Patient Profile

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Name: Levi Kahanovitch

Age: 23

DOB: November 19, 1928

Sex: Male

Species: Mixed Siberian Husky and Timber Wolf

Nationality: American of Russian Heritage

Religion: Eastern Orthodox(Old Believer). Stated he also practices some Judaism as he is half Jewish.  

Height: 5 foot, 8 inches

Weight: 150 pounds

Eyes: Blue and Brown

Military: Yes, United States Army

Marks: Scars around his back and a scar on his face. Presumed from abuse.

Arrest Records: Vagrancy, Trespassing and Loitering. Released on bail on all charges. 

Reason For Commitment: Patient was arrested by the state police under an overpass for vagrancy. He was found mumbling to himself and had sharp weapons on himself. He was deemed to be a threat to himself and others but did not present violent tendencies. Observed having a psychotic episode when in holding. 

Initial Analysis: Possible Character Disorder, Depressive Disorder, Possible Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Neurosis.

Other: Patient has few possessions including: a religious necklace(Orthodox Cross with a Star of David on the reverse), a journal, a Bible, a pack of cigarettes and several knives(all confiscated). Patient is to be kept on suicide watch. Patient is tri lingual in English, Russian and Yiddish. Patient stated he has no ties with his family in the United States nor in the USSR. 

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