Acting like brothers

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Earth 2048 AD

Ethan Van Alester's lab

"Sir, I would like to run a large scale experiment," said L through his speakers.

"Ok. I am permitted to give you the tools for your experiments. So, what is the experiment?" replied Ethan.

"I would like to explore this higher dimension. Though my data is stored there, my sensors are in this dimension. So I would like to open a portal through which I can collect data."

"Intriguing. There's a canal that surrounds the city. Currently abandoned. If the circular canal is connected through the center of the city, we could accelerate particles around it, which builds up energy. The sides of the canal will probably be completely turned into energy but that can be used to open a portal so that you can send your sensors through it."

"That was.. More information than I was expecting but... thank you." said the computer.

"Shall we begin?"

Terra, 3109 AD

Alester's home 126 North Anexis Central

"Target in position."


"Device Ready."

"Begin operation."

Jas ran behind a bush with the cylinder. "I see 'em" said Jas as he watched Manuel and his friend. His hair was curly with a slight orange tint unlike before which indicated to Ryan that he was trying to change something in his social status and the hairstyle change was a sort of tactic he was trying to use.   

"Fry 'em" said Ryan through a communicator.

"My friend, we must wait for the 'opportune' moment." replied Jas.


"One more thing, we aren't trying to turn them into donuts. Stop saying 'fry em' like some psycho."

"Pfft, no! Of course I didn't want to kill them! Pshhh" replied Ryan while laughing nervously. "Speaking of donuts, how about we grab some? I hear there is a new place. They sell the best Original Glazed."

"I'm more of a Pink Frosted Sprinkled person" said Zack.

"Guys, guys, guys! Focus! The choco-coated is clearly the king." said Jas.

"No! NO! It's the Original Glaze and nothing else! You see a donut must have a few things - taste, mouth feel, appetizing look, throwability..." said Ryan.

"Wait... mouth feel? Throwability?" said Jas

"Uh, yeah! Read my part time food blog!" said Ryan "And frankly, the pink frosted sprinkled feels like biting into a knife!"

"Guys shut up! We'll get three donuts!" said Zack.

"Fine." replied both the others, ending the discussion on donuts.

"Woah." said Jas. "Dude, Ryan, check this out! Manuel's trying to impress someone! Hold on, I'll increase the mic range." He turns a knob. Ryan and Zack hear Manuel's conversation. He wore black shorts and a grey jersey with orange letters that spelled his own name. 

"... yeah so, if I get another shot from the half line, we go to the new donut joint. I hear they do brilliant Original Glazed."

"Hey Jas?" said Ryan through the communicator.


"Original Glazed." said Ryan, jokingly.

"Shut up. Also, this is the opportune moment."

"Deal." said the girl Manuel was talking to.

Jas aimed the cylinder at Manuels belt from the back. He waits till Manuel is midair in his shot and fires a small charge at the belt, just strong enough to break it open. Then he presses the button again and aims for his rear. His sports shorts land crumpled onto the ground just as he is a second away from the basket. Manuel reaches for his falling shorts causing him to lose his aim and drops the basketball in the process. Then the second charge hit setting his briefs on fire. For a minute it looked like he was being propelled forward by his rear.


As Manuel lands the court erupts in laughter. 

A few hours later Zack, Ryan and Jas were sitting on their house's balcony. The sun was setting and its magnificent decent into the horizon triggered hundereds of people on social media to take pictures of themselves with the daily event in the background and post it along with the most unrelated caption. Zack would have followed the trend that day but instead chose to sit with his brothers.

"That was awesome." said Zack.

"Y'know it's somehow better with you hanging out with us," said Jas.

"Totally. You guys aren't the unfriendly jerks that I always thought you were." replied Ryan.

Ryan picked up the cylinder. "All thanks to this." He pressed the button on the side making it elongated. He fired a charge in a random direction.


"Hey, Ryan. We'll always be there for you."

"Thanks guys." said Ryan putting his arm on Jas' shoulder.

The sky slowly darkened to reveal the overhead moon that would be of enormous significance to them. An enormously terrible significance.

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