Chapter 1

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What in the world is this book. I'm not even kidding you, I wrote this in 5th grade. So overly dramatic for no reason.

My family descended from a long line of purebloods, so, naturally, we were kind of rich. I had brand new robes every year, the latest and best brooms, lived in a mansion, and had a few house elves for my every need.  I didn't really like this life though. It wasn't for me.


"He's so discusting." Lily commented.  We were watching James Potter and his friends a safe distance away from them in the Great Hall. "Yeah." I agreed with her, munching on my bacon. If you said anything against what she thought about James Potter let's just say you would be in for a rough year.

"Anyways," I said turning to her, "how's prefect life?" She smiled at me. "Amazing! You should just see the bathroom that we get!" I couldn't believe that when she thought of being a prefect the bathroom is the first thing that comes to her mind. "And Remus is really nice too, but the bathroom!" I laughed.

"Oh! And speak of the devil!" I said looking over at the figure walking towards us. "What? The bathroom?" "No, Silly!" I said punching her arm playfully. "Remus!" "Oh...."

"Good morning, Ladies." Remus greeted coming up behind Lily. "Good morning, Remus." we said in return.  "Lily, Professor Dumbledore wants to talk to us." Remus informed her. "Oh! Um, sorry, Bree, but I-" "Duty calls." She nodded and hugged me goodbye. "See you later!" I called as she left the Hall. She turned around and waved, then disappeared around the corner.


I didn't see Lily and Remus until dinner that day. They walked in looking concered and sad. I didn't know what Dumbledore had needed them for, but it could've been good.

Instead of sitting with James, Sirius, and Peter like usual, he sat with me and Lily. We sat in silence until halfway through eating my potpie they couldn't hold their tongue any longer.

"Um, Bree?" Remus said quietly. I looked up and ate the last bit of potpie off my fork. "What?" I asked. "D-Dumbedore told us something today and,  um, it has to involve you." I blinked twice. He wouldn't dare tell them that! Lily continued for him. "He said that you... kind of are failing and you might be expelled." She said the last part really quickly. "Oh thank god." I sighed with relief.  They stared at me in confusion. Then it all registered.

"Expelled!" I gasped. "No! It can't be! I- I can't leave Hogwarts! Hogwarts is my home!" I looked at them the tears starting to well up in my eyes. "But," Remus continued (there was more?), "Dumbledore agreed to give you a tutor so they could work with you and improve your grades." I wiped my eyes. "Who?" "Well," Lily said, "since we're really close and we'd talk a lot more than we work, Dumbledore and
Remus agreed that he'd tutor you." "

"Really?" I asked, smiling. "You'd do that for me?" He grinned back. "Yep." And I turned and hugged him. He didn't know how to react, so he just wrapped his arms around me and waited for me to pull away.

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