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Earth, Before humanity's departure

2240. AD

The police precincts in Tokyo were packing up. This final day, the 85th precinct had a few interrogations remaining before loading the police files onto the Arks. The Arks were enormous space stations set in orbit around the Moon. After Anexis' destruction, a heat wave spread through the globe. The temperatures rose drastically rendering the Earth unrepairable. Since then NASA, ISRO, SpaceX and all other space agencies came together in order to make the Arks. They were ten in number and each the size of today's Myanmar. They were ramjet engine powered colony ships designed to transport the remaining 4 billion humans to a new planet among the stars. The journey would last 500 years. The crew and passengers would be in suspended animation (cryosleep) until the new Star was within vicinity. Before the Arks left the Solar System, transport pods were sent to hundreds of locations all over the Earth. People were to be loaded in groups onto the pods and then flown to the Arks. All data was transported digitally to servers. Every person with access to a computer was allowed a small place on the server to store data. Every person was also given an ID and sent to booths where their ID could be stored. This was to ensure everyone got onto the Arks. Tokyo was one of the final cities to pack up. The people were already on the Arks except for police officers and criminals. They would join after packing up and sweeping the city for any remaining people.

"Officer Loe, the fourth guy is in for arson." said a policeman. "We can wrap up after we're done with him."

"I'll handle the interrogation." said Loe. "You can go to the pods now, detective."

The detective saluted the officer and left with his bag.

In the interrogation room a man with a scruffy beard and mustache sat tied to the chair.

"I told you, man! Alester is the criminal. He tortured me for twenty years! He... he-" said the man before he was interrupted.

"Sir I need you to call down. You were caught burning his lab. Ethan Alester has been missing for over a century." replied the officer in the room.


Loe entered the room.

"I'll take it from here officer. Thank you." said Loe.

The officer left the room leaving Loe with the man tied to the chair.

"I know you! Who are you? I've seen you somewhere." said the man in the chair.

"Hello X. That is what you been called haven't you?" said Loe. "That's what Ethan Alester called you isn't it?"

"Yes but- how do you know that?" said X.

"Hello X. I am L." said Loe. "You are somehow the only survivor of Anexis. I know that there is something in you that you don't understand."

"What are you- I'm not alone am I?"

"You, me and unfortunately Ethan are the future. We are immortal." said L. "Join me and together we can become gods. With that power we have together will be able to kill Ethan Alester. I've watched you for a line time, X. I know what he did to you. He will pay."

A smile spread across X's face. "Straight to the point... ok." said X, pausing for a moment.

"What's the plan?"

"We need to disappear. I'll cause an explosion. Since Tokyo is almost packed up, there will not be any casualties. Then both of us will be claimed dead and we can work in secrecy." said L.


"It's been a while since I had fun with work." said L.

He raised his hands and planted them firmly on the table. Within seconds the precinct was surrounded by white blinding light. When the light faded, an explosion engulfed the building.

A week later, the Arks departed the Solar System along with all three immortals. The ship's drifted in silence as they propellers themselves towards a new home. The new planet's name was Terra. It has two moons which were named Zeus and Hades based on their appearance. The system had seven planets and an outer asteroid belt. After one year in the ship, the 4 billion were kept in cryosleep as the computer maintained its course for the next few centuries. This began a new chapter in the history of the human race.

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