Chapter ~ 1

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"See you tomorrow, guys!" Makoto yelled to the team. Everyone waved and said their goodbyes before heading in different directions with each other, leaving him alone in the echo-y room. Haru had to go over to Rei's house. They were studying for a big math exam coming up soon, Makoto was planning on walking home alone today. Not that he had a choice in the first place. Makoto had just gotten done with today's swim meet and was getting dressed for his lonely dismissal. He threw his wet and black jammers into a spare plastic bag from a nearby convenient store.

Makoto shut and locked the doors with a spare key the school had trusted him with, especially since he was captain. He threw the keys up in the air and attempted to catch them with his hand. Makoto missed and the keys fell to the floor with a loud clack.
I imagined that to be much cooler... He thought to himself as he had an unfamiliar solemn expression plastered on his face.

He bent down and grabbed the keys, shoving them into an empty pocket in his sky blue  back pack. He shoved everything into the bug pocket, the wet suit added a lot more extra weight. Makoto huffed as he threw his arms through the straps. Finally ready to go home, he walked towards the entrance of the school gates.

"Yo," Sousuke ripped the black buds that spewed a loud tune out of his ears. He leaned over the side of the shared bunk bed and stared into the tired maroon eyes of his room mate. Rin set down his phone and caned his next to get a better view of the man above him.

"What is it?" Rin asked curiously.

"...When do the swim dicks end their practice?"

Rin gave his full attention. Was he talking about the Iwatobi boys? He gave it a quick thought before he interrupted himself with a question.

"Why would you want to know?"

"I wanna meet up with someone." Sousuke had no emotion on his face nor in his tone of voice. He started lifting himself off the bed and jumped to the wooden floor below, he grabbed his book bag and jacket, as if he was expecting Rin to give him an answer now.

Rin looked at his phones clock. "It's 3:26 now so in about 4 minutes."

"Okay, thanks."

Sousuke walked over to the door of the small dorm room and slipped on his red tennis shoes. The door closed gently, leaving a confused Rin on the bed behind it. Iwatobi High wasn't that far and he could probably get there on time, as long as they didn't change to quickly. Sousuke arrived at the entrance of the big high school and leaned against the column of the gate, waiting for his guest to show up.

Makoto quietly walked through the green fence that outlined the perimeter of the pool area and continued down the concrete steps. Once he reached the front gate he took a sharp turn and became face to face with a slightly familiar face.


Makoto shrieked and fell backwards. The heavy backpack restricted Makoto from being able to catch himself. He saw Sousuke reach for him but miss with a flinch. He landed on his bottom with a loud thump.

"Rin was right... You really are a woos. Hey, Makoto."

Makoto only simply stared up at the man from the ground, stunned. He picked himself off the floor and dusted his behind off quickly. He had only seen Sousuke a few times at a couple tournaments. If Makoto remembered correctly the team raced against him once or twice.

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