Chapter 6

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: HAPPY NEW YEAR (impending)! I might not get around to posting one tomorrow/later today because I'm doing a crazy thing with Dragonxborne, but I'll see you all again soon!

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"Thanks," Roxanne told her, twirling some of her red hair around her index finger. "You're pretty cool, Mr. Big Shot Director."

"Ahhh actually I never said I was behind the lens. You might even know my face.'

"So mysteeerious," she cooed, playing it up a little - but still less than she would for the general public. "Just my luck, I meet Chris Hemsworth and he's an anonymous fan on my cam site."

'Chris is married.' To someone with the same name as her, but she left that part out. 'Liam left Miley though.'

"You just know that off the top of your head, huh? Either you work in the biz or you watch a lot of TMZ."

'UGH no.' Roxanne laughed, so she added, 'Do you? No offense intended.'

"No, no, I just... y'know, pick up stuff from tabloids at the supermarket checkout, or what I see in my feeds. Y'know." Then she cleared her throat. "So listen... I don't wanna seem pushy, but you have paid more than once now. You're entitled to a little flesh. Are you sure that's not what you want?"

'Sort of. Don't get me wrong, you're absolutely stunning.' As Roxanne bit her lip again, she kept typing, 'But I have my priorities in order. I like this a lot more.'

Shrugging one shoulder, she cleared her throat and said with a sly smile, "Careful, or you'll fall for a stripper. Didn't that song teach you anything?"

Elsa snorted, adjusting her position before typing more. 'Oh yes. T-Pain is the wisest of sages. I always ask myself What Would T-Pain Do? before I make any big decisions in life.'

Oh, it was so good to see her crush genuinely laugh. Clutch her stomach as she rocked back, cackling with unfettered mirth. Looking happy. She would give her eye teeth for that to be how she felt all the time.

"Oh God, you're a riot! Damn..." She chuckled a little more, wiping a tear from her eye. "Gonna screw up my makeup."

'Like you need any.'

"Ohhh, stoooop," she giggled, waving a hand. Definitely had more experience fending off compliments like those. "But thank you, that's sweet."

'I'm serious. Those freckles are a gold mine in this industry so don't cover them up with foundation.'

"Really? I mean- wait, which industry? Porn or like, your industry?" Then she snorted. "Unless you're in porn. That technically would be film."

'Not the type of film I do sorry. But yes I meant my industry though it's probably the same in yours.'

Roxanne chuckled a little more morosely as she gazed down at her forearms, where they were resting in her lap. "Like that's gonna matter. I'm kinda..." Then she snorted. "Listen to me, getting all moody when you're over there paying for a good time."

'What I want is what I'm getting. You. Say what you were thinking.'

"Well... I'm..." She shrugged with an awkward smile. "Nobody wakes up one day and says 'I wanna be in porn', right? But it's also definitely not the worst job in the world; I could be a crack hoe in a bad part of town and wind up dead."

Elsa's fingers were rushed as she responded: 'Don't say that I don't wnat to think about you dying.'

"Oh, sorry. You're right, that's pretty depressing; I'm... I'm fine, too. Like, don't worry!" She spread her arms wide in a "ta-daaah" gesture. "See? No broken bones or anything!"

'Very nice. And it would be a shame for such a wonderful woman to suffer broken bones.'

"Goooood, you," she snorted. "Maybe you really are Liam. Pretty smooth and confident over there."

'Yes. Over here. If we were in the same room I wouldn't be able to talk to you.'

Smiling sweetly, she leaned closer to the camera. "Shy guy? Maybe I could fix that. Everybody deserves somebody."

All she wanted was Roxanne. Not to figure out how to date another random person; she had tried it, and it didn't work. But that was as much about her lack of confidence as it was about the studio's ban on her sexuality.

'Maybe. Or I should clarify.' The girl's expression turned curious while Elsa typed her next message. 'I would talk to you but you would never know I was interested. I would be civil and friendly. And that's it.'

"Ohhh. So only that kind of shy. Don't have much dating experience?" She was lying on her side by now. "That's really sad. And you seem like a catch, so what's the holdu-"

Roxanne cut off. Elsa had just sent a '?' when she said toward her right, "Hey, he paid for the time. Who cares if he just wants to talk?" Something muffled she couldn't make out came from off camera. "Dude... chill. Seriously, if I can sit here and have a nice conversation and get paid, it's totally win-win. I like talking to him."

And she still couldn't make it out... but the next thing said sounded sharper, nastier. The girl's expression darkened, and she held up a finger to the camera - before muting the feed. Elsa could only see a snarled response before Roxanne was getting up from the bed, her leg just barely still in view.

So this certainly wasn't normal. Elsa found her hand pushing into her mouth as her eyes remained glued to the screen, trying to figure out what was going on. Clearly she had a production assistant - who? A boyfriend? Maybe another camgirl? They could be taking turns. Silly as it was, she leaned over as if she could see more that way...

Roxanne came back into view. She was sitting on the edge of the bed with her face buried in her hands, clearly distraught. Something happened and she intended to find out what. In fact, that was what she typed: 'What's wrong?'

She watched the girl sit up straighter, say something. Turn to the screen, leap, her mouth going wide. Then she slammed the keyboard - and an unholy cacophony sounded for a second.

"SORRY! God, I'm really sorry, I forgot you were there! Like... ugh, what's the matter with me?"

'It's okay. But who was that and why did they make you cry?'

To Be Continued...

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