Chapter 18

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WARNING: This chapter is mildly NSFW.

NOTE: Apologies for the delay! I had to go to bed extra early last night because I had a busy, dizzy day today. Hopefully you enjoy this update regardless!

~ o ~


That was the best description of what came out of Anna's mouth. Worse yet, Elsa could feel every vibration in one of the most sensitive areas on her body. She squeaked and scrambled down into the water as quickly as was humanly possible, but it was too late. Far too late.

"I... I'm sorry, Anna, I'm so clumsy, what- I normally can handle myself! I'm a runway model, for God's sake! UGH! What is wrong with me?!"

But Anna was still dazed. Just sitting there with her glittering emerald eyes blinking at the tiles opposite herself, not even looking at Elsa. And the star understood; she had a lot to process now.

"Anna? Are... you angry with me?" She swallowed down the spike of pure adrenaline. "You are. I'm... I am so sorry. Maybe I should go."

"Go? It's... your room." Then she finally let out a weak little laugh. "Wow, so... that was... super unexpected; I'm stunned over here. Like, you glow up like whoa. So gorgeous!"

The actor wrapped her arms tightly around her body, as she normally did in these situations. Not that one quite like this had ever happened before. Blood rushed in her ears as she shrank in on herself, chest tight, literally shaking. Craving a way to dive down deep into the bubbling waters. "I... I should have told you, I... you..."

"Oh, no, no, it's cool! Woke, remember? I'm not gonna judge, no way." There was that word again. When there was no response, she tried, "Elsa?"

But she couldn't speak. This was a nightmare. She had never accidentally come out to someone before; it was always a choice, and she had a speech lined up, and steps she could take. Plans to ease her anxiety. And now it was all coming apart, her world was-

Trim arms wrapped tightly around her, squeezing tight. Elsa thrashed for just a second before she registered a cheek rubbing her shoulder and remembered it wasn't someone trying to hurt her. It was Anna. A friend.

"You're okay. I got you."

Still trembling, she slowly began to nod. "I... was going to tell you. Right now. I just... didn't mean to-"

"No big. Like I said, I'm no Boomer; you're whoever you are in your heart. But damn, girl, you look so good. I'm losing my shit over here!"

"Thank you," she sighed with a weak smile. Here came this part; it was unavoidable. "I just... want to be taken seriously based on my talent alone. Honey and the casting director, and my agent, and um, the guy who plays my romantic interest are the only ones who know on set. Funny, Brixton took the news a lot easier, but he still... freaked out a little, and then overcompensated by flattering me a lot. That's why I'm not out, why... I don't do swimsuit calendars, or nude scenes, or... it's just going to draw attention, and then I'll be Laverne. She's so gracious about being a poster child, but I just have never had any desire for that to define me, or... all that attention focused on my private life instead of my career."

"No, yeah, I kinda get it. Like... I'm never gonna know what you're going through with either thing, the acting or, um, that." She pointed down toward the surface of the water, and Elsa sank lower in embarrassment. "But I mean, I told you I'm bi. So that part doesn't matter to me. If you're a woman, you're a woman, y'know? And if you're a woman who's packing some heat, well hey, I know how to handle one of those so it's definitely not a dealbreaker for me!"

Elsa chuckled and flashed her a morose smile. "I suppose that makes sense."

"And this is still gonna be my first real lesbian thing, if we go past sitting in a tub together," she laughed. "Besides one girl I made out with at a frat party. And she had braces, so I can totally strike her from the record."

"Ew!" she laughed. "I hope they were clean!"

"They were, she's a good brusher. Just like, the metal... it felt weird, couldn't get past it. Maybe that makes me a dick, I dunno."

"A dink?" They shared a knowing grin. "Thanks for being so good about this - all of it. And I know, I'm not supposed to be grateful, since my gender is valid and so on. But I still can only think about how bad this would go if you weren't so progressive."

"Progressive? Like I'm a name-your-price tool? Dude, I'm just normal. It's the douchebags who wouldn't accept you who are, like... what's the opposite of progressive? Regressive? They're that."

Finally, Elsa felt the knot of anxiety ease... and elation took over. Everything was fine. She had come out to Anna and she wasn't rejected, she wasn't being viewed as a monster. Christmas had arrived a little late for her but it was just as welcome as if it had been on time.

"Soooo. Just to get this big ol' elephant outta here, you did sit on my face. Since we're gay does that mean we did it?"

"BLRPHG!" she burst out — being that she had tried to shout something while also ducking her head low enough the water covered her mouth. Then she started coughing said water up, and Anna had to pound her on the back. "Ah! Oooh, that... that did not feel good."

"Didn't sound good! Sorry... I'm just trying to lighten the mood or something."

"Right! Of course. But... for that to be true, I would have to have gone through with bottom surgery. And I haven't yet."

"So? Like, I still got a mouthful of your ballllllgina!" she hastily amended, wincing and grimacing hard after she finished the fused word. "That. Um, I... yeah, that was super fucking dumb, I don't know what I'm"

She trailed off because Elsa was laughing. Really truly laughing again, rocking back as her ruddy cheeks bunched, arms still clamped tight around her waist. Anna merely sat there with a raised eyebrow until she burst out, "Ballgina!"

"Okay, okay," she giggled weakly, ears reddening. "S-sometimes I sound like a doof, I know this."

"You're utterly adorable." Then she leaned in, intending to hug her.

Instead, her lips found another set and they shared a very unexpected first kiss.

To Be Continued...

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