Chapter 12 (Saving my best friend)

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*Chase’s P.O.V*

I’m 10 today i can't wait to see what i will get i hope it’s a basketball or even a football so i can play with my dad he’s mostly away for a while now for work but we still hang out and play together but my mom is overprotective of me because i’m at a delicate age where i can break something in my body like a bone or something, i hear a knock at my bedroom door i run to see if its Uncle Alex and when i open it.

“Hey buddy how are you doing” its my best friend.

“Hey Adam so what do you want to do today” i looked at him and i saw he had a black eye “Adam what happened to your eye”

“Oh my eye i fell out of bed and i hit my eye”

“No you didn't who punched you”

“My dad he punched me again”

“Why what was he this time drunk, high what was it”

“He was drunk” Adam said while looking at the floor.

“WHy do you let him do that to you” i said pulling him in my room so my mom didn't see the black eye i pushed him the bathroom and i grabbed a wet rag and pulled it to his eye.

“Owwww dude that hurts”

“Well sorry im just trying to help you”

“Can you like stop please it really hurts”

“Then lets go get a steak” i say while looking at my pet dog/dragon.

“No no no way i’m not becoming food for you're pet”

“Awww you're no fun lets go before my mom comes and gets me i don't want to spend the day with her” we walked out i gave Adam my sunglasses for his eye we walked outside no sign of my mom im good for now i turn around to see my dad i run over to him.

“Hey dad can you hang out today”

“Sorry Chases i can't i have to go to work”

“Can i come with you please”

“If its okay with your mother then i guess you can” i looked at my mom and gave her my cutest face.

“I guess oh happy birthday sweetie”

“Mom not in front of my friend”

“Oh you are never too old for me Chase”

“Your right and do we have any steak?”

“Why do you ask Chase”

“I was gonna feed my pet so you didn’t have to”

“Oh well yeah we do in the kitchen”

“Okay thanks Adam you coming so you can see me feed me pet”

“Yes i would love to see that” me and Adam walked into the kitchen to get the steak i handed it to him and he puts it on over his eye.

“You feel better Adam” i asked him.

“Ok lets go with my dad” I say after i fed my dragon.

“I can't i have to stay home today sorry Chase” Adam left to his house.

“Dad im ready lets go.”

“Okay lets go kiddo” he put me on his shoulder what you're never to old “so when we get there what do you want to do Chase” he asked me.

“Dad can i ask you somthing?”

“Sure Chase”

“My best friend father is beating him and i don’t know  what to do”

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