Chatper 4 ( Bad times)

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*At There Place*(Harry’s P.O.V)


we walk into the house and i’m carrying JJ in my arms she looks so pretty sleeping in my arms i wish i could have fun with her but i can’t cause she’s pregnant and when was she gonna tell me that she was or even her sister

“Harry can you cuddle with me please”

“Sure anything for you” she rapped she arms around my neck i walk into my room all the other lads go in their rooms i lay JJ on the bed and she goes under the covers

“Im a ghost” she said i crawled under the covers to

“Yep you're my ghost princess” she kisses me and she lays down on my chest and she falls fast asleep and i start to fall asleep thinking about JJ.


*May’s P.O.V*


Louis carrys me to his room and lays me on his bed he goes into the bathroom i think i'm gonna have some fun teasing him, as he come back i was on top of the covers i crawled over to Louis and pulled on the hem of his shirt i take it off and wrapped my arms around his neck

“Kitten what are you doing”

“I want some fun Louis” i pull him on the bed i get on top of him

“Kitten i don't think we should we have the lads here and they can hear us”

“So i don’t care if they hear me feeling good by you”

“No we shouldn't kitten”

“Why i want you in me Louis” he looked at me and i kissed him really hard that he kissed me back

“Kitten” he said in the kiss

“Yes Louis”

“I still think this will be a bad idea”

“Please i want you please Louis”

“Kitten im gonna use protection though”

“Okay” he comes back and get gets on top of me and pulling on my shirt and he looked at my marks and i cover them up

“Hey you're beautiful and i will go slow for you and you don't need to cover them up because i used to cut too” he showed me his cuts and i look at him he didn't look at me he just looked at the floor.

“Louis” he still didn't look at me “Louis hey look at me” he looks at me and i kiss him and i pull away i think i can handle you Louis i don't think you're the bad guy here but-” Louis kissed me to make me shut up. An hour late we fall asleep my neck hurts because Louis bit me so hard i think he we was trying to make me scream his name i fell asleep next to my naked Louis that i love with all my heart.


*Harry’s P.O.V*


I wake up to JJ who is so peaceful sleeping in my arms i kissed her on the forehead but she squirmed like she didn't want to kiss me she must be dreaming about something i should wake her up

“No don't please ill do anything just please don’t” i shook her “what what happened”

“Hey its okay it was only a bad dream do you want to tell me about it”  

“No i dont”

“Please JJ i could help you”

“No Harry i don't really want to tell you” she got up and stretched i pulled her back “Harry let me go!” she screamed

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