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I crept up behind the man and whispered in his ear "YouUUU shhOUuldN'TTt HaAVVEeee DOooNee ThaaAatTtt". He seemed taken by surprise as my arm quickly wrapped around his throat, placing him into a tight headlock. I looked into (y/n)'s eyes comfortingly, showing her everything was going to be alright, that I was here and she was safe. She looked back at me in happiness, her tear stained face lightening up. The man cursed at her and he was rewarded with her glaring at him and giving him the finger. I dragged him out into the hallway and into a separate room. I flung him hard against the far wall and locked the door. He was going to pay for what he did to my lovely (y/n). No one does anything bad to her!! I saw the man try and get up and I snarled "YOuu PaTTeeTtTiCcccC pIieCCE oFf tRRassHh!!" Rage making me glitch uncontrollably . The man looked at me, the blood draining from his face. He yelled "Who the fuck are you, creep!!" I glitched forward so that I was crouching down, in his face. I snarled, and angrily said "YOOooUU AAaaRReeeEe TTTttHhHeEEe CcccRrRrEeEEpp". I will make him suffer for touching (y/n). With all my force, I plunged my hand into his stomach, my nails piercing his flesh and organs,making him yell in pain. "Please!! Please... don't hurt me!!" I sniggered at his pathetic pleading. "TTTHAATTSS WHATT THE GIRL YOU ALMOSTTT RAPPEDDD ASSKEDDDD YOUUUU!! BUTTTTT YOUU HITTT HERR DIDNTTT YYYOUU!!" I yelled, my face getting hot with rage. "I didn't know she was talking to me!! I swear!!" The man said, his voice shaking with pain and fear. I didn't say anything and I pulled my hand out of his stomach, pulling all his organs out. His body started trembling as he saw the sight of his own organs being pulled out from inside of him. I let go of them and put my fingers inside of his mouth, prying his jaws open until I heard a crack, telling me I had broken his jaws. I smiled. Now to finish him off...

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