The Morning After

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It is now the next morning and Sydney is lying in Ares bed just waking up. She slowly opens her eyes and says, "Wow! My head! What happened?" As she slowly sits up, she rubs her eyes and says, "Xena, Gabrielle, can I get some coffee or maybe a new liver." As her eyes focuses more on her surroundings she realizes she isn't at the cabin, or earth for that matter. She starts to get up, but the headache from her hangover causes her to sit back down. She looks around in shock and says, "Where am I?" She takes a deep breath, stands up and starts to walk around. "Aphrodite?" Sydney yells as she looks around looking at the statues, the weapons and the gloom of the place. "This isn't Aphrodite's castle, I know she has way better taste than this shithole."

All of the sudden, Ares appears behind her with a smirk on his face and says, "Good Morning Sydney." Sydney's eyes get really wide, she turns around and comes face to face with Ares. "Long time no see spitfire." Ares says.

"Ares!" Sydney says shocked. "Where the hell am I?"

"You're my guest." Ares says.

Sydney then looks at Ares bed and gets a worried look on her face.

"I assure you, nothing happened. Ares says as he starts walking towards her.

"No! Stay back!" Sydney yells angrily, "How do I know if you're telling the truth or not."

Ares stops and says, "I am a god of honor. I would never take advantage of you Sydney. You walked out the back of a bar, passed out into my arms and I decided to bring you back here so you could sleep it off. Nothing happened.

"Ok, fine! Now take me back to Xena and Gabriele's cabin!" Sydney says, "They're probably worried sick about me." She rubs the side of her head and says " Plus I need coffee and food."

Ares snaps his fingers and a table with a feast of food and drinks appear. "Is this what you need?" Ares asks.

Sydney looks with amazement at the feast and says, "I guess I could have a little breakfast here." She sits down and makes herself a plate and pours some coffee in a mug and begins eating. A while later, she grabs a napkin, wipes her mouth and says, "Now I feel somewhat human again. Now please, take me back to the cabin, or at least drop me off by my car."

Ares smiles at Sydney and says, "Soon." He starts to walk around and then says, "I know who you really are Sydney."

Sydney stands up and gets an angry look on her face and says, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Ok, whatever you say, Ephiny!" Ares says as Sydney gets a shocked look on her face. " I seen everything, Aphrodite revealing to everyone who you really are. Gotta hand it to Artemis, even in the spirit realm, She knew what she was doing."

"Get to the point Ares!" Sydney says annoyed.

"You have Xena's blood running through you, but the spirit of an Amazon Queen!" Ares says.

"So! Why is it any of your concern." Sydney says.

"I have a deal for you Sydney." Ares says. "Join me! Become my new general to lead my new army. You have the same skills as Xena! You two are practically equal."

"I would never join you!" Sydney says annoyed, "And don't you still have a thing for my sister."

"She's to preoccupied being shacked up with the annoying blonde." Ares says coldly.

"Gabrielle isn't annoying!" Sydney says angrily. "She the love of Xena's life and my best friend!!"

"Well then, lets just agree to disagree that we each have our own opinions about her." Ares says. "Come on Sydney!! You're perfect mix to help me lead my new army in this new world."

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