Dreams Revealed and Lives Changed Forever

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Opening Scene:

Sydney is fast asleep in her guest bedroom at the ranch when she has another dream of the Amazon that's she's been dreaming about. Suddenly she is jolted up, sweating and breathing heavily.

"What the fuck was that!" Sydney says frightened. She gets up, walks to her bathroom, and splashes cold water on her face. She reaches for a towel, dries her face off and walks back to her bed and sits down. She looks around then grabs her cell phone and sees that its 6am. She grabs her phone textes Lauren

Sydney: Hey Lauren, you awake?
Lauren: Yeah, been up for about thirty minutes. Why, what's up?
Sydney: What time is your first class?
Lauren: It's at 9. Why?
Sydney: Can you meet me at the ladies workout room like at 8. I need to talk to someone
Lauren: Did you have another dream again?
Sydney: Yeah, it did
Lauren: Ok, I'll meet you at the workout room
Sydney: Thanks Lauren! I wouldn't ask you, but this one shook me to the core
Lauren: Don't worry, I'll be there
Sydney: Thanks, I really appreciate it

Sydney puts her phone down and rubs her eyes and says with a worried look on her face, "What is happening to me! Why am I having theese dreams?!?"


At 8am, Sydney is at the campus inside the woman's workout room. She paces around hitting a punching bag. Lauren walks in and sees Sydney and gets a worried look on her face.

"Hey Sydney!" Lauren says. "I'm here! What's up!"

Sydney stops punching the bag, looks at Lauren with a scared look on her face walks up to her and says, "Thanks for coming."

"No problem." Lauren says worried as she notices Sydney's hands start to shake. "Sydney! Your hands are shaking! What's wrong? What happened?" Lauren grabs Sydney's hand and they sit on a workout bench. "You can tell me Sydney! What was in this dream?!?" Five minutes later Lauren sits there with a shocked look on her face. She takes a breath and asks, "And you felt everything in this dream?"

"Yes!" Sydney says panicked. "I felt all of the emotions, the pain, everything!" Sydney gets up and starts to pace around. "Xena and Gabrielle was there. Gabrielle wasn't with Xena when it happened, but Xena was present and she helped me." Sydney leans up against the punching bag, looks at Lauren and says, "These dreams, they are getting more intense, more real."

Lauren looks at Sydney with concern in her eyes and asks, "You haven't told Xena and Gabrielle about the dreams yet, haven't you?!?"  Sydney then looks down at the ground as Lauren then says, "Why Sydney? They need to know what's going on."

"Don't you think I know this!" Sydney says seriously as she looks back at Lauren, "These dreams, they are far too real, and it scares me! Was I an Amazon who fought with Xena and Gabrielle! And if I knew them, who was I!" Sydney sits in front of Lauren and says, "Xena and Gabrielle's reincarnation, it was foretold! Hell, even Joxer was meant to be reincarnated, but me?!? Who was I and why is this happening to me?!?"

"Sydney, you need to tell Xena and Gabrielle about this today!" Lauren says seriously as she grabs Sydney's hands. "I know you're scared and confused right now, but they need to know what's been happening. You are Xena's sister and Gabrielle's best friend. They can help you figure this out." Sydney gets back up and starts to pace around again. Lauren gets a serious look on her face and says, "Sydney, these past few months we've become good friends. You have taught the other amazons and I so much about the ways of the ancient amazons that you've become our leader. But Xena and Gabrielle, they are like mentors to me. They got me to come out of my shell and be the strong woman that I am now. As one of their first students and your friend, I can't stand by and watch you go through this any longer. If you don't tell Xena and Gabrielle about these dreams, I will."

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