The Garage Sale

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That second hundereds of tiny particles smacked into each other every second. Molecules of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen moved around at enormous speeds as gravity pulled them to the ground. Surrounding these molecules was a hard ceramic boundary that was also moving rapidly towards the ground. Above this ceramic boundary was a male carbon based life form who just realised that he had knocked down his coffee. 

Ryan chose to ignore the hot liquid on the ground and continue to do what he was doing. He stared at a large wall with several small photos connected with pins and thread. He rearranged some photos and printed new ones. The photos were in three categories -

'Possible sightings', 'Confirmed sightings', 'Possible location'.

At the center was a small note reading Where are you, dad?

Ryan sat down at his swivel chair and thought in silence

His phone vibrated with a text alert. The message was from Jas telling Ryan to come down to a garage sale nearby. It seemed enthusiastic, and convincing, for some reason. Ryan reluctantly stepped out of his house and saw the garage sale closeby.

"GARAGE SALE" shouted the boy behind the counter. "GET YOUR RANDOM ANTIQUE CRAP CUZ I DONT WANT IT! GET IT NOW!!!"

Ryan looked at him for a second and decided there was no reason not to buy something. He looked at the counter and browsed through the items.

"Hey wassup!" said the boy enthusiastically. "You want something? How about my collection of 500 Nintendo gaming consoles from the early 2000s?"

"Um, no but why do you have them?" asked Ryan.

"GET YOUR ANTIQUES NOW!" said the boy ignoring Ryan's question.

Ryan looked around at the items and found a small black cylinder with engravings on it. He was intrigued by it for some reason and went closer to examine it.

"Hey Ryan! You made it!" said Zack from behind him. "What's this?"

Zack examined the object. "Cool? You want to buy it?"

Ryan agreed with full enthusiasm.

"Ooh nice choice. That is an ancient untested war weapon. But I'm sure it's harmless now." explained the boy behind the counter.

"Makes me want to buy it even more"

A few minutes later the brothers stood in their backyard with their newfound object.

"You think there's a way to activate it?" asked Ryan.

"Possibly but why would you want to activate a war weapon?" replied Zack. He looked worried

"Who wouldn't want to?" Ryan was smiling like a maniac.

"Look mom left for a month long business trip. I was told to take care of you and dead memes over there." said Zack pointing at Jas. "So I can't just have you activating war weapons."

"Yeah, that's why I need your help! So that if something goes wrong I share the blame!" replied Ryan. "I'm kidding. But you're the one always trying to get me to spend time with you two. This way I can do that!"

"I..." Zack was surprised at Ryan's answer. "Fine. How are we going to do this?"

"Maybe if we hook up the house's generator to the ends of the object it turns on? I honestly have no idea."

"Lemme see that."

Zack takes the cylinder from Ryan's hand and examines it. He notices the engravings are actually some kind of letters.

"Interesting." Ryan takes his phone out and points it at the engraving. It translates the letters from greek.

"Athanatos? What's that?" asked Zack.

"Its greek translation is 'Immortal' or 'eternal'"

"These ends have a symbol on them. Some kind of triangle inside a triangle." said Zack.

The symbol was of a vertically inverted triangle with another triangle within it whose vertices were in the center of each side of the larger triangle.

Ryan's eyes lock onto a small easily missable circle on the cylinder.

"Hey what's that?" said Ryan as his finger reached for the circle. When his finger reached it, the circle sank inwards acting as a button. One of the ends elongated into a four feet long metallic rod the glowed a light orange. It's end was around the same size and thickness of the rod it originally belonged to.



Ryan touched its end to the ground. The end glowed a brighter orange as sparks of pure energy arced through the ground cause small vibrations as it travelled. Jas was standing in the way of these 'energy arcs' and was pushed backwards into a hedge. The arcs dissipated soon after it hit Jas.

"Aaahhh.." said Jas in pain. "I will come there and kill you... after I nap." and promptly fell unconscious.

Ryan and Zack looked at each other.

"Do you know what this means?" asked Zack with a worried expression.


"We... get... pop tarts." said Zack, hungrily.

"Wait what? No! That's not it!"

"Oh... oh yeah!" said Zack pointing at the cylinder "I forgot about that."

"How can you..." Ryan sighs. "Nevermind. What I meant was that we managed to activate a war weapon!"

"True. So what you mean is that we have a great power and it can lead to crap if not used properly."

"Yes so with great power comes great responsibility."

Now in any actual situation a person would listen to this statement and abide by its terms. However given the fact this is an abnormal situation, the result of that conversation was a few seconds of silence before both of them laughed at the ridiculousness of that statement.

"Pffft! Us? Responsibility?! Hilarious!"

Then they proceeded to mess around with the entire neighbourhood with their new found weapon of destruction which in Ryan's hand was an object that promised him the sweet satisfaction of revenge.

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