Notice of Danger

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Complaint: Assault of Staff

Notes: Patient Levi Khanovitch assaulted a staff member in the shower area. The two were observed having an argument to which Levi then grabbed an orderly(Michael "Mike" Wilbur). Levi was observed then punching, kicking and throwing Mike against the shower tiles. Mike suffered a broken nose, broken jaw and two chipped teeth as a result. He may have possibly cracked a rib from being kicked. Levi was seen to have a cut face from being attacked back in defense. A patient(prefers to be anonymous) witnessed this and another orderly(also prefers to be anonymous) witnessed this and signed as witnesses.

Recommended Actions: Physical Restraints, Chemical Restraints and 24 hours in solitary confinement. Counseling is recommended afterwards.

Signing Witnesses:

John Doe 1

John Doe 2

Signature of Issuer:

Michael Wilbur

Doctor Signature:

Angela Schulz PhD, MD, MBBS

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