The fight

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Ryan, Alex and Sam sped towards the crimson atmosphere in silence. A target marker appeared in the HUD of their helmets. The autopilot controlled microjets to push them in the right direction.

"Y'know if we weren't being blasted towards a rocky hell to defeat a supervillain, this would be pretty awesome." said Ryan after hyperventilating.

"The reason makes it more awesome." argued Sam.

The three drifted away from each other. Ryan realising this, turned around mid air to face the surface.

A few meters above the surface, the wings extended, causing another round of panicked screaming by Ryan. When the wings folded again, Ryan found himself on the ground looking up at a large black prism like structure. It was around 20 feet tall and floated a foot off the ground.

"Zack, I have landed, and I'm seeing this giant black thing." said Ryan not knowing how to describe it.

"Copy, seeing the same here." said Alex

"Well whatever it is, you are in the right spot." said Zack with a bagel in his hand. He chewed it without looking at it as if he were watching a movie play out.

"We need to disable it somehow. If it uses a self repeating algorithm, it can rebuild itself after taking damage." said Ryan.

"So what if we blocked it from reforming?" said Sam.

"That might work. If you welded some kind of iron rock into the system, the rock would delay the thing from reforming." said Zack. "Lucky for you, you have plenty of iron at your disposal." said Zack


"The rocks. Hadean rocks are full of iron. Plus, they are hot. Using the plasma torch can bring it to welding temperatures." said Ryan.

"That's right. Now dig up some rocks. All shall do my bidding." said Zack, jokingly.

Ryan picked up a reddish piece of rock and used the disassembled plasma cannon as a heating element until he could feel the heat through his radiation suit. Then he placed the molten rock into the side of the black prism. Suddenly the prism sparked with orange energy. The heat in the surroundings seemed to go down. Ryan felt something coming towards him. His mind began to work at twice the speed as adrenaline filled his veins.

The object moving towards him was the scythe, the black blade that ended his brother's story. He would counter the attack with a dodge. Then he would initiate his nano-tech gloves' extendable arm feature which would grab the scythe as soon as it missed its target, in this case, himself. Then using the extendable arm, he would throw it back to where it came from.

The scenario played out almost exactly as thought out. X caught the flying blade and lowered it.

"GUYS! EMERGENCY!" screamed Ryan.

"Aw, sh-. Alex, Sam! X is at Ryan's location, get to him!" said Zack.

Alex heard it first and began to use the suit's micro thrusters to get herself to Ryan quicker.

Meanwhile Ryan and X stood face to face once again.

"If I can't kill your father, I will kill both of you. I will kill you, use you as bait to track down your monstrous father and kill him too." said X.

"And you will eats our arms, our legs and you will bites our face off we head, blah, blah, blah. Thank you for sharing you plan, your support is most appreciated." said Ryan, mockingly.

He flexed his fingers, prompting the nano-tech to form two blades. He charged towards X, yelling. X deflected his first attack but when in an attempt to counter it, his eyes widened. X's punch was weaker and had lesser aim.

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