Roaming Mt. Olympus and Artemis learns of Ares Betrayal

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Xena, Gabrielle, Aphrodite and Lauren appear at the beginning of Mt. Olympus. Lauren looks around in amazement as Gabrielle says, "Why do we always end up at the beginning for Mt. Olympus when we come here!?!"

They all start to walk around when Xena tells Lauren, "Always be prepared! Ares Olympian guards are always on the watch!"

"Are they human?" Lauren asks.

"No! They appear human, but once killed they disappear." Xena says. "You have to have eyes in the back of you head when here. Anything can happen."

As they are walking Aphrodite walks to Lauren, smiles and says, "You're in love with her."

"Who?" Lauren says shocked, "What do you mean?

"You love Sydney!" Aphrodite says as Lauren bows her head to the ground. "I can see it in the way you look at her. It first was a friendship, but as you two got to know each other more, you fell hard for her. You're just afraid that she may reject your love."

"How do you know this?" Lauren asks.

Aphrodite smiles at her and says, "The Goddess of Love always knows when love happens. Just don't let the fear of rejection keep you from telling her when the time comes, you may regret it." Lauren gives Aphrodite a smile then walks ahead of her.

All of the sudden Discord appears, though invisible behind Aphrodite.

"Hey there bitch!" Discord whispers is Aphrodite ear. Aphrodite turns around and sees nothing. She turns back to the group and Discord whispers in Aphrodites ear, "I know you can sense me! Are you scared!"

Aphrodite turns around again and yells, "Show yourself!"

"Aphrodite! What's wrong?" Xena asks as Lauren, Gabrielle and her look on confused.

"Another one has returned!" Aphrodite says seriously.

"Who?" Gabrielle asks, "Is it Artemis?"

"No!" Aphrodite says, "The one Goddess that could make my heart or any mortals heart go from love to hate in an instance!"

Xena gets a shocked look on her face and says, "It can't be!!!"

"You three go ahead!" Aphrodite says, "She's playing games with me! I have to flush her out!" Aphrodite looks in the opposite direction, "I'll catch up with you ladies later."

Xena, Gabrielle and Lauren start to walk ahead when Lauren asks, "Who is Aphrodite talking about?"

"The one Goddess I hoped would've stayed dead!" Xena says.

"Tell me it isn't who I think it is." Gabrielle says,

"Discord!" Xena says angrily, "Aphrodite can deal with her, we have to save my sister."

In Ares throne room Ares stands in the center with a smirk on his face as Discord appears

"Aphrodite has arrived with guests!" Discord says, "Xena, Gabrielle and that girl who tried to stop you outside that pub."

Ares gets an annoyed look on his face and says, "That girl doesn't know when to quit does she. No matter. What else happened."

"Aphrodite knows I'm back. She separated herself from the others and is tracking me down." Discord says, "Xena is so pissed at you right now. You might want to prepare yourself when they get here."

"No worries." Ares says, "Xena won't have time to be pissed with me. She'll be too busy battling her sister."

"I was right!" Discord says, "You are pitting one sister against another!" Ares gives her a sly look. "You're hung up on both and you want to see who is more worthy!" Discord says stunned. "And I thought I was childish!"

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