My Weird Dream Last Night......

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Aright imma bored so imma post the dream I had last night. Ok so I was texting the hetalia countries on group chat and Alfred started to reply first then Ludwig I think and then all the others. Well half why in our meeting Flavio (2p Romano) came on on he was all like "Can I join?" And I was like typing things, saying sure blah blah. But Alfred's sent mine before it could go out and his said "Ew fuck no" then he banned Flavio from the chat. Pissed at Alfred, I left the group chat and looked on Flavio's profile, it was cool but it was a little odd that he'd give out his address. But being weird I decide to go to his house. The neighbor hood was dirty, something I wouldn't expect Flavio living in. His house was a trailer. There was a sign on the door that said "Grandma's not home :(". So I just looked around some more and finally knocked on the door. A few minutes later an awfully happy Flavio came popping out the door. "Why hello Trinity..." He smirked.

Then I woke up. Lol weird dream right? I have a lot of weird hetalia dreams, Oh like that one time that---nah I'll save it for another chapter...

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