Chapter 4

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The instant Elsa had been bumped up to VIP, she saw the resolution changed. In fact, the entire page changed; now all the ads and things around the borders were gone. The chat was still there, but the rest of the page was now devoted fully to Roxanne's feed and the little buttons beneath her.

"Wow, you really did that," she purred with a big grin.

'DId what?'

"C'mon, don't kid a kidder. You liked having me all to yourself, and as soon as those other guys came in you sniped me into VIP."

Hating just how hot her neck and cheeks were growing, Elsa typed, 'Wow thanks for calling me out.'

"Awww, I'm just teasing you." Her eyelashes fluttered innocently before she smirked like a fox. "Okay. You've got five minutes. What do you want me to start off with?"

'I just want to hear more about you.'

"Ohhhh, one of those." Hearing herself, she held up a hand and hastily added, "Which is fine! Like, don't get me wrong, I'm not- I wasn't trying to yuck your yum or whatever. We get a lot of guys who are more into just... paying for a little company. Like, obviously more guys who want to see my pussy, but it's your dollar."

SEE HER PUSSY. Now Elsa was full-on blushing, and trying to ignore sensations running into all areas of her body. But that was artificial; she knew it was part and parcel of the camgirl experience, but she still felt it was "cutting in line". What she wanted was to date this girl. Intelligently, she knew that wasn't possible, but...

'My dollar would be better spent taking you out to dinner.'

"Oooh, a romaaaaantic," she drawled out with a giggle. "But I mean, you are, kind of. The money you spent on this is gonna help me eat at some point or another."

'Yeah? Chocolate cake again or do you eat real food?'

"Chocolate-" Her eyes went wide, and she fell silent as she blinked a couple of times. The silence deepened until it actually became awkward.

'Are you okay?'

"You... saw that. How could you, I'm not even..." She licked her lips, a little distressed. "U-um... so did you want me to take any of this off?"

'Wait. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.'

"It's fine," she told her with a practiced smile. "I just didn't know I had a... fan on my hands."

Stalker. She meant stalker and Elsa knew it, and she felt her anxiety spiking through the roof. That was what she was. And it had been more or less unintentional; she was a fan who jumped at the chance to remain a fan when she stumbled upon her change in employment. But she had to clear the air.

'I swear I didn't mean to stalk you. I just wanted to see more of you on LenzLaydeez.'

"Y-yeah," Roxanne giggled, throat constricting as she swallowed. "Smart guy like you, hunting me down. I'm impressed." No, she wasn't. She was scared.

'You have no reason to believe me but I didn't. Your name is gone from that site and I thought I would never see you again.'
'But I saw a pop up for your new site and I instantly recognised you.'
'Maybe I should go.'

"Wait!" she piped up, crawling a little closer to the webcam. "Y-you paid for the whole treatment, right? Let me... show you a little something."


This time, Roxanne was incredulous. "No? I mean... what are we doing here, then? Don't you want the whole Roxanne experience? Or..." She glanced anxiously off to one side. "The Kim experience?"

'I want to go back in time and not frighten you. It was never my intention and I'm sorry.'

By now, the poor girl was at a loss. She tried for another smile, leaned a little closer to the camera. "It doesn't matter. I just want to be sexy for you. I mean, you already paid, and I... I'm not about taking money that I didn't earn. Okay? So maybe..."

But she trailed off when she saw more words appear: 'The money is yours. I was stupid. You're charming and sweet and you deserve to feel safe. I'm sorry.'

Then Elsa slammed the lid of the laptop shut before anything more could happen. The last image burned into her memory was one of a puzzled Roxanne looking straight into the camera eye, mouth slightly open. Wondering what to make of her potential stalker.

"Story of my life," Elsa sobbed aloud as she got up and made herself get ready for bed. As if she could actually sleep at all tonight; not very likely.

~ o ~

The next day, she did her best to forget everything. Went to the gym, called her parents and had the usual tense chat about her career trajectory and her lack of husband. She had tried explaining her woes with the soap situation, and they were patient and not at all cruel, but also told her the studio had every right to protect their image, and she would eventually find a nice man and settle down. They often suggested Brad this or Chris that as potential mates and she politely declined their matchmaking attempts.

"So I've got you booked on Ellen in two days," her agent, Edna, was telling her brusquely as they sipped their expensive lattes in an expensive cafe. She would have been fine with Starbucks but the diminutive woman insisted; she might have needed a high chair, but she commanded respect wherever she went. "That Sunday morning show on, well, Sunday. And don't forget the premiere is in a few weeks, darling."


Raising her eyebrows at the sullen star, Edna adjusted her glasses and snapped, "What's the matter with you? Hm? Well? I am giving you gold and you are giving me nothing, nothing at all. Work with me."

"It's... a personal matter. I'm afraid I hurt someone without meaning to."

"Well, they'll get over it. You are Elsa Norberg, and you are a shooting star, girl," she told her with a no-nonsense look. "Strut your stuff and let the world worship the ground you walk on. Take it from me - or did you forget I molded Nicole? Julia? Elizabeth?"

"I haven't," she sighed with a weary smile. "And I'm grateful for your expertise. But I can't be in a good mood all the time, can I?"

Before Edna could retort, her phone went off. And when she saw the alert all sound seemed to cease around her. She had an email.

From Roxanne.

To Be Continued...

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