Chapter 3

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NOTE: Hope you guys are liking this so far! Commissions are still open if anyone's interested. (See my Tumblr, Forkanna, for details)


A couple of weeks later, Elsa got her answer. She had been checking LenzLaydeez every single night; never for long, but just enough to see if that cake-devouring cutie had returned. No such luck. Her life mostly moved on; she wrapped the holiday special, and brought down the New Year's ball in Times Square with stars that were much bigger than herself - though her leading role in the upcoming film, Baby So Sweet, was going to shatter that ceiling. Really help her career take off. She could only hope that, maybe, she could ditch the soap and stop living in the closet – or else use leaving as an excuse to embrace her sexuality instead of mourning it.

The advert called her Roxanne but she would know that face and hair anywhere. It looked as if she had her own website now? No matter. Elsa had never clicked a pop-up window so fast in her life.

Picture after picture of her beloved Kim littered the home page, along with a couple of animated gifs. A dream come true. She was tempted to save a few to her hard drive... but resisted it. All she needed was for her laptop to get stolen and someone to find that on there.

There was even a schedule. Perfect! Now she wouldn't have to guess at when she might find her favorite camgirl doing her thing. It looked as if she had finished for the night but would be doing the same thing tomorrow. And Elsa planned to be there.

~ o ~

"NorthMountainMan! What's new, pussycat?"

Elsa Norberg snorted as she settled in on her side, pulling the laptop closer as she stretched her legs out along her silk sheets. Her house was so empty and lonely during the evenings, when her maid had gone home. Some of her other famous friends had full staff 24-7 but she always knew that was too much for her; she had even resisted the maid until Honey threatened to take pictures of her messy house and spew them all over Insta.

There was silence for a minute or so as Kim - Roxanne? - kicked her feet back and forth over her black-clad ass, crossed at the ankles. The epitome of a casual girly pose. One cheek was propped on a fist while her other hand toyed with her mouse. The bedroom was completely different, but still very nondescript; pink walls and red sheets, but there was nothing else.

"Awww, what's the matter?" she fake-pouted. "Just window-shopping?"

Was she still talking to her? Elsa glanced at the chat: it was empty. Either she didn't have many new followers on this site yet, or they just hadn't logged in. Did she have... Kim... all to herself? Maybe she should say something.


Brilliant. "Tolstoy has nothing on you," she hissed at herself aloud, facepalming. But when she heard a little giggle her hand whipped away.

"Hi yourself. Looks like you're the first one to the party! Hmm..." She tapped her chin. "I'm not allowed to give away the good stuff for free, buuuut... do you have anything you want that doesn't require me stripping outta these?"

As Roxanne snapped the shoulder strap of her matching bra, Elsa tried not to break into a cold sweat. This was different than just watching her flaunt it for the camera; this was truly interactive now. Maybe she could ask for another dance. Or maybe just to shake her ass, that would be fun.

'Tell me about yourself.'

"Me?" she asked with a laugh - and Elsa felt her face heating up. That was the best she could do?! "Weeeeell, I'm from Arizona... or I was raised there, anyway. Just doing a little camming to pay the bills; same old story. What about you, mystery man?"

What could she say? Not a bald-faced lie; she actually did want to know this girl better, despite the circumstances. 'I'm in the film industry.'

"Oh, great, a critic," she giggled. "How am I doing, Director?"


"Woooow, thanks! Keep buttering me up like that and I might have to throw in a couple extra minutes if you hit that VIP button!"

Elsa almost let it go, but she found she couldn't. 'I'm not buttering you up. You're gorgeous.'

"Wait, whaaaaaat?" she drawled out, waving her hand back and forth. "Stahhhp. My webcam is cheap and I definitely didn't learn from some kinda selfie-sensei. Total amateur hour over here."

'Doesn't matter. You're a natural, and I really mean that. I could watch you all day and never be bored. Charisma for days and an instantly likable face and voice.'

By now, Roxanne was grinning. "Uh huh. And this is where you offer me a part in your movie, right?"

'I would if I could. But you would never trust that I'm not an axe murderer, or running some kind of cult.'

This laugh was very genuine, and Elsa felt like she could tell it was. She smiled as she watched this freckle-faced bombshell roll over to sit up, then sat cross-legged in front of her keyboard. For a second she was focused on her decent abs... and then she wafted it out of her mind.

"Okay, you're pretty good. And you haven't typed 'free pussy please' or 'show feet' yet so you're one up on most of the guys from last night." She glanced at something, then nodded to herself. "Sorry - was checking that you're still my only viewer. I don't wanna offend the customers, y'know?"

'I understand. Believe me if there's anything I get about your job that's the same as mine it's that we have to play to our audience or we won't have a job anymore.'

Roxanne gestured to the camera with an open palm. "See? You get it, right away. Smart man. The world could use a few more of you." She glanced up and to her right, then smiled at the camera again - a little more plastic like it was when she first joined the feed. "Soooo, if you feel like tipping, I'd sure appreciate that, Mountie. Hit that little old button and maybe I'll start taking acting classes. Eh? Yeah? Might even see you someday and I could... be very grateful..."

Damn it all, this was still getting to her. Even having seen the real Roxanne for an instant didn't prevent the little thrill in the pit of her stomach as she watched her running the tip of her index finger over her bottom lip. Incredible.

"Ohhhh, hey, BradSkates - and Maximo88! What's up?"

More viewers; some of the guys were getting off work and logging on to find their daily spank material. SHIT. Elsa was going to lose this tenuous connection to her crush. She knew she should just accept it, learn to share... none of this mattered, anyway. She was just a cam girl.

Just a gorgeous, vibrant redhead who took her breath away.

"Whoop! Okay guys, my NorthMountie bro just paid for a little VIP treatment! So help yourself to this clip from last night and I'll be back in a few!"


To Be Continued...

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