presence of her Lord.

"Sire, I fear that the other minions are too strong-willed to be swayed to our side, Master, approaching them on their turf has appeared to be much harder than-"

"Luxuria! Are you undermining me!" A thunder of fury arises and the evil shadow ascends from his throne and floats down the golden plaques of staircases, towards the luscious cat. His scarlet eyes stay locked onto hers, dilating then constricting, locking her in the hypnosis of obedience.

Silence falls upon the fiery room, the scorching walls falling silent too as all anticipate the devil's rampage. Flames of fire decorate the walls sourcing the room with its only light and the room stands alpine-like a cathedral, with precise architecture, detailed pillars and art paintings of Lucifer. Each detailing is decisive with art designs, gold and red covering the perimeter of the ceiling. It carries a godly resemblance but the atmosphere is villainous.

Lucifer's darkness stalls in front of Luxuria, eyeing the bold beauty up and down. Her tantalising feline-like blood eyes fail to do any effect on the beast and her polka dot tail curves into her backside. Like a leopard, her cat ears twitch inwards, impending the doom ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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