Emotions, Drinks, A Bar Fight and A Disapearance

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Lauren runs up to Sydney just as she's getting into her car "Sydney wait!" Lauren says.

Sydney turns to her and says upset, "What!!"

"Are you ok?" Lauren asks.

"What the fuck do you think!" Sydney angrily says as she throws her arms in the air. "I find out I really am this reincarnated Amazon friend of my sisters past life and I don't know how to act or how to feel!!! I have memories of this Ephiny woman and memories of my life now and I don't know what to do about it!!"

Lauren grabs Sydney's hand and says, "It'll be alright Sydney, we will help you through this."

"I'm not like Xena!! She embraced all of this!" A tear starts to roll down Sydney's face as she says, "I don't think I have the strength too."

Lauren hugs her and says, "I know you're confused and scared right now, but you have your sister, Gabrielle and me. We will help you through this Sydney."

Sydney looks at Lauren and says, "Right now, I just need to be alone!" Just as Sydney gets into her car, Xena and Gabrielle run up to Lauren.

Sydney suddenly speeds off down the driveway and onto the road while Xena and Gabrielle look on with a worried look on their face.

"She's not taking this well." Gabrielle says.

"No she's not." Lauren says.

"I'm worried." Xena says. "When she gets confused to where she can't handle certain situations, she gets a little wild and starts drinking."

"Do you want me to follow her?" Lauren asks.

"Please!" Xena says. "We will stay here in case she comes back here." Xena grabs Lauren's hand and says, "Don't let her out of your sight and text us if anything happens!"

Lauren shakes her head yes then gets into her car and takes off.

"Will she be ok?" Gabrielle asks.

"I hope so." Xena says.


About thirty minutes later, Sydney sits outside her car looking over some mountains with tears in her eyes. Lauren is parked a ways back, trying not to let Sydney know that she is watching her. A look of concern comes across Lauren's face.

"I'm so scared!! How do I deal with this mom!" Sydney screams while looking up at the sky, "Why did this Artemis choose me?!? And if I'm to lead this new Amazon nation, how do I do it?!? I'm not Xena!!!" Sydney rips off her hoodie to reveal her cut off t-shirt.

Sydney takes her hoodie off and tosses it over the side of the mountain and says, "I can't deal with this right now!" Sydney gets into her car and speeds off. Lauren looks at Sydney speeding off and says, "You have me Sydney. I will help you"

Another thirty minutes have past. Lauren spots Sydney's car in a parking lot and she drives up to it and parks next to it. She gets out of the car and sees that Sydney isn't there. Lauren then grabs her phone and calls Gabrielle' s phone.

At the cabin, Gabrielle's phone goes off. She sees that it Lauren and puts her on speaker phone. "Lauren, what's up?" Gabrielle says.

"Sydney first stopped at a mountain ledge, got out of her car and was talking out loud, screaming to the sky asking how come Artemis chose her to lead the new Amazons. I couldn't hear everything,  but she's scared right now." Lauren says.

"What happened next?" Xena asks, "Where is she now?"

"She got in her car and speed off." Lauren says, "I tried to follow her as fast as I could, but I didn't want her to notice me. I just found her car in the downtown area. She's not in it. There is about fifteen bars scattered all around here. I'm going to have to go from bar to bar and look for her."

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