Chapter 7

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WARNING: Mildly NSFW. (And Happy New Year!)

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"O-oh..." Blanching yet more, Roxanne rubbed the back of her neck. "You weren't, um, supposed to see any of that. My friend helps me with modding and camera set up and stuff sometimes. We just had a disagreement."

'About me? I can go.' Friend, huh? She was taken. Of course she was; a girl this gorgeous wouldn't be single for long unless it was by choice.

"Wait, wait, you..." She sighed. "He left. You're fine, it doesn't matter. But you might wanna find some other girl to watch, I doubt it's much fun to watch me cry."

Elsa bit her lip, considering her response. How could she cheer this poor girl up? Deciding to just go for it, she told her, 'I would watch you cry into a pint of Ben and Jerry's for hours. Don't worry about that.'

"Right," she half-laughed, half-sobbed. "Th-that's entertainment." They were both quiet for a moment. Elsa started to type something when the girl whispered, "I'm sorry. He normally doesn't... get jealous. But..."

'But what?'

"You and me were talking like friends. He could tell I wasn't hamming it up and trying to get you to empty your wallet like I normally do. But isn't that stupid?" she burst out with a huge shrug. "I mean, you already paid! Duh! So if you wanted to just hang out, why's it matter?"

That one was easy. 'Because he knows those guys you ham it up for aren't a threat to your relationship. I might be.'

"Oh really?" she asked with a slight smile. "Gonna sweep me off my feet?"

'I would love to.'

'But I meant that he must be insecure about it if he got this upset over nothing.'

Though Roxanne had still been smiling at the first message, she deflated at the second. "Right. Overprotective boyfriend... it's a cliche for a reason, I guess." She squirmed, indecisive. "You know... it's not... real likely that I'm gonna date someone I met this way, don't you?"

Elsa could see the conflict in her shimmering teal eyes. She still wanted her money, but couldn't bring herself to lie to get it. Didn't lead her on. 'I know.'

"Then why... are you being so nice? Like, it's literally my job to be a slutty tease."

'I know that too. C'mon I wasn't born yesterday.'

"Good, cuz this site has age restrictions." They both laughed, even if only one of them could hear the other. "Thanks, though. You sure you don't want to see? I mean, I've been told I have a perfect pussy. Perfect ass, too, if that's what you're into."

Trying not to overheat at just those things being mentioned, she typed, 'Do you mean ass or ass hole? Because I can clearly see you have the first one.'

"Awww, thanks, Mountie," she laughed.

'But I don't even know what the second one means. Aren't those all kind of the same?'

"You would think so," she began conversationally. "Like, I've seen some pretty narsty ones in the business. Then there's ones you can tell have just literally been fucked a million times; like, I dunno how to describe it, but like, wow. And some girls bleach them and all that."

Making a face, she typed, 'So I've heard. No thank you.' Then she thought a moment before adding, 'On you OR me.'

Grinning from ear to ear, she laughed, "I appreciate you looking out for my anal health, man." Elsa snorted. "But I could still show you my perfect ass if you want a demonstration? Like, just so you know what one looks like."

'You're going to show me your ass... as an example? Like so I can compare all asses to yours in the future?'

"Sure! I mean, I'll have to end VIP time after this; we're already way past how long you paid for. But fuck it."

This was a difficult call. She wanted to end the session without badgering Roxanne into showing her anything... but she wasn't. This was an offer, which was quite different. Besides, as she said, they had to end the session soon anyway. Maybe it was kinder to let this happen and enjoy the show.

'You're on. But only if you feel comfortable.'

Even before the girl responded, she knew she had said something stupid. Roxanne laughed and shook her head. "This is my job, remember? Who's uncomfortable?!"

And then she began to turn on the bed. Poor Elsa already felt her pulse skyrocketing upward as she saw those gorgeous, firm cheeks come into view. This had been a mistake. Why did she agree to this? Why didn't she just tell Roxanne it was fine and they could do it some other time? Or that she didn't want to?

Because she did want to see more. She just didn't want to be sleazy; she wanted to earn the chance to be with her. Silly since that was obviously not in the cards.

"Haaaappy New Yeeeeeeaaar," she cooed as she tugged one very specific area aside.

It was perfect. Even though Elsa had mostly thought she was joking, she couldn't deny that tiny little pink asterisk did bring that very word to mind; she couldn't imagine another one more perfect than this one. Whether or not she found that attractive was another matter, but she would have to decide that later.

"Hey - take a screenshot. Go on. Might as well for later, right?" Then she giggled. "What am I saying? You probably know this stuff."

'You're sure?' Meanwhile, Elsa was trying to remember if she even knew HOW to take a screenshot on a laptop. Phones were easy.

"Yeah, man! My butt's all yours, you paid, like... go for it! Not like my face is even in the shot, anyway."

A fair point. Right then, she saw the "Prt Sc" key and remembered that was its purpose. Or so she hoped. She hit it and then typed, 'Got it. Thank you so much, even if I'm not sure how I feel about it.'

"All good. And hey, next time, if you still want there to be one..." She teased a finger over her cloth-shouded crotch - before sitting down and turning to grin at her. "Sorry. I'm not trying to upsell you, just get you more comfortable and stuff. You've been so cool today."

'You're cool every day. I'll see you soon.'

"Bye, Mountie!"

And then Elsa closed the browser, set her laptop aside... and went straight into the shower. For another thirty minutes.

To Be Continued...

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