Chapter 19

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Anna went stock still as their lips connected. It was magical, even if they barely enjoyed the contact before the starlet drew away, pushing her hand into her mouth.

"Oh. I'm..."

"Whoa," the younger woman breathed, turning to stare into the corner. "Ohhhh, that was... intense."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do something so forward out of the blue, I just... wanted to hug you, I don't..."

Anna took her own turn laying her index finger across Elsa's lips, cutting off further protests. "Dude, chill. It was just a kiss; a really nice one, but I'm not gonna die from it. And this one was on me, because I moved."

"Okay." Eyes leaking tears of frustration, she heaved a shaky sigh before confessing, "A lot is happening in a short time. I get to meet you, I pulled that stupid accent, you sang to me, and then I come out, now we're kissing... this is worse than an episode of my show. And that's saying something."

"What show? Wait... you didn't want me to know," she reminded herself.

"Oh... you might as well know now that you're in my hotel room. I'm Elsa Norberg. You might not know me unless you watch daytime soaps or used to watch Disney and Nickelodeon."

Though Anna had been shaking her head, one of her eyebrows raised a little bit in curiosity. "Like, old Nick? Wait..." Now she leaned very far forward to squint at Elsa's features, and the normally-poised actor had to fight down a giggle fit at her crush being that close. "Elsie North?! That chick who played Reenie on Dot And Vanessa?!"

"Yep, you got it," she laughed.

"Holy SHIT! I used to watch that show all the time! Wow, you dyed your hair - wait, you dye it now or you dyed it then? It looks pretty natural..."

"Dyed it then. That's also where the stage name came in; weird Aryan-looking girls from Sweden weren't the in thing at the time. All-American 'girls next door' were."

"Maaaan..." Clearly, she was a little starstruck but not as badly as other people she had met in her life. "You totally carried that show. It was dumb as hell and that guy who played Freddy was annoying; without you it would have been one season and done."

Laughing a lot louder, she gently pushed Anna's shoulder. "No, no. The two main characters were also good. But you're right, the scripts were almost as bad as the ones I'm working with now on my soap opera."

"Which one?"

"Into The Unknown."

"Ohhhh. Yeah, I've seen it on when I'm home sick or during the summer, but I don't really watch those things. No offense!" she added with a raised hand, as if to ward off Elsa's wrath. But her new friend just shrugged.

"None taken. The cast and crew are great, like family to me, but the scripts are the same cheesiness as every other soap opera."

The redhead nodded over toward the connecting door to the other suite. "That where she's from? She's really pretty, so I figure she must be another actor. That guy definitely isn't."

"No," she laughed in agreement. "Decidedly not. But he seems like a decent guy so far; this is my first time meeting him."

"Oh yeah... you did tell me you don't have very many close friends. I hope you're letting her in now. Well, unless she turns out to be a bitch, and then I'm totally okay with you ghosting her."

Rolling her eyes, she scooted closer. Even though it was hard to feel comfortable doing so, she wanted to try. "So far, so good. Don't worry."

"Yeah." Anna slipped her arm around her that easily. Leaned into her, nuzzled her neck. "Mmm..."


"Too much?"

"No, no. I just wasn't expecting... any of this."

Her other hand began to pet Elsa's stomach. "You say that like I was, but like... it's whatever. Life happens."

"It does. In very unexpected ways." But she couldn't entirely suppress a reaction to all this physical attention. Who could have?

"Elsa... you feel really good."

"Do I?"

"Yeah. I, um... like I said, I like girls but just, um..." She took a quick breath. "I kinda... only dated guys, because I was worried it wouldn't be the same. Dumb, huh? Obviously girls are fun to cuddle, too. Guess I was just being weird."

"You're talking to someone who's in the closet because her homophobic studio thinks it's bad for the conservative homemaker demographic," she snorted. "That's probably the stupidest reason."

"Nah. You have to work to eat. Like, obviously you can eat freakin' lobster whenever you want, but you couldn't if you got yourself kicked off the show, right? I get that. I don't really want to strip for internet randos, either; it's just work I don't mind and I'm good at it. Like most jobs."

"More than just 'good'. But I'm also sure you could go legit if you wanted to, you're so charismatic."

Grinning, she hugged her tighter. Elsa finally let herself hug her back, humming very quietly in appreciation for the closeness. "You nerd. But like... you're sweet. And you feel good. I could get used to it, and I wanna."

But what about Hans? Elsa thought it, didn't say it; she couldn't ruin this moment. Had already tried to before and it didn't work, so now she just wanted to enjoy this sweet creature in her arms. One she was embracing... then sliding her hand from hip to shoulder... up her neck, tilting her chin upward...

Kissing. This was a real, deep, passionate kiss that they both found themselves throwing themselves into with abandon, lips kneading, tongues tentatively poking at bottom lips. Elsa felt like she was coming home for the first time in ten years. So delicious... did everyone enjoy this as much as she was now? What a beautiful world they lived in.

Of course, it didn't take long for Anna to slide into her lap. And not long after that... she drew back from the kiss with a small smirk.

"Well, hello."

To Be Continued...

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