Saving Sydney's Soul

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Xena, Gabrielle and Lauren make their way into the castle, fighting off any guards that come their way. Aphrodite suddenly appears dressed in the one piece suit she wore when fighting Ares back in the caves. Two guards come at her with swords out, but she force pushes them back into a wall. She runs over to the ladies and says, "I'm going to scope things out in Ares throne room and see if I can find Sydney!" Xena shakes her head yes as Aphrodite disappears.

Two guards come at Xena, who flips over them and kills them from behind. Gabrielle side stabs two other guards and flips over another taking him out while Lauren takes the bow and an arrow that she claimed outside the castle and aims it at a guard and easily kills him. She then flips over another guard, high kicks him then stabs him through the heart. Xena takes out her Chakram and with her trademark "Ayiaiaiaiaiai-Sha!", she throws it in the air and it slices through all the remaining guards that are there, killing them instantly. The Chakram comes back to Xena and Gabrielle and Lauren meet her and look around as all the guards have disappeared to their death.

"Ares throne room is just beyond this hall!" Xena says, "Come on!" The women suddenly take off running down the long hall

Meanwhile, Sydney sits there, staring off into the distance. All of the sudden the voice of Artemis says in her head, "Don't let Ares win Sydney! You have a prophecy to fulfill." Sydney hands start to shake, suddenly out of nowhere the voice of Zara says, "Sydney, please! Fight this!!! The love for your sister is greater than anything! Don't fall into the darkness!" A tear rolls down Sydney's eye. Suddenly come into her room and walks up to her. He kneels in front of her, grabs her hand and says, "Soon you will do battle with the Warrior Princess, but remember, you are more powerful than her. You can beat her." Sydney looks at him and smirks a little. He grabs her hand and kisses it and then caresses her face, "Meditate my Amazon Queen. Soon the fight will begin." Ares says then leaves the room. Sydney looks off with a tear in her eye and says, "Help me! Please!"


Ares sits on his throne, waiting for Xena, Gabrielle and Lauren to arrive when Discord shows up and asks, "So is the Amazon ready?"

"I believe so." Ares says as he stands up, "It's just a matter of time before..."

All of the sudden the door is kicked open and Xena, Gabrielle and Lauren rushes in causing Discord to disappear.

"Ares!" Xena screams, "Where's my sister!"

Ares looks at the three women and says, "Hi Xena!! I see you brought an audience for the show!"

Xena walks up to Ares, takes out her sword, puts it to his throat and says with pure anger in her eyes, "Where is Sydney!?!"

I see your anger issues are back." Ares says.

"Only when my family is concerned." Xena says. "Now where is she!"

"She's resting." Ares says, "Preparing for the battle for her soul!"

"Release her Ares!" Gabrielle says looking at him with anger. "What you're doing is even cruel for you."

Ares looks at Gabrielle smirks and says, "Come on now Gabrielle, don't you want to see your best friend kill your lover or visa versa because after today only one of them will come out alive."

"Sydney would never kill her sister!" Lauren says as she stairs Ares down.

He looks at her, noticing her transformation, looks at Xena and Gabrielle and says, "Did you bring a new sidekick Xena? Joxer would be jealous." He then turns to Lauren and says, "You don't know when to quit do you. You might want to leave now, this may be too much for you."

"You never know, I could surprise you." Lauren says as Ares noticing the iris in her eyes flickering a bit between hazel and brown and gets a serious look on his face.

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