Chapter 1

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WARNINGS: Characters © Diznay. Story and other details ©2019 to me! NSFW, very obviously. Commissioned by Pankite, who provided the original prompt. VERY SHORT CHAPTERS.

NOTE: I thought a little Elsanna in your stocking would help to cap off the holiday for you. My original commission terms with Pankite were per 1000 word increments, so I had the (probably silly) idea that each chapter should be roughly 1000 words. A sort of self-challenge.

Merry Christmas, everybody! And for those of you celebrating Hanukkah, there will be more chapters in the coming days – this is NOT a little one-shot, trust me! Hope you enjoy!


The wink did it.

Of course there were plenty of girls on LenzLaydeez. The first time Elsa Norberg had visited the site out of mingling curiosity and desperation, she was overwhelmed by the sheer number of little thumbnails of various women from all walks of life - a lot of teen queens, of course, but there were mature ladies, trans women, every race, every orientation... and she just closed the browser. Some tiny part of her brain broke from information overload mingling with her shame and she needed to recover.

The next time, she was more prepared. Months of frustration necessitated she go back. The biggest problem was that after balking at yet another romantic scene with her male costar, Brixton Benson, her producers reminded her that she was playing a straight woman. Into The Unknown was one of the biggest soap operas on American daytime TV, and their dazzling blonde centerpiece being seen dating other women would "undermine the believability" of her role, allegedly. Their ideals were so outdated... but she didn't want to get on their bad sides. The rumours were that anybody who didn't play ball would get blacklisted throughout Hollywood.

Of all people, it was actually her co-star Honey Martin who had first given her the idea. As a joke. "Why don't I just give up on dating and watch guys jerk off on one of those random chat website things? Probably way easier with my schedule." And while Elsa had no interest in guys, the rest of the flippant comment had appealed to her more than she wanted to admit.

So back to the camgirls she went. The frustrated soap queen scrolled the page, laughing at a few of the thumbnails; this was not her thing. It wasn't going to work because those silly antics didn't do anything for her, and most of all, she knew what she really wanted was a real live woman in her arms... but a prostitute was even worse than looking at girls online, and dangerous to boot. So she was stuck.

And then... she saw Kim.

"Oh, hellooooo," she muttered as her fingertip grazed over the touchscreen to move the pointer to Kim's little thumbnail. Trim, petite body, perfect legs, and that emerald green bikini did things to her that she couldn't understand. Those waves of vibrant red hair... probably a wig, but it still melted her so effectively. There was this instant connection she felt powerfully but she couldn't describe. "Let's see a little more of you."

The thumbnail began to move. Apparently the site provided little previews and this one showed this freckle-dusted adorable face pouting for the camera, grinning and winking, then reclining back on the small pile of pillows at the head of the bed to rub up and down her toned stomach.

But it was that wink that drew her in. The perfect balance of playful and sensual; this girl knew what she was doing but wasn't afraid to have fun. It hooked her instantly.

When she entered the room, Kim was in mid-sentence: "-anything you want. Just click that cute little VIP button and we can have some one-on-one fun!"

Elsa was still shivering at the timbre of that melodious voice when some party noise maker sound effects went off, and confetti splashed around the edges of the video feed. What the hell? But a second later her new favorite camgirl answered the question.

"Thanks, KristOnKrutches! Every little bit helps!" And she made sure to add a playful giggle. "Now, I'm not saying all you guys have to tip me, but hey, don't you want to see your little Kimmy have a very Merry Christmas?"

It was then she noticed the chat. Before that moment, her eyes had only been for Kim and her antics, but now she saw a flurry of messages reassuring the girl that they did, indeed, want her to have a nice holiday. This was closely followed by another shower of confetti indicating someone had sent a little money her way.

"Awwww, Roninator, you're so sweet!" She blew a little kiss toward the camera and giggled again. "Now... vote with your wallets! Do you want to see me dance, do some gymnastic moves, or... eat this entire chocolate cake? I'm gonna ask again and you tip me when I'm on the one you want!"

Did she hear that right? One of the options was eating an entire cake?! No, she definitely did — because now the adorable ginger was holding up a platter with a chocolate confection upon it. Not that it was of a size that would serve several people, but at least two or three could have enjoyed it together, and she was claiming she would devour the thing alone.

Before she knew what she was doing, Elsa was signing up for an account and inputting her credit card information. Luckily, she still had time; Kim was collecting tips to watch her dance. By the time she asked about the cake again, she could hit that tip jar button and send a shower of confetti of her own.

"Woooow, we got some foodies in the audience today!" the girl eventually giggled with a huge grin. "It's a tie! Well, I guess I'm just going to have to dance while eating the cake, aren't I?"

Amazing. Elsa leaned in to observe closely, eyes eager for a spectacle the likes of which she had never anticipated.

For which she was rewarded. Kim somehow made it almost sexy to stuff chocolate in her face, smearing it all over her lips and cheeks, as she gyrated and bounced her perky butt in front of the camera. The other members ate it up, saying it was the hottest thing they had ever seen. And Elsa...

Elsa was laughing her ass off. This was the highest quality entertainment she had ever encountered — and she worked in the entertainment industry! They could learn a thing or two from this random e-girl.

"Oh my GOB," she managed around a mouthful. "It's soooooo good! You guys have to try this!" Then she held out a handful to the camera before giggling and withdrawing it again. "Soooorryyyyy, guess you have to have the VIP treatment to eat from my hand."

No... they were all eating out of her hand. It was just that easy, and she was just that charismatic. Even though she was wiping tears of mirth from her eyes, deep down Elsa already knew she was on the hook for the girl with cake all over herself.

"Mmm, add to favourites," she muttered to herself as she clicked on the little star in the corner of the page. She would definitely be back.

To Be Continued...

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