Preference #3 How you meet!

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You and G18 met when he was playing black ops 2 under a fake gamer tag and using a voice disguise. The two of you were always put on the same team. It was an instant friend ship. You enjoyed the night trolling noobs and aggravating people. When the night had ended and you both decide to get a little sleep he told you that he would send you a request on Xbox as his real gamer tag. When he did you about had a heart attack. The next day you him played all day together along with Sidearms randomly joining and leaving games. You and him eventually traded numbers.


You and Legion met at Best Buy when you went to pick out a camera. He was helping you and doing impressions as he did. You started doing impressions even though you weren't the best at them he still laughed. Instead of you leaving with a new camera you left with his number in your phone under "The Impression God"

Deluxe 4:

You met while playing DAYZ walking simulator. You were hiding out in a building and he found you. After he tried shooting you, you finally turned on the in game chat and told him to quit because you are friendly, fellar. It started a beautiful friendship that turned into a lasting relationship and spend all your time playing DAYZ.

Deluxe 20:

D4 introduced you to him at a party. Since you and D20 weren't big drinkers or partiers you kept close to each other and talked the whole night. You guys had traded numbers by the time D4 was drunk off his ass and D20 had to get him home.


You met him at a Halo convention. The two of you played together and right next to each other and talked the whole time. When the convention had shut done for the night you and Hova decided to get something to eat. That night he went to his hotel room smiling and holding his phone in hand which had now held your number and you went to yours still laughing to yourself at a joke he told.


You and Albi met at school when you had just moved there. He offered to show you around the school and around town after school. After school he showed you around and took you to his favorite cafe. After that day you and him go there every day after school and meet there at 2 on weekends.


Your parents introduced you guys. It was a little awkward but you had the same interests. You guys play a lot of call of duty together and minecraft.


You met at the park. He was playing basketball with some friends and you were there practicing your pitching for your softball game later that day. He came up to you and complemented your pitch. He stayed and watched you for a while and the two of you talked. You invited him to your game. Your team ended up winning the game and you told Speedy he was your good luck charm. He came to every game you had after that.


You and Shadow met at a club he was DJing at. You had went up to him and requested a song and he called you beautiful. One he said that it started a complement war. He won and the prize was your number, a kiss, and a date the next day at a local restaurant.

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