Project Flint and Steel Letter 1

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Dear Research Team,

Patient Evan Thomas continues to have delusions of being a dragon. Cognitive therapy and drug therapy seem to not work on him at all. I have been doing some research and I was just granted research money by some donors. I have been thinking about possibly bringing Evan's delusions into reality by possibly changing his physiological and genetic make up through genetic manipulation. At the same time, we would need to manipulate his brain chemistry so that he can adjust to the new body. We would need a cocktail of drugs to change his brain chemistry and to manipulate his genes. Fortunately for us most many reptiles are descended from dragon like creatures so we can tweak his genes. The main issue is the secrecy we need from the public, the government and the patients. We will have a staff meeting on this issue on November 3, 1950

Do not share this memo to anyone or risk dismissal. Thank You

Dr. Angela Schulz 

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