Project Flint and Steel 2

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A record of the meeting on November 3, 1950

The research team decided that the project would go forward, how it would be done and how to keep it secret

1. The proper drugs would be a cocktail of: Lithium, Thorazine, and experimental drugs to help induce chemistry changes in the brain. These will be administered in increments the day before

2. Regarding the rest of the transition we will tweak the genetic code via chemicals. We think that by slicing the DNA  and activating the dormant genes he can change into his desired form

3. We think that for up to a year he would at worst have rapid and strong mood swings and at best the occasional headache

4. In regards to keeping this a secret he would have to be committed  for the rest of his life

5. We set the date for around the start of December of next year

A follow up meeting will occur after the procedure is done. Please destroy this after you read it

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