Call A Friend

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I went to the dining area and saw that my siblings, Elise and Donny, are halfway through their eggs and bacon. I just took my plate and went upstairs to my room to have some alone time.

After eating breakfast, I showered and got dressed in casual clothes. Maybe I'll go out later, eventually. Turns out I spent the whole day in my room writing songs, scrolling through my phone, and listening to some good music. Also, had a few winks here and there. Somehow, I feel so unmotivated to do something humanely productive today. I looked at the clock and saw that it's 5pm now. I heard my phone ringing and saw that my friend, Maxine, is calling me. I answered the phone.

Maxine: "Heyy Daniella!"
Dana: "What's up Maximus!"
Maxine: "You're still on for tomorrow, right?"
Dana: "Yep. I'm so stoked. My parents are out anyway, no monters to ruin the day."
Maxine: "Wait, I thought your parents just came back from India?"
Dana: "Yeah. And they're leaving for the Philippines again."
Maxine: "Fucking hell. They must be, like, Bill Gates, to be that busy for money. I even think Bill Gates has more time for his children than your own parents have for you. Just saying."
Dana: "That might be right though. Haha. I think I might Google that for validation."
Maxine: "Hey, don't feel down sis. You got me. You got music to escape from the bad things in life."
Dana: "Yeah. You know, what's ironic is that the bad things in my life are actually telling me that music is bad. Like, they're super totally against me pursuing a career out of music."
Maxine: "They're truly monsters. Go with what YOUR heart wants."
Dana: "Oh so you're some kind of guru now? Like hmm, a love expert I suppose?"
Maxine: "Wa-haha did you JUST quote Frozen on me?"
Dana: "I guess so. You're the one giving me the advice hahaha."
Maxine: "Dear Lord, you're my sunsine."
Dana: "Yes. Yes I am thee sunshine."
Maxine: "Oh God. I'll call you later. I need to feed my cat."
Dana: "Bye Max."
Maxine: "Bye sunshinee!"
The call ended. I checked the time and saw that it's already 5:34pm.

I sighed at the immediate silence.

I put my phone in my back pocket, took my guitar from its stand, and sat by the window pane. I strummed a few notes until I thought of singing The Climb by Miley Cyrus.

"I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head saying
You'll never reach it,"

I paused for a while and took a bite off the chimichangas I heated a few hours ago.

I started strumming again,
"Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high...
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb... "

I set down my guitar and munched on the chimichangas. Then, I heard Elise slow clapping behind me. I turned my head out of surprise.

"God, Lizzyy you almost gave me a heart attack!" I held onto the milky white window pane with fear.

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