My sweet love

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I watched her step out of the house, locking it, listening to music and jogging away. I sighed. Why did I have to be such a monster... I like her and I scared her the first time I came into the room!! God I'm such an idiot! I thought to myself, pulling at my ears with annoyance. I slowly followed her, not wanting to let her out of my sight and wanting her to be safe. She was so graceful, the way she jogged, she wasn't slapping her feet harshly on the ground like Jeff does, she was lightly prancing on the balls of her feet. I was in love... I was in love with her. Just everything about her I was in love with. Love love love. I smiled happily and sighed. I suddenly snapped out of my love struck daze as I saw someone grab her and shove her into a small abandoned house by the pavement, I heard her scream. I stopped in my tracks, fury taking hold of me. That's when I changed... my clothes turned back into my green torn and bloodied outfit, my eyes became their black and red colour, blood pored down from my tear ducts, my teeth turned sharp and pointy, and my nails grew into sharp claws. I glitched my way to the door and slammed it  open with as much force as I could, letting the person know I was coming for them. They weren't getting away with touching her. I wouldn't let them do anything to her. I would die again to save her. "No one touches (y/n)" I growled under my breath and began to run after her screams.

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