Chapter 20

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WARNING: this chapter is definitely NSFW.

NOTE: I will be taking a short break to work on a few things before posting chapter twenty-one. I chose this as the stopping point because it's a very nice chapter to end on; no cliffhanger haha. But I promise, in a week or so I'll be back posting more!

~ o ~

"This... doesn't have to lead anywhere, Anna," she whispered, trying to suppress her anxiety spikes. It was okay. It was Anna, it was okay.

"Usually leads one place with me. Though some guys prefer a couple of other places," she mused with her head tilted to the side. It only took her a moment to sit bolt upright and say, "N-not that you're a guy! That's not- I mean, just cause you have... wow, my mouth gets dumber every day..."

Elsa snorted and reached up to pet over her hair. "You're still taking this better than I expected. Especially given... how you found out."

"Nawww, come on, that was the best way," she giggled, recovering as she settled back down, grinding on Elsa in a way that she was not totally sure she was okay with, but was okay enough with it not to ask her to stop. "Right in my face! And like... I can feel you're ready for me. If you think you have to wait until you romance me or some shit..."

"But I do want to romance you," she whined, and pressed on while ignoring the adorable coo from Anna at how "cute" she was being. "Why shouldn't I? You're so beautiful, and sweet, and thoughtful, and... and you deserve-"

"I'm getting what I want. You. This is romantic to me, y'know? Just us, doing what comes natural. As long as we're both comfortable, both into it... I don't want to wait."

Elsa drew back to gaze up at her with bedroom eyes that she had no control over. She couldn't hold out much longer, even though she had held out for twenty-three years. "You're sure? I feel like... I'm just... treating you like an object. That I had you one-day-shipped to me like the 3DS."

"I'm not complaining," she giggled. "Except you're wrong. Cause I came here on my own, drove my own crappy little Metro all the way to Cali. My choice. I'm where I wanna be, Mountie."

"God, that nickname... I'm not even Canadian."

"Just say 'aboot'. Come on, one time."


"Come ooooon..." But instead, Elsa blew a raspberry on her neck - and Anna shrieked, flailing around in the tub. "OH MY GOOOODOMIGODNOooooOOOOOoooOO!"

Even just this was like heaven. She wished they could be like that all the time. But they couldn't. Still, as tempting as it was to use that as an excuse to pull the plug on everything... she would be strong. Anna convinced her that she shouldn't and she didn't feel like walking back on all that now.

So she picked her up, awkwardly carrying her into the bedroom. Anna shrieked and giggled even more, slapping her shoulder one time as if to tell her to put her down - except she couldn't bring herself to say it. Then she flopped the teenager down onto the bedspread, watching her bounce with an elated grin of her own.

"You're getting your bed all wet!"

"Ask me if I care."

"Do you cammmphhh... mmm..." It was so easy to start that again, and Elsa found herself praying her lips would never have to be anywhere else.

Her hips seemed to feel the same way. She continued to roll them blindly, allowing instincts to rule her as she practically devoured this girl in her arms. Someone who actually wanted her, warts and all. For who she was.

It was Anna who finally broke the kiss to lean up and whisper into her ear, "Go ahead, I'm... on the pill, you won't- Good fucking God, I'm so wet..."

"And you're worried about my bed again?" she playfully remarked, earning a breathy titter.

"Shut up and fuck me."

"The mouth on you, sailor..." But before Anna could deliver another retort, she did as she was asked.

"AH!" she gasped out as their bodies fused, eyes fluttering shut and head falling back. "Oh- OHHHHH, WHOA! How the hell did you ever hide this monster cock?!"

"Carefully," Elsa groaned - though she could barely think to respond. Only her acting skills saved her, otherwise she would have been too overcome with the incredible sensation of the sweetest girl she had ever known being a part of her. Even if only for tonight.

Now they began to move. And pleasure evolved to a whole other level. Elsa was awkward because it was her first time, but Anna clearly had dealt with virgins before; she knew exactly how to move her hips to match the movements, hooking her ankles around Elsa's back to shepherd her. The steady moans didn't hurt, either. They stoked each other's fires hotter and hotter with every shift of their bodies, every pulse of their sexes against the other. If she had known this could be so good, maybe she would have breached that contract ages ago.

But it was good she hadn't. This way, she got to save herself for Anna.

"A-ah! I'm gonna cum!" Anna panted minutes later - how many, Elsa had no idea. "Wow, you are just... hitting me right!"

"You're... guiding me!" Elsa accused. Anna's only response was a little giggle. "Is this right? You're really...?"

"Mmh!" she groaned while nodding. "Fucking me right! I..."

"Anna!" she gasped before pounding harder. She was a little worried about if she would be able to finish, thanks to her hormones, but if anyone would get her there without it being a problem... it was definitely this ravishing redhead.

Though of course, it was Anna who came first. Even though the actor had studied this kind of thing a lot when first looking into bottom surgery for herself, feeling those silky walls fluttering around herself was another matter; it was as if Anna's body were begging for her release.

So it got what it wanted.

"OH!" Anna gasped when she felt the proof of the finish filling her. "Whoa, Elsa, I- OH WOW, that's a lot! Thaaaaat is a LOT, holy SHIT! MMHHHH!"

Letting out a breathy laugh, Elsa held as still as she could while her flesh pulsed, finishing up its climax. Then she flopped down onto Anna's body with a sigh of mingling elation and relief.

"Ooof, you're... heavy!" Anna grunted. "Not like, fat, just like... a whole person... on top of me! HELP!"

But Elsa only laughed. She wanted to be a person-blanket for just one moment more.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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