#6 He takes care of you when you're sick

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He refuses to leave your side until you feel better. The whole day he's doing impressions to keep you laughing and goes out to get you whatever you want. He turns into a huge cuddle bug and the two of you do nothing but watch movies all day or he whatchs the movies while you sleep.

Deluxe 4:

He becomes Doctor Deluxe, taking your temperature every 30 minutes, timing what time you can take medicine and what kind you can take. He tries to make you soup but failing every time so be always has to go out and buy some. As soon as he walks out the door he calls you to cheek on you.


He always so cuddly when you're sick and he never wants to leave you alone. He afraid if he leaves you alone you'll get even sicker. He a protective boyfriend and hates when you're sick. He keeps you smiling all day with his jokes that you can't help but laugh at because of how adorable he is. He makes sure there is penalty of ice cream in the freezer if you have a sore throat.

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