Chapter 3 (visits)

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*At the Hospital*


“When will she wake up doctor” May asked.

“It’s hard to say because she lost a lot of blood we have to find someone with the same blood as her but the hard thing is that she has a very rare blood type”

“Well what can i do i'm her sister i can give her my blood just please don't let her go”

“Well first you-” a nurse came running down the hall.

“Umm doctor you have to see this” she grabs the doctor hand and runs and they go into her room May runs to but she doesn’t see JJ anywhere

“WHERE’S MY SISTER!” May screams and Louis comes running in the room to May’s side and Harry comes in to see some blood coming from the window.

“Hey doctor i think the window is broken” the doctor walks over to the window and looks back at Harry.

“Thanks kid”

“Welcome” Harry walks over to the window.

“Where’s my sister” May cries on the floor with Louis.  

“We will find her” Harry said still looking out the window he sees something moving in the bush.

“I see something moving in the bush.”

“Really?” Liam asked while walking to the window to see JJ in the bush

“Hey it’s JJ- how did she get out of bed without the thing going nuts”

‘I dont know but we better go and get her” they ran outside as fast as they can to see JJ’s not there anymore.

“Where did she go?”

“I don’t know-wait look what it that” they turned around to see a huge  creature with wings running at them.

“Duck” the creature jumped over them and ran inside.

“We have to help them inside the building we have to warn the others before its too late”

“Okay lets go then” they ran inside but they had to be careful they didn't want to make noise that the thing will come at them.

“GET AWAY!” they hear Niall running down the hall to see Liam and Harry “GUYS SAVE ME PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO BE FOOD FOR THAT THING”

“Thing did you just call me thing like really how do you guys like not remember me”

“JJ is that you?” Harry asked walking to her.

“Umm yes why whats wrong and why are you so small”

“You might want to look in a mirror or something”


“Just do it” JJ walks into the bathroom but could not fit.

“Hey look in my carman i have on my phone” JJ looks in the camera  and screams.
“What am I?”

“ A Griffin JJ can you reshiftt to your normal self” asked May.

“I Can try” hello JJ I’m your inner griffin Nala.. I’ll help you shift just think of your self in your body, JJ dose as she saids.

“I’m a griffin” say JJ. Harry stares at her and grabs her arm tightly JJ looks up at Harry who is smiling JJ looks at the ground Harry lifts her head up to see her face and leans in to kiss her when May gets in the middle of them

“Get away from her now!” May growled then a second later she shift into a black wolf with red eyes.

“May hey calm down please you scaring me” JJ said as she walked behind Harry.

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