Preference #1 Sleeping position

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You're practically on top of him by morning. Evertime you would roll over in your sleep he'd pulled you closer to him.


He doesn't really care you sleep as long as you're their in the morning when he wakes up.


He curls up in ball next you in a position where he can always be touching you (not in sexual way) throughout the night.

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He's holding you all night. Your head on his chest and your arms around each other.

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Since he is a restless sleeper and rolls around a lot you dont know what position you'll wake up in.


You're the little spoon and he's the big spoon. Its the only position where both of you get a full nights rest.


You're always to left when you guys sleep cuddle in to side as close as possible without being on top of him.


He doesn't like cuddling while trying to sleep. He wants you near him though just not where he can't move. He'll reach over in his sleep and grab your hand and that's how you wake up.


He's cuddlely all the way and during the night you and him always have to be touching. You either wake up with your head on his shoulder or chest.

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